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Forums » General Roleplay » Across a Crowded Room [Victorian Era 1x1/Group RP]

Thomas Delagney (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"That is a rumour," Thomas said to her as they danced, spinning her a little before returning her to his grasp - "my father is the British envoy in the Russian Court. I spent and continue to spend a lot of time there," the viscount explained, looking at Beatrice with a thoughtful glance before looking away again.

"If you're going out on tour in Paris, I might see you," he explained. He would be in Paris for work around midway into the season. Additionally, the races would be on and so, naturally, with his horses running, he would be there as well. The French loved their racing, as much as the British did almost. And there was always a demand for beautiful horses in Paris, where a set of well-bred, fine and pretty creatures were always in demand for a wealthy woman or man's carriage.
Beatrice pursed her lips together as he spun her "I am supposed to, so we may" she is distracted her eyes roaming over the girls on the side pointing and whispering about her. As the music stops Beatrice drops the Viscount's hand and swiftly pushes past a few people leaving the Viscount there alone on the dance floor. She makes it to the far edge of the garden and ducks into a small gazebo where the little in her stomach came up. She wrapped her arms around herself to hold tight so she wouldn't fall apart. Beatrice sat down and leanded her chin in her hand and frowned deeply. She knew it was wrong to run off but she knew it was to dangerous to stay that Viscount had a silver tounge and if she kept talking she would say something wrong and he joke about her to his felow nobles making her more of an outcast by the nobles. She leans back looking up and closes her eyes as she talks to herself "I sould have grabed some food or a drink, Why am I even here"
Edward Rutherford (played by Alleluia)

He found that he was disappointed she might not be sitting by the piano again. There was something about seeing here there, in her element, that he enjoyed. Moreover, with everyone’s eyes on her it made him less self-conscious about wanting to look. He could stare all he liked, at her figure, her slim fingers, the look of utter concentration on her lovely face.

When she asked him if he danced, a small smile hovered on Edward’s face as he answered “I do” with a slight nod. He was a surprisingly good dancer, elegant and precise. When he had been younger and courting, his partners often remarked on the fact they had not excepted him to be so graceful. Lenora had been one of the very few who said nothing. He asked her once, after they were married, why she hadn’t said anything that first night. She told him she had not been surprised. You only do things you know you do well, she said. And so, I didn’t doubt it for a second.

He placed his hand on the small of Katherine’s back as they headed toward the floor. Neither one of them sought its center. He gave a small bow as he took her in his arms and let the music take over.
Thomas Delagney (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"What a delightfully odd young woman," Thomas chuckled to himself as Arthur made his way over. He had never been one who had hid his emotions easily.
"You agreed to meet her? She looks a little manic to me," the bodyguard commented as he drew Thomas off the dance floor to make way for other people wanting to dance.
"I find her refreshingly delightful," the man responded with a grin and it made Arthur's face sink in horror a little bit.
"You...don't be joking with me. You're actually considering her? You could have been married to the Tsarina's cousin by now and been done with it."
"What good is a marriage of a lofty woman if I can't hold a decent and honest conversation? It's me, Arthur. I can play about as much as I want. But if I have to marry, I'm not marrying someone who only looks good on my arm," the man said, going to find a seat at one of the garden tables. Arthur followed worriedly.

"I think I'll invite her to go to the races with me in Paris. I'll have no objections from her grandmother."
"You've gone mad."
"That's a relative term. I am completely sane in my own mind, my good friend," he responded with a chuckle as he settled in to eat, hoping at some point Beatrice would decide to rejoin him of her own accord. He liked her honest. And the fact that he could quite easily convince her to say what was on her mind, even when she didn't mean or want to. It was a bit of a gift. It was why he was so valuable to many of his 'friends in high places'. Thomas was good at getting information that was hard to retrieve.
Katherine Wytherine (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"I am sorry if my grandmother's invitation to this event suddenly made you feel uncomfortable," Katherine said to him as they danced. She did find it surprising that he was so light on his feet. She, of course, like most young women, had taken dance lessons, She had been neither good nor bad. She was used to being led about on a dance floor, thanks to the number of times she had been forced to engage socially or help her brother rehearse in secret. She did find that quite enjoyable because he was such a clutz.

So she continued to dance on in silence for a while, merely enjoying the company of this man who preferred, like her, the subtle conversation that happened in silence and not in spoken word. After a while though, it was beginning to make her feel like she should say something, or people might believe there were unspoken words between them.

"So," she cleared her throat, "when would you like me to begin visiting you and Emily? Or would you prefer she study here? Do not feel obliged to have me in your home. She is welcome here. I have too much space in that music room, the company might be enjoyable," the woman finished nervously as she looked at him. He really did have an intriguing face. He was neither handsome nor ugly. But he was more beautiful than just in between. Katherine concluded it was his eyes, because they held so much unspoken thought. In truth, she was quite drawn to the subtle age lines perhaps that were creeping into his skin.
After a while, the hunger pains and the fear of her grandmother got the better of Beatrice and she made her way back toward the main area of the party. She stood on the edge for a while watching the people dance or huddle in small groups to gossip. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her now empty stomach begging for food.

Beatrice knew in order to get some food she must sit. She sighed looking over the tables to see the Viscount and his friend at a table in the far corner. She slowly made her way over knowing at least he wouldn't give her a lecture about leaving him on the dance floor. She sat at the table across from him like it was the most natural thing in the world but did not choose to engage him in conversation she just grabbed a finger sandwich off the small tower in the middle and started to nibble.

A girl approached the table to talk to the Viscount shortly after Beatrice sat but as the girl came closer Beatrice's head snapped up and she gave the girl a look that indicated Beatrice just might attack her if she stepped one more foot in the Viscount's direction and with that look and a full belly Beatrice finally broke her silence "You know, I am not one to give my toy up to another person so quickly, especially when I haven't even became bored of it yet" she strained the last word making the statement not sound quite like a compliment but it also sound a bit like a treat too
Edward Rutherford (played by Alleluia)

“Not comfortable,” Edward felt the need to clarify. She was young and lovely and talented. How could he explain without making her feel as if she’s been stranded as the date of a completely humorless man? “Just… perplexed.” He smiled, hoping to add a lighter note to the conversation with his next comment. “Nor was it an invitation, really. I have a feeling her ladyship distributed more commands than she does invitations. She seems a woman used to being obeyed”.

They danced quietly for a while after that. Katherine kept up with him easily enough and he found he was actually enjoying himself. Dorothea would be pleased, he thought, if she was here. He doubted anyone would find him a suitable match for lady Wytherine, but it was the first sign of life he had shown in quite a while. Around them couples swirled and twirled and on every now and then, changed partners. Edward felt at peace. He didn’t notice the eyes on them, probably wouldn’t make much of them if he did notice.

“I’d love to have you visit,” he said. Then, with some measure of hesitation added “Though in truth your piano is superior to ours. Perhaps… we can alternate? You visit us once a week and we you the other time?” Was twice a week too much to ask for? He wasn’t sure. If he was a self-reflecting man, he might have realized more was one his mind than his daughter’s musical education. “Emily has hardly been speaking of nothing but our visit since last week” he added with a smile.
Thomas Delagney (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

Thomas chuckled as the other young women scurried off, listening to her speak before nodded - "that is a feeling I know all too well. So, Miss Vanderson. Do you like horses? I have a mind to invite you to join me at the races in Paris," he commented, much to Arthur's horror, the bodyguard said nothing much though. He did know his place. Even if he gave Thomas a headache about it most of the time.
"Arthur. Be polite. Say hello," he commented. Arthur nodded his head stiffly and bowed at the waist.
"My name is Arthur, Miss Vanderson. I am in charge of Viscount Delagney's security."
Katherine Wytherine (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"That's my grandmother for you. She's never been one to let go of control. My father was her eldest son, and my uncle moved abroad to make his fortunes in America," Katherine explained, "but even with my mother here to run the household, my grandmother never passed the reins over, so to speak. We don't know why."

Should I be telling him this? Probably not, Katherine thought to herself as she looked at him again. It was nice being able to have a conversation like this with someone who wanted to listen. Maybe he was just humouring her, but regardless, it was a nice change to have such a free conversation about something they both struggled with. Social events. She had noted the glances of everyone else. They had been dancing a while. Normally, eligible women danced with as many men as possible. So people probably thought something was going on. It was making her uncomfortable.

"People are staring at us," she said bashfully to him.
Beatrice’s eyebrow raised a bit as Author introduced himself. “The one who likes guns, yes I heard of you” she gave a half smile “ as for the races yes, I got a new hat I’d love to wear to them .” She leaned in a bit “ look at my poor cousin and her escort they look like they are bolth turning red” she let out a slight laugh and grabbed another sandwich leaning even closer “open up Viscount you have to try this” she quickly shoved the sandwich in his mouth and started to laugh uncontrollably.
Edward Rutherford (played by Alleluia)

“Are they?” Edward asked, surprised. He thought that perhaps, if he was the flirting type, he should say something like ‘surely they are envious of me’ or ‘that’s because they can’t take their eyes off you’. But it was not in his nature to say such things. “Do you mind?” he asked instead. “We can go outside again, if you do. The garden seems lovely”.
Thomas Delagney (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"Miss, if you would please refrain from that," Arthur told her curtly as she did that, his face switching from semi-pleasant to serious in a blink. Thomas however chuckled a bit, finishing the quite sudden mouthful.
"It's fine Arthur, be at ease," the viscount said to him, looking at Beatrice a moment and following her graze to where her cousin was dancing before he chuckled - "so tell me. What is your relationship with your cousin? For you, by your own admission, admire her but also seem to be slightly jealous. So I'm trying to figure it out," he continued
Katherine Wytherine (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"Here. Outside in the garden. It doesn't matter....people will talk regardless," Katherine said to him, spinning out of his grasp and curtsying politely for the end of the dance before then stepping back to his side - "but a walk in the garden might be nice. It is quite warm in here," she continued, motioning for him to follow her out.

Katherine breathed in the cooler air from outside thankfully as they stepped out from the hall and into the courtyard. She did pause now and again to accept hellos from a few people but she did not pause to have a conversation and she kept close to Edward as they walked. She had a lot she wanted to ask him but she didn't want to seem nosy - "your sister seems like a lovely woman," she commented to him, not knowing what else to say.
Edward Rutherford (played by Alleluia)

Was his company standing in her way? he wondered. Was it keeping her for engaging with other, more suitable, younger men? He was about to retract his suggestion, replacing it with an offer to stand back, when she accepted and led him out. He would have been more flustered, but Edward was used to missing social cues. This was nothing new.

“She is,” Edward said when Katherine mentioned his sister. They had not always gotten along, but when his wife got sick and passed away, Doretha has been there for him. They had gotten close since. “She meddles, of course. She worried too much about me, I don’t think she’ll truly be at peace until she finds me a new wife. I struggle to see that happening though. I’m not sure how good of a match I make”. He hadn’t meant to sound lacking in confidence, merely factual.
Beatrice pulls back her hand back as Arthur scolds her actions. She placed her hands in her lap and looked down for a while then looked back at the Viscount when he asked about her about Kat. "I'm not so much jelous of her, like in skill or looks" she glanced around a bit "its more like I'm mad, she is so painfully shy she is letting the world pass her by,She comes from the right side of a powerful family, unlike me I get invites because I am family but I am always reminded I will never be enough " Beatrice smiles and waves her hand as she watches Arthur look at her his gaze feels like a ton of bricks. "Anyways, tell me why you haven't runaway from me yet"
Katherine Wytherine (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

"I am dissapointed you think so little of yourself," Katherine said with surprise, looking at him in surprise before flicking her fan out to cool her flushing face, sighing - "I think, though it is not my place to say, that you would make someone very happy. Despite your low opinion of yourself. It's not often a woman might find someone who is so obviously devoted to their children. My nephew rarely sees or is engaged by his father. Emily is lucky," she continued before blushing, realised she might have overstepped. She turned her head to the side so he wouldn't see her cheeks turning rosy, flicking the fan back and forth daintly in her wrist to try and calm herself.

What a fool you are making of yourself, Katherine. He probably has far more preferred options than an opinionated, piano playing lady. Could you even call herself a lady? She did very few of the things most men might look for in a wife. Indeed, she did not sit still, being seen and not heard. She had no desire to have several children. She was hardly a prize catch unless a man was looking to improve his standing.
Thomas Delagney (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

Thomas chuckled, shooing Arthur to stand him back a little ways off, so the conversation wasn't so strained by his hovering. He didn't mean it, Thomas knew, but he was such an intimidating presence, it could be unsettling for a lady. At Beatrice's explanation, he looked back across to her cousin and then back to her.
"I see your issue. But wealth is not everything. A person can be wealthy and unhappy," he commented, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth, "I am sure she might share similar envy's. Your name, though you detest the place it gives you, affords you more freedom. Travel, activity. These are things a lady like Miss Wytherine might not aspire to."

It was true, of course. American women had much more freedom than their British counterparts. As for why he hadn't given up? He was intrigued beyond measure by this woman who looked like a delicate flower and spoke like a cat that had been riled up to no end. It fascinated him.
Edward Rutherford (played by Alleluia)

“That’s kind of you,” Edward said. He thought she had blushed before turning away but wasn’t sure. Did she know how very lovely she is? he asked himself. Surely, she does. Surely it would be completely inappropriate for me to say anything. “I’m not sure women are eager for a widower, much less one with a child”. As a girl, Emily would not inherit, leaving the question of his title and estate still open to a male heir. He would make sure his will took care of her, though, he had no doubt about that.

“I wish I agreed” he said when she called his daughter ‘lucky’, and for the first time real sorrow dragged at him. “I am… not able to give her all that she needs. She and her mother were very close, and I could not spare her that pain. Thank the good lord for her music, for a while it was the only thing that made her smile”. The older she got the more awkward he felt around his little girl.

Eager to change the subject, he tried to think of something to ask. Her cousin might be a good topic of conversation, but he couldn’t think of a thing to ask about her. Paris, they’ve covered. The lessons as well. “Is there anyone here you were hoping to see tonight?” he asked, honestly confused about where that question came from. “Someone my company kept you from dancing with?”
"so in the end we are all just little birds in different glass cages" Beatrice pointed a sandwich at Thomas then took a bite "I don't understand why more people don't eat these I could have a hundred" with that she was all smiles again and ended the previous conversation because it was making her blue. She glanced around and waited for the slipt moment Arthur turned away just a bit. Beatrice stood and grabbed the Viscount's arm tugging him along "Come on," She pulled him into the garden maze, weaving around every turn laughing like a young child she finally stops when she put some distance between them and Arthur. "finally, I have you alone" her words sounded a bit dangerous, like a lion circling her prey. She took a step closer to a point that if anyone saw it would be a scandal "Now you can answer my question or you can kiss me" She lifted a hand and placed it on his shoulder as she whispered these words "Choose quickly your little guard will find us any moment" Beatrice acted like this was all a big game but she wanted to see how far the Viscount would play along. She wanted a man who could handle her wild nature. She didn't need to be tamed like her grandmother wanted but she needs someone to run alongside her.
Katherine Wytherine (played by sanahakuryu) Topic Starter

Katherine looked at him as he spoke and understood where he was coming from. Especially about Emily. Despite her and her older sister being born first, it would be her young brother who would inherit all of her fathers wealth and estate. She would be left some inheritance of course, but it would not amount to what she would have been given had she been born a boy. It was why her grandmother was so insistent that she marry well to boost her standing and her wealth. Katherine knee she didn’t care too much about that sort of thing but she did care about having to leave her home for an unhappy marriage like the one her sister had.

At his question she looked around the room and chuckled a little to herself before glancing back to him - “in all honesty, most of the young men here I have already been introduced to. My grandmother was very thorough when I was much younger about introducing me to everyone. Now she has almost left me to my own devices,” Katherine commented.

In fact, several of the married men here had been her suitors at one point or another. She had turned them all down.
“Though it might be bold of me, Mr Rutherford, the only company I was looking forward to tonight as yours.” This time she didn’t turn away but held her fan up a little more to hide her blushing. Would he think her immoral for admitting so? Or too forward? She did not want to fall from his favour.

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