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Forums » General Roleplay » Assasin's Girl

SHawn rubbed the back of his head as he walked foreward, blood covering him in ways that seem like he murdered ten people. He only murdered one. He carried the evidence of killing the target in his hand.... It was the man's head. His eyes were rolled back into his brain and his mouth was wide open. Shawn was just blank faced and he looked down at his phone, a message from the client. It read: Did you kill the man I asked for? Shawn typed back a yes and sent it. closing off his phone, he stuffed it in his pocket and made his way back to school.

As he reached school, his client stood at the edge of the entrance, his arms crossed and with a pissed look on his face. "Here you go." Shawn said as he tossed him the decapitated head. The man only looked at the head as it rolled on the ground and sighed, " Here is your damn money.. " The client snapped. He handed Shawn the money as the assassin grinned ear to ear. "Thanks.." Shawn bit on the coins to make sure they were real and examined the cash.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

Mai looked at the building in front of her with a mix of emotions. Thinking things like "this can't be happening" weren't going to change the fact that she had been placed in the definite wrong school, and although she knew that, it didn't keep her from groaning.
This literally was going to be a nightmare and all she could do was walk toward the run down building with a straight face, adjusting her shoulder bag, careful not to bump into anyone, and try to just lay low.
Not that she was very good at that, knowing her she'd loose her temper as soon as someone, likely a criminal, tried to talk to her.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

Cecilia looked around her school and spotted a new girl, “Fresh meat..” she said in a low voice to her gang, she stood straight up and fixed her leather jacket, she walked down the steps of the school, straight in front of mai. She smirked at her, “im sorry sweetie, but are you lost...?” The guys behind her chuckled
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

Shawn walked around and he saw a gang around a girl. His eyes narrowed. He sighed and walked over there, his hands stuffed in his pockets and a crooked and it wicked grin on his face. "Hey~ it's not nice to pick on a new kid.." Shawn chuckled, fresh blood still covering him.
Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

Mai refused to let her eye twitch. She hasn't even managed to step into the building yet and has already caught unwanted attention. She made eye contact with the young woman, not giving her a hint of emotion, if anything she looked tired.
She wasn't lost, it was just clear she didn't belong.
The smell of hard iron and a voice too cheerful for her liking made her switch glances towards the black haired guy.
Of course she didn't belong. She wasn't covered in blood or dressed like a comic book villain. If anything she was plain and she had hoped that would let her blend into the background. Looks like it did the opposite.
She looked back to the taller girl, deciding to answer her original question. "I don't think I could mistake this place even if I wanted to." It had quite the reputation around these parts after all.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

((Lol a comic book villain XD))

She looked at the all to peppy boy “Shawn....” she rolled her eyes, “you have a little something on you...” she turned back to the girl, and laughed a little, “why did the send you here...?” She exaggerated the you, as she looked her up and down, she looked too innocent and plain to go to this school, she leaned back and crosses her arms
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

"Man.. Girls are harsh. This is why I like killing better than dating!" Shawn signs dramatically. As he was about to say something else, his phone rang. She grumbles something under his breath and turned his phone on speaker because he didn't like holding his phone to his ear. "Shawn Mead, you have a new client. He wants you to kill Zacilis Hewnon, a retired German solider. He didn't give a reason why.. But he wants the man's head when your done. You have 48 hours to make this mission a success." Then man on the other side of the phone spoke. Then the phone went to the end of the call as the man hung up. "Well, ladies, I have to make money and do my favorite thing! Decapitation! It's a great thing!" Shawn started to walk away, his hand back in his pockets and his face blank.
Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

(Sorry! I'm at work! Lol loving this so far!)

Mai gave a shrug, holding down the urge to roll her eyes at the other young woman. Muttering more to herself than to answer her question. "Thats something I'd also like to know..."
That was about the time the guy covered in blood- Shawn?- phone had rung. She narrowed her eyes at the conversation he had let out into the open. He seemed the opposite of private for an Assassin, and it almost made her deadpan. What kind of place was this going to be? She imagined a nightmare but she was getting the vibe of a joke where Shawn Mead was the punch line.
Mai watched his back as he turned to leave, processing what he had said, noticing how clean he was compared to his blood covered front. Without realizing, her thought slipped out, off her tongue. "He's so...weird."
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

She narrowed her eyes at her, “you think Shawn is weird... well he is one of the best god damn assassins I know, apart from me..” she smirked at her, and her gang members surrounded mai, “so what’s your idea of fun, fresh meat?” They closed in on her trapping her “cause my idea.. is seeing a little blood...” she pulled out a switch blade
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

Shawn, wasn't human. For from it. He had abilities he showed to the world, yes, like strength, speed, and agility. But he could turn into something that made people shiver and freeze in fear. Sometimes they just flat out died when they saw him. Shawn was a joke, he was manipulative, sneaky, wise, strong, and fast as hell. But for some reason, he craves the sight of blood. Shawn walked away, his face blank, he can go from quirky to sedios to seconds. He didn't care if the girl died, he didn't care if anyone died... He lost the one person he cared about years ago.
Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

Mai didn't react to the sudden surrounding. It wouldn't be the first time she was surrounded by a bunch of thugs. Heck, the last time was only a week ago, the reason she needed to transfer schools. Although somehow it ended up being this school, but she didn't tend to deal well with jerks. Well, actually, she dealt with them fine. It was the watching your temper and not going overbored part that she had an issue with. They never stood a chance.
Yeah sure, having super strength and agility had a lot to do with it, but she hated it when people thought they could just gang up on her for no good reason other than she looked the target type.
She frowned at the white haired girl, not caring about the new nickname or the small knife. She wasn't in the mood for a fight right off the bat.
She raised a brow instead, her shoulders sagging as if she wanted to chill and go take a nap.
"Can't we just... negotiate?" Whatever happened to 'welcome to school. Oh no worries we're all a little weird here so lets try to not gang up on a single individual and beat the living day light out of them for no apparent reason.'
She gave a quick wave of unimportance to the thugs that seemed to follow the girl's every whim. "I like to not get violent so early in the morning. Your friends seem nice so I'd rather not have to brake any of their bones and cause a scene if I can avoid it."
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

“Hehe, oh have no idea...but sure if your so sure of yourself, we’ll negotiate..” she threw the knife into the shoulder of a guy in her gang, at the speed no human could do. The guy screamed out in pain and she just raised a eye brow, she shook her hand telling the thugs to disperse, she sat down on the railing of the stairs and looked at the girl. The girl had know idea how much harm would be done to her if they fought. Considering her ability’s, agility, speed, strength, the ability to regenerate slowly..and the gift to disappear in a split second, she stood no chance, but she liked the girls spunk, so she left her be. “So honestly why did they send you here, of all school?” She said with a eyebrow raise
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

Shawn groaned as he was done with his business with his client. He got good instead of cash this time. Real gold. Ten blocks of it. He's wondered why the man had such a high price on his head. He was about to call his boss until he saw the girls from ealier. He smirked like a asshole. "I feel some need to push around some bitches.." He grinned ear to ear like a mad man! "Hello little lambs! Have I come to cover you both in blood..? I hope not! " Shawn laughed insanely, almost like a giggle. "I got my job done.. It was too easy. Now I'm bored as hell and you girls seem to have a interesting cat fight about to happen. " Shawn grinned.
Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

Mai only glanced at the poor fellow who got a knife to his shoulder before the little group dispersed. She realized then that the girl in front of her was not only talented, but also experienced. Without the years of training she's had, Mai wouldn't have been able to follow that throw. It impressed her, yet disappointed her at the same time. Such talent was going to waste in her opinion as an assassin. But it wasn't her place to pry on why she choose that route.
She watched her sit on the railing, releived that she was going to humor her, if only for information and curiosity. Mai also walked over and leaned back on the rail, not wanting to put the effort it would have to take in order to sit on it with her because of her height. A sigh escaped. "Honestly? I think it was an accident. Or it was because every other school refused me for my short temper and it's discructive nature." She shrugged again, glancing up at her with a side smirk. "I'd rather chat than snap though."
Mai turned to Shawn a moment latter with an expression that was hard to read. Her smirk had fell and her brow was raised in a way that said 'just why..?'. It was a face she made at her two younger brothers quite often.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)

She nodded at mai, “maybe, you do belong here, destructive and short temper sound like me...” she looked down at her phone as it pinged, she looked up and saw Shawn and she raised a eyebrow and gave a look that said ‘this kid..’ she stood up and sighed, “well you two have fun with that...duty calls” she walked down the steps and then she completely vanished out of thin air and it ended their conversation, she re-appeared at a house and knocked on the door
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

Shawn graoned, "Awwww! I wanted to make the little Christmas elf angry!!!" He pouted and stuck his bottom lip out. " new kid, what's your name? " Shawn changed his attitude in a second to pouting and to a flat out monotone jackass.
Mai Connect (played by gezusgeek)

Mai wondered about the girl's words, almost offended. She sure hoped not. If she was planing to make a difference to the world in a possitive light than she needed to stay the opposite of 'belonging' around here.
She got sidetracked when she vanished without a trace and blinked. Teleportation was a rare gift and only made Mai curious.
Then Shawn's voice had brought her back to reality and she glanced over at him, giving him a scan up and down as he asked-more like demanded- for her name. She raised a brow and almost wanted to laugh. She turned to start walking up the stairs, hands in her pockets, glancing over her shoulder at him as she replied with a slightly playful smirk, but her eyes still serious. "Sorry, I only give out names to respectable people." She didn't appreciate his tone and even if he puzzled her, he obviously didn't respect her as anything, let alone an equal. If he wanted a name he was either going to have to figure it out himself or gain some of her respect.
Shawn Mead (played by Galaxy-Dragon) Topic Starter

Her attitude only made Shawn grin. "Humans really are jackasses. Always wanting something when they know they won't ever get it." His voice was taunting, low, velvety , and masculine. He may be quirky and just insane, but he can be a man as well if he wants to be. "See you later, Mai." Shawn grinned, saving his hand at her as she was farther away.
Cecilia (played by A__Girl)


She had knocked on the door, all she knew was that this man lived alone, when he opened the door she looked at him for a second and he said “hel—“ before he could even get through his words he had a bullet in his head, his body crumpled to the ground and she picked up the bullet that had gone through his head, his blood had splattered all over her face and her clothes, she shrugged and disappeared, she reappear right next to mai as she was walking in, blood still on her “hello...” she said as she stuck the gun in her holster

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