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Forums » Sci-Fi Roleplay » The Helix Trials

Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He hears her gasp and turns around to not see her there. Confused, he holds his shard up onto defense mode and walks to where he hears her gasp. Seeing a hand on the rocks, he chuckles and looks over the edge. “Stop playing around. You’re supposed to be looking for the crown.” He says with a smile.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Ha Ha... please help me u--" A ray of light hits her eyes. Her eyes widen. "JAX! I think I found it." Her grip slowly fading. "How about a truce just for now? Pull me up and that crown is ours! You can't get it without me and as much as I hate to admit it... I can't get it without you." She looks up at him but no sign of fear in her eyes. Rather her eyes were smiling back at him like she's enjoying the danger.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He cringes at the nickname. “Don’t call me that.” He reaches his arm over and grabs her arm, pulling her up. “Where is this crown?” He picks up his shard and puts it in his belt.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"I think the nickname works well on you" She smiles at his scrunched up face. She puts up her hands. "Jaxon it is then I'm sorry. As for the crown. Look down at the spikes." She unintentionally moves closer to him and points at the shiny crown stuck between 2 spikes. "I'm thinking it ended up there from the last person who was trapped in here." There is a skeleton laying beside it. "Looks like they didn't make it." She shrugs and pauses. "Are you up for the challenge with me?" She smirks.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“Never has to ask. I’m all up for danger.” He says. Normally he’d just slowly climb down and try to survive without getting hit by the large spikes but he’s in a new place. Who knows what kinds of extra dangers there would be. “What do you have in mind?”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Then you and me will get along alright." She's oddly happy that he's not pushing her away like she thought he would when she first met him. "Well I'd say hold my feet and lower me down but do you think I'll be long enough? Plus that means I'd be putting a lot of trust in someone I barely know. I imagine that's similar to you as well." She looks around. "I don't exactly see any rope." She looks at his face which is studying the spikes below. "If you are wondering what else could happen, well, that's why we are risking my life right?"
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“The hole seems to be deep down. Too deep for me to hold you over and for you to successfully get the crown.” He lays on the ground and reaches his hand over the edge, scraping at the rocks. “It’s easy to scrape these off. Maybe too easy. If anyone was to go down there and get it, it’d have to be you. You’re lighter than me. Maybe you’ll hold the rocks up. You’ll have to clear some rocks out as you climb down though.” He realized how long he’d been talking and clears his throat, standing up and looking at her. “Think my plan would work better?” He asked.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Clever indeed. I like it!" She smiles at him. "So more or less we need to make a 'stairway' before I try this right?" Her eyes fill up in excitement. "You are pretty smart you know that?" She pauses for a second. "Hey... so before I do this you realize we have explosive collars on right? I had almost forgotten about them... but if his goes off well that could be troubling. Any ideas on how to remove this? I haven't gotten a good look at it to be able to see how to remove it. So, before we do this dangerous task I ask you what you'd like to do here. Have me look at your collar to try to remove this or you try to remove mine? I guess we could also leave them on and risk it all."
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He’d never had anyone ever tell him that he was smart. It was pretty motivating in a way.

When she mentions the collars on them, he feels it. Looking at hers for a reference, he tries stretching it, which doesn’t seem to work. “How can you be so sure as to if they’re explosive?” He feels for any buttons, feeling some but not risking pushing them as they could activate the collars. “At best, I think we should just go with the collars on...unless you’d want to risk your life pressing the few buttons there are on these.” He explained. “If we have any chance of getting out of here, we’d either need to be safe or be risky. No in between. Are there any other people around here, preferably dead, with the collar on, that we could test these out on?” He’s never actually talked this much in a long time. He looks down at the skeleton in the pit. “The skeleton has the collar on. I think it’d be best to risk going down there and get the crown and try to get the collar if you can.” He looks really focused.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

"Good eyes!" She looks down at the skeleton and her eyes light up at his idea. "So since I am risking my life, I think I should get the collar off the skeleton, grab the crown, toss to you... that is me assuming you are good at catching" She says with a teasing smile. "then I come up with the collar. I mean i could bring the crown but... if it explodes and I still have the crown it'll just make things harder for you right?" Her eyes are filled with determination. "Oh and the voice said it was explosive... and I have seen these before in an old movie so I have an idea but id rather risk the pattern of buttons on a collar thats not on someones neck." She chuckles.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He nods and lays down on the floor, again reaching his hand over the edge and scraping the rocks to make a ledge long enough for her feet to get a good grip in the walls of the trap. One hole and his fingers are starting to go numb from the hard rocks on the inside. He continues to scrape the second hole. “If you’re okay with your shoes possibly getting messed up on the front, I’d like for you to put your feet in the holes and scrape more holes below you with your shoes. Then step into those new holes and continue making the holes below you until you can reach the crown and possibly the collared skeleton.” He stood up, looking at his scratched fingertips, then looking at her. “You ready?”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She notices his fingertips and her brows knit together. She reaches out for a moment but pulls back not wanting to cross any boundaries. "Uh yeah I'm ready! Shoes are shoes and I'll steal some later if I ever get back home or can find any." She gets ready and places her shoes into the holes. She then looks up at him. "Thank you Jaxon." She smiles at him and makes her decent down to the spikes. She digs little holes with her feet. It wears down her shoes. She reaches for the crown. She spits on her hand and rubs her hands together making it have a better grip. She grips the spike right below the point and reaches for the crown. She grabs it and gets back to the wall. She tosses it perfectly to Jaxon. "I just need to get the collar!" Her foot slips and a spike cuts her thigh enough for it to bleed. "KYA" She adjusts and regains her footing.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

He catches the crown and looks at it. Not long he hears her yelp and looks down, seeing her bleeding thigh, but she doesn’t have the collar. “If your leg it still working, grab the collar. And be extra careful this time. We’ll tend to your leg when you come up.” He said to her, staring at the collar to see if it’s actually accessible, to which he finds that it is. It won’t be easy to get it, she’ll have to grab onto some of the spikes to hold herself up. “Ah! When you get the collar, try to rip the head off of the spine then throw it up to here! I’ll try my best to catch it!” He said to her. “Take your mind off of your leg and focus on the task. It’ll hurt less.” He's had experience with this, giving him extended knowledge about cuts and all that stuff. His first time tending to wounds wasn’t the best, leaving him partially blind in one eye, however he can still see out of it enough to know if something is coming towards him. But now, he was just hoping for the best in the girl getting the collar.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She bites her lower lip "Okay Jaxon! I trust you!" Realizing what she said she slightly shocks herself. She shakes her head and spits on her hands. "Okay you can do this" She grips one spike then another spike with the other. Then using her upper body strength reaches between two spikes. She rips the head off like it was nothing and grabs the collar. "Heads up!" She tosses it as best as she can in the position shes in. She then heads back up. She rips off the cloth on her jeans on her right leg up to the top of the wound. When she does so, he sees a nasty scar of a claw mark thats been there for awhile. (which, if curious, is in Jessie's profile.) She winces as she tears the jeans. "Heh I got what we needed!" She said trying to be upbeat.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

The collar tumbles a bit in his hands but he has a firm grip on it. When she comes back up, he watches as she tears her jeans. He notices the large mark on her leg. He bends down and takes the ripped jean from her and stretches it out best he can. He then wraps it around her wound. While doing so, he asks, “What’s up with that large scar on your leg?” Not referring to the one she just got.
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She rolls up her sleeve to reveal a bite mark too. "Well, in my world there are zombies everywhere." She looks down a little and takes a deep breath. "I was captured by a crazy woman... long story short she had a zombie hand and a head and... well her goal was to get rid of me but wouldn't you know it? I was immune to the scratch and bite... even after she injected them both with the virus." A hint of sadness runs through her eyes but she looks back at him and smiles. "But hey I'm tough and I mean I have some really cool scars right? She pauses. "Thank you for helping me. This may seem tedious and annoying to be helping me but... I really do appreciate it and you." She looks into his eyes with a kind and grateful smile.
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“Zombies...?” He had a disbelieving look on his face but continued to listen. After hearing her story, he said, “No problem. Ah...and—” He moves his hair a little so she could see the other side of his face. It showed a partially white eye with a large scar over that eye. His cheek showed claw marks similar to her leg. “You’re not the only one that’s been through hell.” He quickly moved his hair back. He wasn’t fond of showing off his scars, he’d prefer to keep them hidden. Avoiding the scar topic that they’ve been talking about, he says, “To be honest, I’ve never actually talked to someone in a long time, much less even have empathy for anyone. It’s not really a good feeling, but it’s almost new to me.” He looks over at the collar. “Anyway! We need to find out how to unlock this.” He starts examining it. It was the same model as theirs. He looks at the buttons and shows them to her. “Which one do you want to try first?”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She smiles. "We aren't so different after all huh? Of course you don't have to now but I like hearing you talk and your scars intrigue me. So.. what I'm saying is I would love to hear more about you" She says bit shyly. "ahem, anyway." She moves closer to him to get a better look at the collar. "Try the green, then red, then green, then blue one. Please be careful and hold it away or something... Those were the buttons in the movie at least."
Jaxon (played by Rekogi)

“My past is too dark for someone like you to have to hear.” He sets the collar a ways away and grabs the longest piece of glass he could find, only slightly cutting himself, but it’s not life threatening at all. She gave out a combination of different buttons but decided to do one at a time. “Do you remember from your movie thing what the green one does?”
Jessie (played by SeaWarriorRachel)

She rests her hand on his hand for a moment. "You'd be surprised what I can handle Jaxon." She smiles. "They didn't go into details but from my best guess is that the green neutralizes the system for a moment red sets it off which is why you must press green once more right after so it tricks the system. Blue is last bc once you have done all that then blue unlocks and deactivates it. It made sense in my head." She looks at the crown. "Plus look at the crown jewels! Green, Red, Green, Blue."

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