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Audemar (played by Tucker_Dragon)

Audemar clutched the apples and turned to Lwyncelyne and with dry eyes he said, "I saw her, Lwyncelyne, I saw my mother." He chuckled, "She was beautiful and well again, at peace, if you may. I cried, something I haven't done in a century." Now maybe he could heal without the pain.
Raven (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Raven would tear up even more and grab Thomas and Matthew, pulling them both into a tight embrace as she sobbed into their shoulders. Though she would almost instantly flinch and she would turn towards the commotion, her eyes widening as she saw Organna go off and grab Martha by the throat and throw her to the ground. She had never seen Organna so furious, and she watched as she yelled at Martha in all of their defenses. Though her attention would almost immediately go to Jimmy as he grabbed her staff from next to her. She would reach out to grab it, but watched him as he aimed it at Organna.

"Hey! Jimmy! STOP!!"

She says as she gets up and sprints after Jimmy, only to arrive to late. Organna was turned to stone, and the stone shattered to reveal a child Organna. Her eyes turned red as she walked up to Jimmy and took the staff out of his hands forcefully. It wouldn't hurt him or anything, but she didn't appreciate him stealing her magic. He was lucky he was a child, a spell like that could have killed Organna and permanently turned her to stone had it not been executed properly. She also understood that he was trying to defend his mother, but he had attacked after Organna had let his mother go. She turns to Martha as her eyes remained red and her hair floated around her.

"You are extremely lucky your son managed not to screw up...this spell can kill people if you mess up, and you are VERY fortunate Organna wasn't permanently turned to stone. Your son would have turned into the monster you already presume the rest of us to be...think long and hard about what your son has just done....he needs to be disciplined, but hes your son. Ultimately, it's up to you on how to do that if you even do..."

She says turning to Jimmy, her eyes still red and her hair still floating.

"And you, Jimmy....I understand why you did what you did, but you HAVE to be could have killed her....I had stolen this staff from my mother when I was your age once, and my mother had my hide for it....with that said, should you EVER steal my staff again, I'll give you such a tongue thrashing that it'll be weeks before you fully recover from it..."

She says not threatening to hurt him, but to yell at him like her mother would have done to her. Her eyes go back to normal and her hair does as well as she lets out the longest sigh before she turns to Organna and bows down to her on her own as well as on Jimmy's behalf, gripping her staff tightly in case Jimmy tried to pull another stunt like that again.

"Organna, I'm sorry that happened to you...Jimmy stole my staff and executed his spell before I had a chance to recover it from him...please forgive us..."

She says, trying to apologize for the both of them.
Raven (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Raven would rise and look at the commotion between Matthew and Martha, her blood boiling as she began hurting Matthew, but what really put her over the edge was how she treated her son. Watching him be outcasted for using magic, this reminded her all to well of what had happened to her in her youth, and she would start scowling as the black smoke surrounded her and Crow's form took their place. Mason would be trying to calm her down, but there was almost no use. She would look to Matthew apologetically, clenching her fist.

"You deserve better Matthew....What she just did was unacceptable...I'll be back to comfort your son later..."

She says, following Martha into the house. When she gets there she kicks the door in, as her temper rises even more than it already was. Mason and Raven would be shocked, but neither of them would interfere unless she started physically hurting Martha, which she wasn't intending on doing. She would approach Martha with a speed that would leave her cornered as Crow got in her face.

"That was the most despicable thing I've ever seen, but I can't say this is the first time I've seen it...What kind of person are you!? To leave a child over something like that?! Mother's are supposed to be there for their children and help them!
NOT ABANDON THEM DURING THE SMALLEST HURDLE! This may be something YOU don't know how to deal with, but for you to try and change your husband for your benefit, and make him promise something like that?! And then to cast your son to the side AFTER HE TRIED TO DEFEND YOU!??! YOU ARE A DESPICABLE PERSON IF I HAVE EVER MET ONE!
YOU RANK UP THERE WITH PENTRE IN HOW HORRID YOU ARE!!! TO ABANDON A CHILD WILL SURELY SEE YOU A COZY SPOT IN HELL! Now that I think about it, to call you a person would be calling you our are no equal..........and you are no mother.........and I swear that if you should ever harm Matthew, Thomas, or Jimmy in ANY WAY from this point forward, I'll make you pay for it tenfold and there will be nothing you can do to stop me....That is a promise...."

She says, never laying a finger on Martha. She storms out of the house immediately after her tirade so Martha wouldn't have a chance to come up with a rebuttal. She would walk back to Matthew and Thomas, hugging them both before looking in the direction their son went. She looks to the two of them, before smiling and putting on a brave front for their sake, just as they had done for her.

"When night falls, I'll talk to everyone else. If you wish to accompany us and they don't mind you tagging along, your more than welcome to come with us to Mercia. But right now I think your son and I need to have an important excuse me..."

She says before following Jimmy. She would catch up easily and sit next to him, keeping her distance a bit so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable, but close enough so he could hear her.

"You know, magic isn't something to be ashamed have a deeper connection to the earth around you, and it's a beautiful thing...and if you would like, I can teach you how to properly channel it into something more positive...I may not be my mother, but I'm her daughter after all....I might not be as fun as her, but if you'll let me I would like to try. Besides,
the fact that our mother was willing to teach you means that your my brother! What kind of big sister would I be if I didn't help you? So? What do you say?"
Merrilee Titania (played anonymously)

Merry watched as Crow gave Martha another scolding, and as Matthew and Jimmy both walked up on the already restored Organna as she was getting her Pemdas back on.

Organna would cover her breasts and look to Matthew and Jimmy quietly from her seated position. She'd blush a bit as Matthew walks up on her and scowled as Jimmy pets her head, "No harm done, Kid. Your magic is strong, for sure... Heh, but I'll be fine if I can have some privacy to get my cloths back on." Organna hints as she scoots herself further into the tall grass. Organna really held no hard feelings toward Jimmy, and all was already well again thanks to Pixel. Fairy magic did have its perks, especially when it came to undoing magical restrictions like Jimmy had just cast.

(Stressing some parts so they are seen easier.)
Raven (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Crow would look at Jimmy sadly, as she was in control of their body at the moment. After a long time of just staring at him she sighed and the black mist surrounded her, revealing Raven as she couldn't help but pull Jimmy closely to her for a hug. This boy had reminded her so much of herself when she was his age, and all the things that she had done. She regretted even bringing up the word monster. For she wasn't calling him a monster, but simply pointing out the views Martha already had of them. She wold stroke his head lovingly, the same way that her ladyship had done to Jimmy. Her ladyship would do this to Raven when she felt sad, and she was doing it to Jimmy now. She was exhausted and her emotions were running on high, and she wanted to resolve this so she could sleep. But it needed to be resolved.

"Jimmy....I wasn't calling you a monster....Your mother thought of us as nothing more than rats long before we even made her acquaintance. You remind me so much of myself when I was your age, and as hard as it may seem, I went through the same thing your going through right now. And I'll be damned if I let you become an orphan. So like it or not, your stuck with me."

She says, letting go of him before turning to look off at the distant sky, her eyes growing heavier still as she tried staying awake for Jimmy's sake.

"As for your father, he isn't going to abandon you. Matthew is to good of a man, and he values family. All of us do. We were all orphans growing up, and taken in by my mother. He loves you Jimmy, and he won't just abandon you....I can promise you that....though you need to learn how to control your magical energy....If you don't, it just builds up inside you and bad things can happen....if you don't learn how to control it, it will end up being released in its own time and own way, and there may be nothing you can do about can hurt the ones you love if you let it get to that point....So it's a good thing that my mother was teaching you. She probably saw a bit of myself in you..."

She says, tearing up again before wiping her eyes and looking at Jimmy.

"Your magic is strong, but you need to learn how to hone it....I can help you with that....I'm not leaving here without you, so we can go when your ready. But I am taking you back to your father so he can show you that this doesn't change how much he loves you and cares for you....So when your ready, I'm taking you back."
Will Stone (played anonymously)

Will's blood boiled a bit at the small conversation Matthew and Robin, mainly at the titles of slave and master. Will hated the idea of enslaving people for gains, but with Robin, Will saw his cause as just, that's if he was actually telling the truth about why he became a slaver. But Will didn't have the strength to do anything if he wanted to, plus dressed in the clothes Robin provided, although comfortable, they were a bit weird feeling on him because it wasn't a special occasion. Will was about to lay back when Robin looked to Will to answer his question about Pentre. "I'm done with him and most likely Raven as Well, then you can have full control over him, until someone comes for him, if they do." Will told him before laying back on the cart, looking up at the sky.
Audemar (played by Tucker_Dragon)

"Lwyncelyne," Audemar looked to her, "she was beautiful, my mother. Her apparence was attractive and she was no longer covered in boils or blisters, her skin was flawless and her eyes shone like when I was young." He gave a small smile, "I sought no one's forgiveness but hers."
Will Stone (played anonymously)

Will didn't expect, nor hear, Jimmy get put in the cart. Will smiled at Jimmy and let him hold his hand until Matthew tucked his hand under him. Will took off the coat he was given and wrapped Jimmy up in it. Will looked around as his eyes changed more, this time giving him a small bit of pain. He felt something knawing at him from the inside, something trying to get out almost. He looked around for Merry, her being someone he knew could keep something away from the rest of the group and could help him.

When Will Heard what Robin said, he sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know Robin, just because I'm still a bit weak, you don't have to watch over me like a hawk or a strict mother.
Merrilee Titania (played anonymously)

Organna would get her Pemdas back on and get her boots situated again, situating her axe on her back befofe moving to join the others as the group started to move at last, crossing her arms and sending a half glare to Robin, stepping closer to his horse to address him more privately, "You know... That whole incident with Martha just reminded me how much I hate humans... I'm sure the feeling is mutual considering the history of relations between humans and orcs... But you should lay off Will for a while. He's tougher than you give him credit for. Any true warrior goes into battle and sustains some kind of injury. Even I myself had wounds by the end of the encounter. Will got the worst of it, but I'm sure his power will only grow from falling so far down. Just wait, by nightfall he'll be back on his feet and after a decent meal he'll be tough as steel once again." she says in a calm tone, never making eye contact with Robin, nor did her gaze faulter from the stern look she currently carried.

Merry would notice Will looking to her and scooted closer to him on the cart, "Signaling for me, Will? How are you feeling?" she asks quietly and curiously. She could tell that Will had something on his mind, but wasn't sure exactly what.
Will Stone (played anonymously)

Will looked at Merry as his eyes cycled colors again. "I have this head ache thats bothering me, but thats usual. But I feel like there, something, knawing at me from the inside." Will quietly told Merry.
Raven (played anonymously) Topic Starter

((so, when are we timeskipping?? Also, I decided to just make character profile's for William (Who in this rp is mason) and Crow, so that when one of them is dominating, it won't be so confusing!))

Raven would watch Jimmy sadly as he took her hands and started chanting, and by the end of it she would feel more awake than she was before. She was able to focus more, thought this wouldn't change the fact that she needed sleep. Despite all this, she was more interested in what he was saying about how he was being taught by a wizard called Emris. Though she would snap out of her thoughts as he grabbed her by the right hand and walked her back towards the group, watching as he crawled in the cart. She would turn to Matthew and sigh heavily, pulling him into another hug.

"I tried....he's strong, thats for sure...but you need to show him now more than ever that you still love him and that this changes nothing....ok....though right now...I can't...stay awake....much longer....."

She says, slowly drifting off even in his embrace. She would jolt up awake, deciding that it was finally ok for her to rest. She would crawl into the same cart that Jimmy, Will, Lilim, Merry and Elesa were all in, and scoot closer to Lilim. With all of them inside, it would be a bit of a tight fit, but she would manage to squeeze herself into a spot next to Lilim, before lying down and closing her eyes. Crow, Mason, and Raven would all still be talking, though it wouldn't be as heated as before. Her body was resting, and her mind would slowly be resting, but if she could manage to drift off to sleep, then she would be ok. But until that happened, she would snuggle closely to Lilim and drift off, relaxing completely as she dozed off.
Lilim (played anonymously)

Elesa was so sleepy by the time they arrived that the instant the cart stopped moving, Elesa tried to pass out, only to flinch and shiver herself awake again, weakened from lack of sleep and rather welcoming the safety and privacy of Haldor's cot, curling herself up and trying again to sleep, but the sharp barks of the slavers saw her again shaking like a leaf and crying her eyes out by the time Haldor returned. She'd be whimpering like a caged puppy, but at least not screaming as she was previously. She felt much more relaxed when Haldor returned with Lilim and traded the two out to let Lilim finish her sleep and hold Elesa close. The child would clench her fingers around his shirt as he rocked her, at long last drifting off to a quiet sleep, her only remaining noises being little gasping breaths and quiet cooing, making for a rather cute snore if anyone heard her.

Lilim would awaken as the light of the sky turned to orange, softly stretching and moaning as she came to, "Mmm... Mother's song will be starting soon... Not sure where we are, but... Haldor? How many amung this area like Opera? Do you know, Hun?" she asks quietly, seeing Elesa in his arms and smiling to him. The plus points he'd accumulated throughout the day would be cashed in right then, and he'd see that Lilim was quite a bit more fond of him as she sees Elesa so comfortable in his arms.

Lilim would approach Haldor and kiss him right on the lips briefly, "You and me have a date after my moms concert, by the way." she whispers seductively to him, pulling back a little and moving to help him lay Elesa down on the bed, slowly and gently enough that she'd not awaken from the movement. Lilim would move her tail to absorb energy from the voices outside and slowly gathered enough to erect a sound nulling barrier bubble just inside the tent to make it all but totally silent inside the tent, where the only sounds aside from Haldor and Lilim's whispers, was Elesa's gasping breaths and gentle cooing. A bit of an extra mile step to ensure Elesa got some much needed rest.
William Mirthhell (played by SinceForgotten)

(So hey guys! I decided to just make character profiles for Crow and Mason/William. While in other RP'S his name is william, for this one it will remain mason, so please don't get it confused! This way, i can just put down the person with the most dialogue or actions so it's easier to discern! I hope this helps! :/)

Raven would feel herself be lifted out of the cart and placed into a tent with everyone else. She would sigh heavily, as sleep seemed to not be an option for her now, as the daylight turned into a bright orange, signaling sundown. She would shake her head and sit up, attempting to rub the sleep out of her eyes to no avail. Though she would become worried about Lilim, wanting to make sure she was ok. Though something in her told her that Lilim wasn't interested in her at the moment, and this feeling would make her stomach churn. Though she would pause as she heard a familiar voice. She turned to face Pentre, and she would scowl as the black smoke surrounded her, and this time Mason would appear before him. He would stare at him intently, before standing up, as he was tall enough to loom over Pentre like a giant. Pentre should be shocked if he hadn't already known that Mason was back, and Mason would be glaring at Pentre with a look he's seen before.

"It will take more than a fire wielding assassin to take the three of us leave us alone, before I let the women have their way with you...and trust the time their done, you'll be begging for death..."

He says before walking to the other side of the tent and sitting down, folding his arms as he remained in control of their body. If Pentre had come there looking for a fight, he would get one from Mason. Mason had such a strong hatred for this man that he wasn't going to allow the other two to deal with him, not while they were exhausted. So he would remain there until Pentre left, never once taking his eyes off of him and remaining in a defense position, in case he truly tried something.
William Mirthhell (played by SinceForgotten)

William would grow increasingly more angry as he spoke, remembering all the times that he had died. First on the battlefield, where he was mauled to death by wolves that Pentre had sent after them. Then there was the raid on Merulan, that Pentre had ordered, where he was struck down by a hail of arrows. Then there was the third time, where he was burned alive whilst trapped inside his own home. Though that would be the only different death, for at that time he was all to eager to die, so that one day he would be reunited with his beloved wife.

"You have killed me three times....if that hasn't told you that you can't get rid of me, then you need to open your eyes....though now the only difference is I'm finally reunited with my wife, and now that were together, I won't go down without a fight..."

Crow's blood would be boiling to, to hear how her husband died the third time. Though for Mason's sake, she would remain silent. Meanwhile Mason would still be staring daggers at Pentre, thinking long and hard before letting out a sigh. He didn't want to ask Pentre for help, but.....

"Normally I would deny your offer altogether, but It's not just me I have to think about anymore....I have to think about Raven's and Crow's needs as if you could, bring us food, water, and a couple of blankets....That is all that I require from you..."

He would be surprised to learn that the king was also here, but knowing the king, he would probably be surprised at first, only to send out a warrant for his 4th death, even after Mason had served him so loyally for all those years. Maybe he was wrong, but he didn't need to find out. Not right now. He would wait for Pentre to leave, arms folded as he stared at him with Hawks eyes.
William Mirthhell (played by SinceForgotten)

"After three deaths, I figure this is the least you could Raven the trouble..."

He mutters as he watches Pentre leave. He would sigh in relief as he relaxed a bit, his stomach growling. Raven would be watching everything, as well as Crow, and when Pentre had left them alone for good, the three of them would have to have another major talk, about Pentre and about Mason's third death. Though once Pentre walked back inside, he would stand up and walk over to him, taking the tray from Pentre carefully and setting it on the ground.

"This....actually smells good..."

"I know! I just hope the three of us can each get to our bowls while it's still warm..."

Crow and Raven say, just before Pentre walks back inside and hands them the blankets. Mason would take them and set them down on the ground, using the blankets to make a bed later. He would shake his head at Pentre, waving his hand in dismissal.

"That's all I need from you..."

He says, digging into his bowl of stew and bread. It had been all day since the three of them had eaten, and they were sure hungry. Besides, it had been centuries since Mason had actually had a meal, and the sensation of something so delicious was something to be celebrated as he ate it almost greedily.
Will Stone (played anonymously)

Will gave no resist to being put on a stretcher and carried to Robin's tent. His skin crawled knowing where he was, but for now he would keep his mouth shut about it. He sat up and looked around before Conrad came in. The same man who ordered his men to be hanged, ordered his wife and daughter to be killed, and branded him a killer and wanted dead. A flash of fury was in his eyes as his hands twitch, trying not to lunge at Conrad and rip his neck off. He saw the plate and goblet and took them, not saying a word to Conrad and began to drink and eat.
Will Stone (played anonymously)

Will was fine until he Pentre walked in. When he finished asking about the collar, Will had just sat his food and drink down. He then turned and lunged at Pentre, grabbing him by his collar and lifting him up, his claws out and his eyes red. "You send those assassins after us, nearly destroy the village and almost killed everyone. The only thing you should be asking for is for me not to tear your throat out right now." Will told him, ready to tear apart Pentre. If he wanted to, now that Elesa wasn't in view of him, he could be free to do that if he was pushed more.
Crow Mirthhell (played anonymously)

Mason would finish digging into his food, wiping his mouth with the sleeve on his shirt, before the smoke would return and Crow sat before everyone. She would take one of the bowls and cross her legs, bringing the bowl to her and digging in. She would take a long sip, and smile at it. It was surprisingly good, and she would continue guzzling it down. It wasn't lady like to be certain, but with everyone else asleep, she could freely enjoy it. Mason would chuckle, as he thought about Will. He needed to have a talk with him later, but that could wait until they have eaten and rested. After the stew was done, Crow would grab the bread and eat it as Raven and Mason spoke to her.

"That Pentre makes me more and more mad every time I see him..."

"That bastard killed me three times...How do you think I feel..."

"We'll get him eventually....good things come to those who wait...right?"

She says, biting into the bread and guzzling down the water, finishing off her meal with a pleased smile, pushing her hair out of her face and peeking out at the other tents, sensing the presence of the rest of her friends. She would sigh in relief before going back inside her own tent, letting Raven take over so she could eat as well.
Merrilee Titania (played anonymously)

Merry would withdraw her arms as the men drew close and tried to touch her, opting to use her Aura Wind to jump over them and land safely beside Organna and her equine friends. Far too many new faces and far too many negative auras for Merry's liking, and Merry would opt to stay with Glitter, Moonlight, Pixel, and Organna.

Glitter would give a scornful look to the whips and prods the slavers carried, and Moonlight would fluff her wings and shake her mane wearily. Pixel would hide away beside Glitter's horn while Organna smirks and walks right up to the campfire, finding an archer just finishing up tending to his bow, "Hey, you wanna score some real meat for the spits? There's a good sized golden grass buck 500 yards out at your 4 o'clock. If you think you can make the shot, I'll bring back the kill and volunteer to clean and cook it. Or are you not up for a challenge because it's being presented to you by an Orc?" Organna says tauntingly, seeing if she could get the archer to take the shot. She had been walking all day and she was starving, so she was not lying about there being a worthy kill where she said it was. And a rare prize like a 10 point buck would surely be a welcomed change from the almost meatless broth that was the common rabbit stew they currently had simmering.
Raven (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Once Raven had taken over their body, she would also sip the stew, and would smile at its flavor, her face turning red. She would sip it delicately, as her mother had always taught her to be ladylike. She would drink it down, before taking the bread and biting into it, smiling even more as she took the water and drank it down, finishing the bread shortly thereafter. She would let out a satisfied sigh, placing a hand on her stomach as she leaned against the wall, trying to keep her eyes open.

"I didn't think the three of us would be able to eat that much..."

"Me either...though given everything we've been through, I'm not entirely surprised..."

"Like my mother always said, there's nothing like a good meal to soothe the heart and bring people together."

"Your mother really said that?"

"She did! I remember her saying that!"

Crow says happily as Raven smiles and takes one of the blankets in her hands, folding it up to make it a pillow, as she uses the other one and creates a spell to duplicate it, creating more blankets. She would then stack those blankets ontop of each other to create something similar to a mattress, before lying down on it and using two of the covers to cover herself and keep her warm. Her eyes would grow heavy and she would slowly start drifting off to sleep, trusting that her friends would wake her up when it was time to travel to Mercia.

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