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Forums » Smalltalk » Dust 514 / EVE Online

Sooo...I've met all of two people (IRL) that have mentioned EVE Online. For Christmas I bought myself a PS3, and a few short months ago downloaded Dust. I've only played maybe three or four sessions (couple hours apiece), but friggin' love it! I wish I could play it every night but I'd probably never sleep. Except that I'm not sleeping anyway (it's 3:20 a.m.) because I'm reading about where this game came from (I like doing my homework?).

Even though I'll likely fall asleep in the next five minutes, some questions for your fun.

1) Do you play?/Have you heard of these? (Any MMO at all?)
2) How do you play? (Everyone has tactics.)
3) What do you play? (Faction/race.)
4) What am I likely doing wrong as a n00b? (Other than destroying my skill tree and buying all the wrong gear. I blame small fonts on small screens.)
5) In a nifty slew of sentences, describe your thoughts of the game?

Aaannnndd...go :)
1) played EVE free trial (two weeks), and have Dust 514 on my ps3, but I'm more active on my pc atm :)
2) on EVE I loved mining, actually. it was interesting to go looking for all the new things without worrying too much about being attacked. on Dust, sniping/stealth or high speed with fast weapons
3) Pureblood Gallente
4) I have the same problems, so no comment there xD
5) I love both games ^^ part of EVE actually inspired one of my characters (good ole' cap'n Tyron), and the link between EVE and dust is definately amazing at least. I love both games ^^
Fiaryn Topic Starter

Thanks for replying :) It's really cool that they go from controlling ships to a FPS and keep their engaging story intact. I know our rp kind of died (I'm sorry about that, btw) but Eve/Dust is one of the few military-esque things that has drawn me in so I'm hoping it helps me push my genre envelopes.

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