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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Everyday Chaos

Oh, Capell. He really never learns. The thief was lounging in a nice shady tree on the edge of the town that circled a large castle, flicking acorns down at anyone unfortunate enough to pass by. He had some time to kill, so that was how he was killing it. Creative, no? But when one can't eat or drink anymore, well, it doesn't leave much for recreational activities.

He was dressed in usual boring garb, even though it was a bit hot out. Not that it bothered him anymore. Being undead certainly had its advantages. Capell was bored. But nothing interesting happened. He hadn't flicked an acorn down in a while because people had stopped walking under there. EVeryone ironically thought it was a squirrel, because he was so well-hidden in he branches and leaves.
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

In spite of the heat of the day, a traveler could be seen coming into town dressed almost completely in leather armor. But from the look of her, with her skin brown and the manner in which she dressed, she appeared to be a desert dweller. least she appeared to have been one at some point. She certainly wasn't in one NOW. Clearly. So it could be assumed that she didn't pay very much mind to the heat.

The rather short woman was quite unaccompanied, and judging from the way she walked with that slight slump, she was tired and hungry, too. One hand hovered over her stomach to pacify its growlings of discontent, to little avail. When a wayward nut suddenly bounced off of her head, it made her flinch slightly. Most people would assume it was a squirrel, but Katar knew better. For one, squirrels never keep quiet. If there was one hovering around, odds are that it would be barking or running through the branches. Neither of which seemed to be the case. Her mouth drew into a thin line and her eyes narrowed suspiciously up to the branches. She was half tempted to bend down, pick up the acorn or a small stone, and hurl it back. But she thought better of it, instead shaking her head and giving a quiet grunt. "Kids..."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo was strolling the streets as well. She had been stationed in this world for a while now, waiting for the opportune time to fulfill her contract. However, that was proving to be difficult as she had spent her night doing the bar crawl and she was now emerging into a bright sunny day which she wasn't expecting. Her hood was pulled over her face further than usual and she was stumbling, yet somehow it was a gracefully, hip-swaying stumble. She wore her normal half-armored attire and whistled an odd tune as she made her way down a road she wasn;t sure if she'd been on before.

Quite pleased with herself, she took drank her last shot of whiskey; she had taken it from the last bar. She gnashed her teeth and tossed the shot glass to the side. Arms conducting, she continued to stroll the roads singing her tune.
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell grinned at his good shot, but soon the smile turned upside-down. "Hey, I take offense at that!" He shifted his weight on the branch and swung down from his legs, hanging from them on the branch now. A hand was holding his bandana over his head so that the telltale hole in his forehead couldn't be seen.

"I should have you know that I am not a kid."

His upside-down gaze spotted the drunken woman meandering through the stread and he grinned. A well-aimed flick of the last acorn in his palm would land the little thing straight on the woman's covered nose. Maybe. Hopefully he wouldn't hit an eye, at least.
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

Katar would've just kept on walking along if Capell hadn't made himself known and swung down from the tree like that. She shot him a vaguely baleful look, because...well...because she's just no fun like that. But after a long time on the road, she was just a little bit irritable.

"You certainly look like one from that angle."

An eyebrow raised when he flicked the last acorn at the ...dancing? Oh. Wait. Drunk woman wandering their way.

"...And you certainly conduct yourself like one."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo was stopped in her tracks when the acorn came into close proximity to her face. She flinched and the nut fell down her chest and the ground. She looked around her, purple eyes glowing under the hood's shadow. She saw only Katar as some of the tree still camouflaged Capell.

"HEY! What was that all about, miss?!" She was indignant and her strange accent came out. One could liken it to a British lilt, but not quite. Standing akimbo her lips pouted and she waited for an answer.
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell chuckled. "Perhaps it's the more fun way of life, hm?" He shrugged, and when the woman accused Katar of the acorn, he grinned and swung himself back up into the tree, hiding in safety. One could almost hear his chortling as he climbed higher into hidden security.

"That's what she gets for bein' drunk at this hour." he whispered. He went quiet after that, of course. Sadly, he did get a bit irked at drunks and the like for being able to enjoy such beverages. He could have some, yes, but...he couldn't taste it and it had no effect on him whatsoever. Poor boy.
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

Man. Katar is WAY too tired too be dealing with the riffraff. When Ilo addresses her, she glances over to the woman, then back to the tree. But our dear acorn slinging perpatrator has already vanished from sight by this point. Burgundy eyes narrowed and her mouth drew into a straight line. Fine. So it was entertainment he wanted? Well, time to give a performance.

She pretended to have been looking for something down near the trunk of the tree before looking distractedly back towards the drunk. She blinked in what looked like innocent surprise. "Oh! Pardon me, madam! That didn't strike you, did it?" A concerned frown, and she hung her head in apology. "I dropped something important of mine and couldn't find it among the stones and nuts that fell. I'm having an awfully frustrated time looking."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo faultered. Despite her inebriated state she was functioning rather well; uh, except for her legs. Walking was still a bit of an issue. She eyed the girl and advanced, swaying precariously from side to side while doing so. When she was level with Katar she bent in the middle all the way down until she was face to face with her. The smaller girl could see her face more vividly now; a raccoon-marking of scar tissue went across her eyes with their peculiar glow and her lips were painted a dark purplish black.

She frowned in Katar's face for a long moment with a glazed expression. "Then why did you throw an acorn in my face?"
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell watched in complete stillness and silence from above. Honestly? He was hoping for a catfight. He had a damned good excuse though if Katar ratted him out as being the acorn-thrower. A smooth one-liner, of course!

But for now he stayed hidden in his tree happily and observed the scene below.
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

Katar looked like she had no idea what in the world Ilo was talking about. "...Well, I've been tossing a few things that I think may be my ring aside, but I certainly wouldn't throw anything at a stranger's face for no good reason." By instinct, she straightened up a little to make herself taller. She hated it when people hovered over her like that.

"Maybe it just hit you on accident. Or...perhaps it came from somewhere else?" A glance was given up to the branches that concealed Capell. "...I DO think that I saw a rat or something scurry up this tree here..."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

The pirate frowned more deeply and popped straight. She then staggered backwards slightly and had to regain her balance to look imposing. "It just seems to me, that a kid like you wouldn't just happen to throw a thing in a woman's face like that."

Her mouth screwed to the side as she squinted at Katar. "Whatever. I'm over it." She tried to walk around Katar then, but her grieves caught on each other and she stumbled.
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell winked down at Katar when she spoke of a rat. He snuck down silently, not a single rustling of a leaf, and came down on the other side of the tree. He whirled around it just in time to catch Ilo when she stumbled. "Easy there, beautiful. Are you alright?" His classic debonair smile was given, his eyes twinkling mischevious when he glanced at Katar for a second.

Oh yes, sneaky thief indeed.
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

Ilo stared into the face of the man that apparently poofed out of nowhere and caught her wayward being. She looked into his eyes and smiled a seductive sort of grin.

"I will be if you're buying the next round," she offered as Capell's meager change purse was dangled in his face, clearly lifted off his person.
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

Katar's acting face cracked and gave way to genuine exasperation at the 'kid' comment. "...I'm nearly 30," she responded in protest. When Ilo stumbled, Katar had flinched to help catch her, but she seemed to be a little too late to the punch. Capell was already there, and his sudden appearance and the way he carried himself irked her. She hadn't heard him. And she didn't like not hearing people.

...Besides that, she wasn't easily swayed by cheap charm and debonair demeanor. She did, however, smirk when she saw that Ilo had picked Capell's pocket. "...Well, well. It looks like we have ourselves an honest bunch here today."
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell looked at his own change purse and grinned, laughing outright. He took his little money bag and fixed it back into it's place. "Always, for a fellow friend. And one as lovely as yourself, too." When Katar spoke of them being an 'honest' bunch, he winked at her. "You're welcome for a round as well. I'm guessing you're not exactly on the smooth side of the law either, are you?"
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

"I never said anything like that." She crossed her arms over each other and leaned her weight on one hip, then the other. Awfully stiff. She could do with a rest. And there would probably be a place somewhere in town with a bulletin board with some job listings. Even one from the 'honest' bunch needs honest work sometimes. "But...I think I'll take your offer. I'm unfamiliar with this region and I would do better to be with someone than wander aimlessly." A glance was cast warily to Ilo. "...She looks like she's had quite enough to drink already..."
Ilo Howell (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

The womans pout deepened. "That's not fair! It was my idea to begin with!" She realized she was still in Capell's arms and pushed him off as she got to her feet. She crossed her arms as well, with a little less success due to the amount of metal on the left one.
Various Characters (played by CelestinaGrey) Topic Starter

Capell released her and chuckled lightly. "Alright then, ladies. Let us go." He turned and sauntered down towards the tavern. "I'll pay for you ladies, eh?" He chuckled and just entered the tavern with both ladies. Yeah, 'cause he was that cool.

(failpost is fail..)
Katar (played by Literaphobia)

"That's kind of you." For someone who isn't exactly 'on the smooth side of the law', as Capell put it, she seems awfully...well...she carries herself a little more like a soldier than a thief. A little too serious, to be sure. But she walked like a thief with a quick, quiet, deliberate pace. Although she would slow it down a little to account for Ilo's stumbling about. "Are either of you local?", she asked as they came to the tavern.

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