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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Hypnotica and Anima

Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi)

There was a single shop at the end of an alley, one that most normal people wouldn't go. Magicians, herbalists and the occasional CEO or adventuree would, depending on what they need, the owner Saphier(me) was well known for making elixirs, remedies among other things. A CEO(you) ends up coming in to do some hypnosis for a fear; I plan on using it for my own benifit.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

Saphier was tending to her shop. A small five room place and had a display with various enchanted items, potions, elixirs and remedies. It had a purple curtain that led to a room she did her hypnosis sessions. In the back you could see a kitchen with a small table and chair, you could even see a white door on one side that led to a bathroom and a wood door that most likely led to her bedroom.
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

He ducked into the store after a careful look around to make sure no one actually saw him. No way could he easily pass off what he was doing in a shop like this if anyone happened to see him. He looked around as the door closed behind him. But he'd heard about the woman from a good friend who had used her to stop smoking, and well dude had chain smoked since he was ten or something. So he'd give it a chance, although of course right now he was pretending to browse a bit as he thought through again what he was going to tell her.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She came out from the room with the curtain and said, "welcome, how may I help you?" She could be considered pretty and exotic though it was clear she didn't have enough cash for a bigger store in a better location or for better looking dresses or clothes. She went to the counter and said, "would you like a protection talisman, love potion or do you want a hypnosis session?"
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

He nearly jumped a bit when the woman came out and spoke, didnt, he was pretty controlled with his reactions to things around him. Better to appear cool and calm at all times than show what was going on. He turned to her and flashed a smile "Hello, the last one." Funny, couldnt even say the word, but he had to do something to get over this fear before someone used it against him somehow.
"Is there , my friend said you have a private room to discuss such things? Can we go there?" At least he wasnt throwing his weight around, he was trying to remember he should be nice to this woman, kind and try to be gentle,although it all kind of went against his personality.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She giggled a bit before opening the curtain enough for him, "you can come in here and don't worry, not many come in here; a lot of people don't believe in what I sell here so..."
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

He just might have to be really desperate to be willing to believe any of it, but proof and pudding and his buddy had stopped smoking and didnt get that bad jittery I need to kill someone feeling. He followed her into the other room. Looking around for a moment before looking at her. "Thing is, you helped a buddy of mine, he said maybe you can help me."
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She said, "a recommendation...huh. tell me what you wish me to fix and I'll do so." She sat down and had a TV behind her.
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

He looked around, noticed the TV behind her, then looked into her eyes. "I have a deathly fear of heights. I know its not uncommon, but its also something that I cant afford to have." especially not when he'd just bought a building and everyone was saying he should have a huge office with floor to ceiling windows on the top floor, and there was roof access and a helipad so it all added up to he needed that fear gone.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She said, "I can do that but, it will take awhile. It took your friend a few sessions before he could look at a cigarette without wanting one.
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

"how long is awhile? I dont have months here to get over this." His tone was a bit brisk, much more his usual attitude but he pulled himself back a bit and said "sorry, Im under a lot of stress right now. Not tryin to be a jerk, just want this taken care of." He did finally sit himself down.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She said, "it takes awhile for anyone to get over a fear. Maybe if we take a few hour sessions but, again, knowing what the mind will do makes it difficult to say." She exhaled and said, "well, let's get started..." she turned the TV on and said, "all you have to do is watch the screen...i'll do the rest."
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

Thoughts were along the line of wth watch TV? But he had enough common sense to bite his tongue and not say a word about it other than. "Alright" then looked at the screen watching it.
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She smiled; the screen had many colors dancing making it difficult to look away and easy for him to fall under her trance. She waited for his body to relax before saying, "you feel safe here, with each visit here, your fear of heights will deminish more and more." She thought for a bit and waited until, he was very deep in the trance and said, "you will fall in love with me more and more until, you think of me when you aren't working or don't have a session." She thought, 'I will hold off on him being my entertainment until, the next session.' She let the commands sink in and then turned the TV off and snapped her fingers.
Ted A Wulfe (played by Lynnicicle)

He came to with a blink of his eyes, and noticed the screen was off again. He turned his head and looked at her. Had she actually done anything? Or just turned the TV on and then off a moment later? He kind of shook himself a bit and eyed her "Is that it?" He did actually notice that she was kind of pretty, which hadnt even entered his thoughts at all when he had first laid eyes on her. Strange..
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

She said, "for now, you'll have to come back for more treatments. You should feel somewhat better about hieghts. Though if you don't believe me we can try going on the roof. Don't worry, it has a guard rail that keeps people from falling." She went out and a clock showed he had been there for a couple hours while she dealt with another customer, who was buying a couple of blue bottles.
Is this open?))
Saphier (played by Liara_Amagi) Topic Starter

Ooc-Yeah, I can do pm if you want.
(yes plz)
Saphier wrote:
Ooc-Yeah, I can do pm if you want.
is that okay?)

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