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Zyro (played by Valqyr)

Zyro gave Jesse a toothy grin, revealing his snake-like fangs, and slid his mug over to the human gunslinger. "Yvarza-brewed," he went on. "Drug-like substances are often brewed into the beers from my motherland to add an extra kick since my species is very resilient to alcohol. Drink more than half of a mug and you'll find yourself both drunk and in a drug-induced high." Zyro cocked his head back. "Though humans can't handle the stuff and often go unconscious a few sips in," He dared heartily.

Zyro placed a few more of his native currencies on the counter and ordered two more mugs of the same beverage. "But prove me wrong and drink a Yvarza's share without slipping into a coma, and I'll buy you all the alcohol you want with all the current money in my pocket." Zyro was always a gambler, and even if he didn't have the chance to get something in return, the simple thrill of the possibility of losing everything in a game of chance was enough to get him in a gambling mood.
Jesse Abrams (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

After his explanation of the drink, he looked to his bottle of cheap wine and slid it across the counter, over to Riagan. "Ye can keep that." Narcotic enhanced alcohol? Now that was something he'd never heard of. Despite being a small man, Jesse was more than confident that he could take anything. Hell, he'd take it if it'd kill him (which the thought of, sounded almost exciting to him), alas, a coma was an interesting enough concept to him.

He grinned mischievously. "Yer on, Lizardman." Taking the mug of alien brew, he sipped it once more. The potency of the alcohol was incredible to him. His face contorted heavily as he tried to adjust to the drink's insanely high alcohol content. He sat there for a moment, trying to comprehend the fermented narcotics.

((Perhaps this would be a good time to describe the side-effects?))
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

((i'd say it's kinda like marijuana, give or take. hallucinations, dizziness, general "far our man"-ness. feel free to make some side-effects up if you want.))

"Too much for you?" Zyro teased heartily, grinning widely in triumph of his one-way dare. "Of course, it wasn't brewed for weak humans; it was brewed with the sole intent of making the most iron-sensed Yvarza pass out. No shame in not being able to handle it."

Zyro stifled an amused chuckle and took a sip from his own mug, already being able to feel the faint senses of tipsy creeping into the back of his mind. He couldn't fathom what the beverage would do to Jesse, but worst-case-scenario was the human blacking out. Maybe. "Drink just a quarter more and I'll buy you one beer of your choosing," he offered, lowering the bar, and not wanting to accidentally send his new comrade into a coma.
Jesse Abrams (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Jesse laughed and fell off his chair, onto the floor. He was smiling like a damn goof. "Nonsense..." He said cheerily. "I have not yet begun to defile myself..." He attempted to get up back onto the counter, reaching for his glass, only barely grasping the handle and chugging the rest down like a thirsty stallion. Only he didn't down it out of free-will, oh no, he drank simply because he was angled at a lower elevation allowing him to down the liquid without even swallowing in time. As he drank more and more of the narcotic liquid, he could feel his body getting lighter, once downing the rest of the liquid, he simply allowed his body to free fall back on the rickety floorboards. Only this time, he didn't feel the stinging pain of his spine hitting the wood, instead, it felt almost... numb... He laid there, mouth wide in a grin, eyes staring at the ceiling.

"Ha!" He exclaimed in almost a high-pitched voice. "Ah beat'cha! Now ah can..." His vision began to blur, and soon enough, he felt as if his eyes were fogging up like the windscreen of a car. And right then, he closed his eyes and blissfully slipped out of consciousness. The whole time, he was smiling as if in love. As much as Zyro didn't want to knock him out, it was too late... The only signs of living was his twitching of his fingers and the rising and falling of his chest.

The barkeep looked over the counter and looked to Zyro. "If he's staying, he gotta pay rent, otherwise, get this asshole outta 'ere."
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

"Sthjegfy," Zyro muttered under his breath (a swear word in his language). He chugged down the rest of his drink, slid back on his mask, and stood up from his chair and slithered over to the unconscious human. "Yeah, yeah, I got it," he told the barkeep, and lifted Jesse in his arms.

He decided that his ship might be a good place to let Jesse sleep in peace, since his ship is an old pirate's starship and has enough room for an entire pirate's crew, but of course, it's just him manning the starship, so there's plenty of room to spare for unconscious guests. Plus he thought he owed the human a brief roof to sleep under for basically daring him to put himself into a coma. "My starship is a good place to rest," Zyro explained to Riagan. "You can come along if you'd like. Plenty of room for visitors."

((now might be a good time for a good old saloon brawl of sorts))
Umbralt The Bounty H (played anonymously)

Umbralt had been silently sitting in the corner of the saloon. No drink, no food, nothing to read, no one to talk with. He simply sat there and observed. His charcoal grey cloak covered most of his body but what stood out was the fact that his eyes had a sickly yellow glow to them. Or at least that's what could be seen within his hood.

What is the joy in inebriation when you bring it to the point of destroying even the most basic of mental faculties?
Umbralt thought to himself.

He had been sent here on a simple mission to collect information. He simply decided to stay a bit longer. He already sent the needed information forward to his temporary employers.
Riagan (played by Iltheyn) Topic Starter

Riagan studied his options before uttering, "Hummingbane." and turning just in time to collect the cheap wine. He pushed it aside, his own idle gesture indicating he didn't want it either. The cyborg observed as the other two drank a second time and snorted as Jesse went down. "Rest in peace." He quipped.

Then as Zyro collected Abrams' near-lifeless body from the ground, Riagan removed his helmet and begun chugging down his drink. While doing so he faintly recalled being told such a thing was a terrible idea, but ignored that (and the burning in his throat) to finish the drink as quickly as possible. Then he nodded toward the alien in confirmation.

"Yeah, sure." The helmet reconstructed itself over his face and the cyborg looked around again; this time out of habit. Riagan didn't think he'd really be resting there, however. That was when he caught glimpse of the enigmatic Umbralt in the back. He tilted his head somewhat, his intuition telling him just what the man was doing, though he had no idea who the stranger was there for. He grimaced and turned back toward the barkeep to idly pay his tab.

He could faintly hear the creak of the saloon doors as a new party entered the building.

((If you want to manage the reasoning behind the saloon brawl, I'm giving you guys the chance. Otherwise I'll figure it out, I just don't want to stifle someone else's ideas for the sake of my own.))
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

An automaton stepped into the saloon, accompanied by another Yvarza adorn in crimson and a 6-armed spider person. The robot looked ancient, rusty and twitching due to aged gears and pistons, and most of its pieces looked like they had been replaced with scrap metal long ago. It had a screen for a face, which was cracked, and a visor to protect its delicate glass face.

"Rerior!" The android exclaimed at the immediate notice of Zyro, its voice synthetic and metallic as though the sound was going through a tunnel. "Knew I'd find you here. I paid you, but you didn't do your damn job!" Zyro grumbled a sigh, clearly in no mood to deal with the machine at the moment. "I'll do your damn job when I can, but I'm a busy man."

Zyro reached for a pistol holstered at his hip and shot randomly. The bullet hit an alien patron in the shoulder, who must have thought the shot came from someone else, and all hell broke loose, and in a single second everyone in the saloon was at each other's throats in a massive drunken brawl. That'd certainly buy the Yvarza time to slip out of the saloon and escape back to his ship.
Umbralt The Bounty H (played anonymously)

Despite all the chaos, Umbralt remained very calm. A brawl began to form near him and after it dispersed back into the larger fighting, Umbralt was gone.

Looks like I might get that bonus pay after all. Let's hope he isn't killed.
Riagan (played by Iltheyn) Topic Starter

The cyborg turned as the Yvarza did, realizing early on that the place was about to burst into violence. And when the alien shot at one of the patrons, triggering those anticipated events, Riagan seemed to disappear where he stood.

Using the chaos as a distraction the man leapt silently over the counter-top and started to collect bottles of various drinks from the shelves. When he had enough to occupy his left arm he jumped back over the bar and crouched low, his eye on the exit.

Multiple times rampant gunfire streaked so close to the invisible mercenary that it nearly singed his armor; on one occasion an errant shot slammed into his shoulder, but his armor held firm and so the cyborg kept going. Zyro seemed to know what he was doing, so perhaps they could rendezvous outside.
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

Zyro weaved through the disorder, barely dodging stray bullets and awkward punches as he dragged Jesse along with him through the chaos. The lizard-man eventually made his way out of the saloon, barely even a scratch on him. "Hah," he crowed to himself. "Another flawless escape."

He stood by the entrance, waiting for Riagan, but stayed to the side so anyone stumbling out wouldn't be able to see him at first glance. "Should've seen the look on that android's face," he chuckled to Jesse's unconscious body, not expecting him to respond because of the aforementioned unconsciousness. "Artificial intelligence? Bah, there's no intelligence in that bot's head."
Jesse Abrams (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Within his largely comatose state, an itching persisted within the back of his mind. Through the conscious perspective of the mercenaries, Jesse was seen twitching his hands as stray bullets nearly clipped him. He dreamt of nothing, besides large seas and calm waters. For once in his life, he felt at peace with himself, despite him not being conscious to begin with.

He mumbled as he slowly began to regain consciousness, the itching going crazy once he was dragged out of the saloon away from the gunfight. A shame he couldn't participate, else... well, things wouldn't go well for those errant mercenaries. "Ugh..." Groaning, he brought his hand up to his head as a migraine surfaced within his mind. "Uh... what in Death's name just happened?" He groaned as he tried to get up. He couldn't help but nearly fall flat on his face yet again.

"W-where's mah helmet?" He said groggily as he looked up from the batwing doors ahead of them, where he could faintly catch sight of a gunfight ensuing through his blurry and wet eyes. "Well ah be damned..." Attempting to get up, he drew his peacemaker and tried to stumble his way back into the chaos.
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

Zyro watched Jesse slowly regain consciousness, genuinely surprised by how quickly he slipped out of his unconsciousness. "Don't," Zyro warned, raising his tail in front of the doors to keep Jesse from reentering the saloon. "You woke up too early. The effects of the beer are still probably lingering in your head, and trust me when I say you don't want to throw yourself into a gunfight when you're Yvarza-drunk."

He chuckled to himself, remembering the hilarious gunfights drunks had on his homeworld. When dizzying drugs were introduced into the brew, all drunken parties tended to forget how a gun worked, or were too mesmerized by their own hands that they forgot they were fighting in the first place and more often than not got killed as a result.
Jesse Abrams (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Jesse was having none of it. Grimacing, he shoved his tail aside. "What? Ye think ah'm some yellabelly whom values their life so much? Hogwash! Trust me when ah say this, Sir Lizard, that ah've tangoed with death more times than ye could comprehend and y'know what? He ain't half bad. Why worry about me anyway? My life ain't got no more value." And just like that, he pushed the past the lizardman and into the fire-lit saloon.

He stumbled at first through the batwing doors, his eyes too heavy to remain locked onto his targets. He had his finger firmly implanted on the trigger, so all he had to do now was cock and... He tried to use his thumb to do so, yet for some reason, he couldn't do it. As if the motivation was sucked out of him. His thumb went errant as it tried to pull back the hammer, going sideways, underneath, but never on point. He looked to his gun's cylinder and displayed utter confusion. With his gun out and straight in the open, almost anyone could potentially gun him down at that point...

((Jesse ain't gonna die yet. Just have them open fire on him and he'll be fine ;)))
Riagan (played by Iltheyn) Topic Starter

Riagan eluded detection by the other patrons but found it difficult to wind around them; the result being that he arrived at the door just in time to see Jesse stumble in drunkenly. His eyes fell upon the reverend's mustache, then trailed back towards the bar (now the location where a local man was getting furiously throttled by an angry alien.) It didn't take long for him to spot the gunslinger's helmet. The mercenary grit his teeth as he mulled on one of the worst decisions of his life.

Once it was made the smaller mercenary laid the alcohol he stole on one of the side tables; he turned back towards the chaos, drew his handgun and looked for the android that started all this. If found, he'd aim and fire specifically at him. If not, he'd fire on the crowd (preferably towards those shooting in his general direction.) Though his cloak did not dissipate, it rippled with the energy released by his firearm.
Zyro (played by Valqyr)

Zyro stepped back into the saloon, his towering stature making him an easy target for stray bullets. Although he could handle himself in close combat, with or without a gun, he was much better at killing his targets from afar with a well-placed sniper shot, but there would be no sniper rifles involved in this fight. He reached for the smaller pistol he had used just a moment before and crouched down as he crept along the walls of the saloon, keeping away from the bulk of the chaos for the most part.

He scanned the massive brawl, and there were only about two other robots in the entire saloon, so he managed to pick out the android that turned the tables on him with relative ease. He raised his pistol, aimed, and pulled the trigger. The sound was drowned out by the turmoil of the saloon, but the target android dropped to the floor as a bullet hit him through the left leg, rendering his mechanical limb useless for the moment.
Umbralt The Bounty H (played anonymously)

"Perfect timing." Umbralt said to himself. There was a small flash of light in the rafters of the saloon. Umbralt then dropped down quickly, snatched up the android and disappeared in another flash of light. He appeared in an alleyway near the saloon and immediately began his process of disabling the android, quickly rendering it disabled for the time being.
Jesse Abrams (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Despite his inebriated and high state, those bullets that would've hit him were narrowly dodged by quick jerks of his frame. His vision might've been blurry and his other senses near shutdown, yet his subconscious was as active as the largely sober patrons of the saloon. Despite his efficiency in dodging those flying pieces of lead, he still can't find himself pulling back the hammer and firing. Damn single-actions. Without further delay, he sauntered over to his helmet and picked it off the bar along with his hat.

Sauntering over to the counter, he grabbed hold of his helmet and sluggishly fitted it back on his head. Once done so, he reversed the grip of his peacemaker to where he was holding the barrel and attempted to pistol whip the supposed perpetrator of the chaos. Before he could even land a hit on the android, a flash of light came to be, temporary blinding the reverend. Through squinting eyes, another flash. Finally, the android was gone. What the hell just happened? Was it his guardian angel?

He looked to Zyro. "That's a shame. Though ah'd savour this moment more fully." And just then, he holstered his revolver and stumbled about until he held the edge of the counter to support his fall.
Riagan (played by Iltheyn) Topic Starter

Firing at the android meant that the cyborg was there to witness their seemingly spontaneous abduction. He squinted, eyes adjusting as the bounty hunter disappeared in a flash of light. It wasn't in the mercenary to care about the kidnapped droid but the suddenness of what happened did spark a bit of curiosity. A bullet shattered the surface of a wall just beside him and spurred the man to disappear once more and dive out of the way of subsequent shots.

The chaos hadn't faded completely; belligerents that either had scores to settle or just wanted an excuse to fight continued to do so, filling the saloon with a cacophony of violent noise. One of the alien patrons fell on their back once a human with a rifle shot them in the chest. In one of the corners a large, blonde-haired man strangled a less fortunate fellow with a mechanical arm. Others scrambled to defend themselves in the free-for-all.

Riagan reached for the bottles he'd attempted to abscond with only to realize a few of them were broken by errant gunfire. He grabbed those that remained and sprinted to the door, pushing past those he didn't know and stopping near Zyro. He looked briefly to Jesse, just in time to observe the man's stumbling into the counter.
Umbralt The Bounty H (played anonymously)

As Riagan exited the saloon, there was motion off to his right. Umbralt was sprinting into the nearby alley with the android in tow. There was then a thud of mechanical parts followed by the quiet sounds of power tools being used.

Need to be careful about that. These systems get pretty heated up from that.
He thought to himself.

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