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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"When I'm dreaming, I can sometimes 'drop in' to somewhere real, without really being there.... I was bullied for saying that in my old home"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"ok... interesting."
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“It’s okay I’m not going to judge you for it. Ahh another newcomer. And who might you be sir?”
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I once dreamt about saving a family from a burning house and saw it in the newspaper last week"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"So maybe my dreams happen in reality in the future"
Flint (played by jackson111)

"oh hello im Flint"
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"Hey. Are you new here as well?
Flint (played by jackson111)

Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he offered his hand to shake to flint.
Flint (played by jackson111)

puts hand out and shakes it
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

looks around "So what is this place?"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"apparently a school of magic."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"It looks pretty impressive"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"uh huh."
Flint (played by jackson111)

"do you guys know where the dorms are"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"no idea. we just got here."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

Only the Girl's dorms, sorry
Flint (played by jackson111)

''oh ok''
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“Yeah well maybe we could find everything if we ask someone”
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"I think that the male ones are next-door though..." points at a building 200 meters to the left

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