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Forums » Epic Week 2019 » Epic Week Video Explanation Please?


Okay, so my computer blocks certain videos from certain people and for some ungodly reason, it blocked the Epic Week videos! Can someone please tell me what happens in them? I know it's annoying to have to do this, but I really want to join in on Epic Week...
TL;DR version is two characters are excited to follow the main team (comic team I'd assume) through the portal; They get through and big ol' scorpions and robots look like they're about to attack :o
Make sure you're logged in to a youtube account because I haven't checked but for whatever reason the video could be age restricted. Could you tell us more about this blocking issue however? That doesn't sound normal.
Pandas71 Topic Starter

It's my computer's fault, really. It doesn't work even if I log into youtube. It's an older computer that used to have a lot of child restriction things on it, so it's basically a no-go to try to even fix it.

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