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Forums » General Roleplay » The Dark Owl~

Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously)

There was a small barren feild that had nothing to offer. It's trail only led to dark dispare. It gave off such a bad feeling that even animals would stand free of it. Everyone wouldn't that path but for one person. Nothing made him cower in fear. Nothing made him heed people's warnings. They nicknamed him 'The Dark Owl,' he was made fun of as a child, he became cold as he grew into a strong warrior. This boy was me,Krin The Dark Owl.

I fear nothing.

His cold stare would put a hole through the ground as he picked at the dried blood on his arm. He found it fun peeling it off. He listened to the magical sound of silence and felt the free breeze brush againts his muscular, toned body. He was only wearing baggy pants, and no shirt, exposing his torso. His eyes showed signs of abuse, fright, and sorrow that was only now had been put in the back of his mind.
It was easily told by his face expression that he thought he was truly powerful. Most people would agree of his power which made him complacent and impudent. His white hair brushed againts his cheek as he stood from the black, soot saturated rock. His eyes looked up and saw what most people would call The black sun.
The sky was red and the land all around him was black. It was so dark,no one but him and a few others might be able to withstand the grim scenery. He huffed as his aquamarine eyes were pulled to the ground again.
Though powerful, he was allusive. Hardly anyone has seen this man, only heard of him. They say he is sly like a wolf and as balanced as a Crane. The truth was...

He was truly Alone.

(I'm new at this so please take it easy in me! :3 )";
Kin could see.....if she tried hard enough. She had the hood of her cloak on so her face was covered. Her bow and quiver were on her shoulders and her sword was lightly hitting her hip along with her two daggers that weren't hidden in her sleeves. She wasn't used to traveling on this land so she had a hard time figuring out which way was what.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Krin could hear footsteps. He smirked and drew his blade from what seemed like thin air. He jumped in the air as a shadow like figure came of her him and a dark owl with sharp golden talons landed where he jumped from. In this form he was about six feet tall. His wings pulled over him like a cape and his eyes went from aquamarine to honey gold. His head twitched like a owl as he soon saw this female. He hadn't seen a female befor, so she struck an interest in his mind. He fell back into a shadow and spread his wings then came up behind her. He would be really scary to see, judging by the fact he was a six foot owl.
Kin saw the huge owl and tripped, landing on the ground. She pushed herself up and looked at him. Kin made no move to get any of her weapons. She crawled backwards, still on the ground. Her hood fell off her head to reveal her long blueish gray hair, deep blue eyes, and elvish ears that twitched at the noise he was making.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Krin lunged into the air and landed in his human form, now being six foot two. He looked away from her and held out his right hand, offering help up. His sword that was in his left hand vanished into thin air as his honey yellow eyes turned back to aquamarine. His black hair slowly turned back to its natrual white and he had three feathers lined perfectly in his hair. He also wore a necklace made from black beads and black feathers. He said not a word to her,whiles also huffing. He had a black symbol over his chest that slowly vanished off and left his three, long scratch marks that went from his shoulder to his hip. He blinked one time as his eyes had slightly looked at her.
Kin blinked a few times before taking his hand carefully and standing up. She was a little frightened but she pushed it away." T-thanks." She said in a small voice.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Krin nodded one time and jumped into the air. He moved quickly and was only seen as a dark slit as he flipped and jumped off of burned trees and rocks to get back to the rock he always sat on. He sighed and looked down.

She is interesting. I've never met a girl and yet...they are so beautiful. They are more delicate and perfect. So very interesting, He thought.
Kin's ears twitched as she followed him. She had never seen anyone who could do those things so she was pretty curios. She felt her cautious side telling her to stay away but she ignored it. To make sure she didn't run into anything, she touched a tree once and a while.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He had closed his eyes and sighed. He looked lonely, and restless. He looked like he had been through a lot. His eyes reopened and saw her not too far away. He sighed and stood up then appeared next to her. He was thinking why she could be in such a grim place but...he enjoyed her being there. He slowly parted his lips. "Why are you in a place like this?" His tone was deep and his voice was fierce.
Kin jumped then quickly turned to look at him." I'm a traveler." She swallowed, a bit startled by his height. Her ears twitched slightly.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I suppose you want to leave this desselent land,so I shall escort you out. It's not a place for anyone to be." He began walking, waving his hand for her to fallow him. "This is the one place you don't wanna get lost in."
"I'm actually fine here, but I'll leave if you want." She followed him. She stayed behind him as they walked.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I would care less if you stayed or left." He huffed and stopped,turning to her. "So which will you do?" He looked at her with eyes pleading for her to stay.
Kin saw the look in his eyes." I'll stay."She smiled softly at him.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Krin smiled a little and looked away. "Fine...then I should...get you a better place to sleep." He started walking.
Kin followed him." You never told me your name." She looked up at him.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"It's Krin. People just call me The dark owl." He sighed and looked at her slightly. His cheeks were slightly flushed with red.
"Pleased to meet you Krin. My name is Kin and being called the dark owl doesn't sound that bad." She smiled up at him.
Krin 'The Dark Owl' (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Humph,thanks. I never thought about how it really sounded till now."
Kin looked ahead." I never really talk to people until now so we're even."

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