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Forums » General Roleplay » I don't understand,why do u want me 2 pu (closed)

Castiel (played by Badger_prince)

((So I usually type out of character things like this, just an FYI, I dont really know how this site works,but it seems rather close to CherubPlay.
So imma just post a prompt and..see if I get any replies.
I don't care who you rp
And I don't care if you've never seen/don't watch the show))

*The man in the beige trechcoat..he's always in the same park everyday,lying in the grass.
He rarely ever moves,even when it begins to rain,hard and heavy,he still lays watching the sky.
The grass on either side of him usually lays flat,in some weird shape,its hard to pinpoint what exactly.
Sometimes he might get up and watch some nearby flowers,and sometimes he's not there at all.
Today it had just snowed,the cold icy substance covered the ground,but still dipped down near the man,in those same shapes.
He sighed softly,he sounded rather sad as he gazed up at the cloudy sky.*
// I'd like to see where this goes, I hope this is okay! //

In that very park, another man's feet crunch through the snow as he shuffles his way down the path leading through the place. The most noticeable part of his attire is his trench coat, much like the other man's but instead black, and much of his facial features are obscured under his like-colored hat.

From where he comes from there isn't much snow, and his eyes remain fixed on the ground before him. The white flakes that had fallen from the sky had seemed almost mystical to the man, each one twisting and dancing in the air as they descended to the ground. The main path gives away to a fork, and the sudden change brings his attention up.

There is the other man, on the ground nearby. No one else is nearby, which makes sense given the weather. What is this person doing outside in the frigid air?

Padding over, the man steps to the other, slipping his hands into his coat side pockets.

"G'day," he drawls. "What's a guy like you doing out here on a day like this?"
Odd. Vincent could have sworn that he had walked up to a man, even though the other’s figure was obscured. His eyebrows rose as he regarded her strange attire.

“I apologize,” he said, raising a hand. “It was an incorrect assumption on my part.”

Then he cleared his throat before beginning again. “Well then, what would a young lady like you be doing out here in this cold?”
Castiel (played by Badger_prince) Topic Starter

*his noticeably blue eyes stayed fixated on the sky. He sighs again and replies,sounding rather sad* I am watching home,today seemed pleasant. *the large imprints in the snow beside his seemed to change shape sometimes,snow brushing away from where it lays*
He turned his attention back to Castiel. Oh, so there really had been a man here after all.

"Home?" he asked, looking up to the sky where the other fixed his gaze. "Where is your home?"
Castiel (played by Badger_prince) Topic Starter

*he points up* You are looking at it....i miss it.

((Sorry I didn't get a notification for the previous reply.))
(( No worries haha, I think it was handled okay ))

"The sky...?" He kept looking up, but wasn't quite sure that he understood the man properly. Vincent decided to take a hunch as to what his identity was.

"You mean like heaven or something?" he laughed a little at the absurdity of his own words. "Up there, high above the clouds?"
Castiel (played by Badger_prince) Topic Starter

*he drops his hand back down and slightly nods* Yes,Heaven,that is my home..but i do not think that I am wanted back.
"...Oh." He didn't think that he'd actually be right. At first glance the man had seemed very much ordinary, but could there be something else about him?

"You're serious?" Vincent asked, still unsure of how to react. "Up there? There is a Heaven?"
Castiel (played by Badger_prince) Topic Starter

Yes,And down here- *he gestures to the ground* -is Hell.
*he sit's up and fixes his coat,finally standing up fully and facing the other. The large shapes on the ground have been all messed up. From a certain angle,one might say the imprints resembled wings*
Vincent turned his head back down to face the other man. "And let me guess, you're one of the angels or something?" he shrugged. "Just a hunch now that I'm apparently on a roll here."
Castiel (played by Badger_prince) Topic Starter

That would be correct,i am an angel of the lord...or..I was. *he shrugs*

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