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Forums » Smalltalk » To new beginnings!


Lately I've found myself feeling so lost, mercury retrograde had left an ugly stain on my creative soul, but I digress. The universe has called to me to rise from the ashes like a phoenix, to begin agian. Spring is nearing and that means opportunity for growth, new life, fresh starts, turning over a new leaf. I've found myself once more and my creative flame has been lit anew. So, cheers to new beginnings.

Have you perhaps been feeling lost yourself? Maybe it's time to find yourself and get in tune with what drives you. Are you already in the process of turning over a new leaf? How are things working out for you? I hope everyone's plans for change goes well.

The past year has been an effort to change myself and my situation. I quit a toxic job, started school again, got sick and flunked school, focused on the mental health that's been affecting my physical well being as well as my home life, came out as transgender, and now I'm going back to school in the fall.

That is, if this coronavirus fiasco is settled by then and campus opens once more.

So, I've had a lot of new beginnings, and some have gone well, others have not. It's a slow process, changing your life.

Best of luck with your journey.
Valerian Topic Starter

Wow, that is certainly a lot to go through, both good and bad. Coronavirus has definitely seemed to stir up problems for a lot of people, myself included. My job may be on the verge of closing if there's even a hint of a club member or staff being ill, we're all hoping that won't be the case.

But yeah, change never comes easy so I hope that things will start to look up for you! Stay strong and take care of yourself. Best of luck to you as well!

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