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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Tarra school of magic

Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"i guess that would make sense..."
Flint (played by jackson111)

"ok thanks"
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

Nods “Yeah”
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"No problem! Hey, should we be headed to classes?"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"nope, it's break."
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“Well it’s break right now”
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"i'm going to try and find somewhere where i can get some water."
Flint (played by jackson111)

goes to hsdorm and throws my baggage on the bed and comes back
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"Oh that's a good idea... Where do I find out what lessons I've got?"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"it's on that big list." he pointed to the classes list in the center of the school. "it updates automatically, magic i guess."
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“Magic is everything around here. Hey Griselda want to go check?”
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

he came back with a glass of water. "i found it."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

"Yeah!" Walks over "So do you guys see different lessons to me?"
Flint (played by jackson111)

looks at the list"hmm"
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

Nods “Yeah it shows my classes but not yours.”
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"i presume so, unless your list only has my classes on it...."
Griselda (played by J-MoArts)

" I have Alchemy first lesson, what about you?"
Lee (played by Icyrosyseal) Topic Starter

"what do you have first, Nova?"
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“I have divination... lovely” sighs
Nova (played by CosmaNova)

“What about you Lee? Flint?”

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