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Forums » Help » Pictures for characters


When it comes to pictures for your characters, what are the limits to pictures I'm allowed to use? Can I use any image as long as I provide credit to the artist and/or appropriate party, or are there certain images where that works and others where I can't use them at all?
Sanne Moderator

If you have the legal right to use the images, then you're allowed to use them on RPR!
Other people's creative stuff.

By uploading or posting any content, including writings and images, you certify that you have the right to use said content. Please do not post copyright works to which you do not have a right or explicit permissions to use. If we are made aware of your use of copyrighted content, we will have to take it down and possibly suspend your account if you persist in posting content that does not belong to you.

Ben posted a helpful message that can help you find free to use images on Google here. Hope this helps!
Bryce Topic Starter

Thanks! That clears it all up

You are on: Forums » Help » Pictures for characters

Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Ben, Darth_Angelus