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Forums » General Roleplay » A High school teen angst RP... Celebrity or Not...

Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
*Looking over to Jeremy nodding* Kimberly: Feel free to join us Lisa but Jeremy is right it is about that time and well usually I don't make it this long without one as it is. I have been craving well for a couple of hours now, but for the performance, I think it's better if we use my actual name people will recognize me sooner or later. I will gladly do a performance hell at this point I would do shows of my own if I could afford to.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I needed a smoke and bad but was it worth it? The more I smoked the more I craved another. was I beyond help? The songs I had sung were supposed to be heartbreaking and they were to me but Jeremy and Lisa did not see them that way. Why? How? I would never know for I would never ask.

A minute later...

In the backyard...

Jeremy: *Pulling out his pack of Parliament Reds and pulling out a smoke; pulling out his lighter and lighting up* Ahhhh. *Smoking* That's better. soothing.

Lisa: *Grins* Can i have one?

Jeremy: Sure.

A few seconds later...

Lisa: *With a cigarette in her mouth; feeling smooth* Hmm...

Jeremy: Kimberly, Care to do the honors? I'd do it but since this is a chance for a couple girls to bond... It's better if you lit her first one...

Jeremy: *Voice-over* What was i doing? I was getting my sister into smoking cigarettes. This was gonna ruin our careers. The Media would have a field day with this and turn it around to hurt us. However... it was not for them to decide. It was for us to. I knew that my mother Macie would not be too open. Although... this was not for her to know. Not yet. Over the years... she's dealt with enough... It was up to me and Lisa... and Saphiroth to spare her of learning about what was going on with me and Lisa... Kimberly too. As far as any of them knew... We were just conversing and just having a conversation. Of course... that is what they were thinking...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Of course *Lights her smoke as I pull one up to my lips and light it* Nice this feels good but what if word gets out about this to the press? *Smoking* I could sing another song but I don't think that's a good idea. *My phone rings and I see that its from my father and I answer putting it on speaker*

Kimberly: Well hello dad.
Kimberly's dad: Where are you? We will not tolerate this kind of behavior from a young lady like you!
Kimberly: I'm with my boyfriend and his sister or should I say I'm with some lightwoods.
Kimberly's dad: I never said you could have a boyfriend! You stupid useless mistake you will never make it! You are not good enough!

I looked to Jeremy and Lisa desperately pleading for help as I put out my cigarette bud.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Of course *Lights her smoke as I pull one up to my lips and light it* Nice this feels good but what if word gets out about this to the press? *Smoking* I could sing another song but I don't think that's a good idea. *My phone rings and I see that its from my father and I answer putting it on speaker*

Kimberly: Well hello dad.
Kimberly's dad: Where are you? We will not tolerate this kind of behavior from a young lady like you!
Kimberly: I'm with my boyfriend and his sister or should I say I'm with some lightwoods.
Kimberly's dad: I never said you could have a boyfriend! You stupid useless mistake you will never make it! You are not good enough!

I looked to Jeremy and Lisa desperately pleading for help as I put out my cigarette bud.

Jeremy took the phone and honed into his Alter-identity...

Jeremy: *As Passion Kiss* Okay... Now listen here, Honey. You can just shut the trash venom mouth before someone stuffs a pacifier into your mouth laced with the same venom you spew... Then sow your mouth shut? Kimberly is a wonderful person... a Sweet honey and the way you treat her... it is inexcusable and unforgivable. You want to fight... you're gonna lose. Because there is one thing that we Lightfoot's know and that's all kids... teens are somebody. They are entitled to love and be loved. Since you can't do that for Kimberly... You shouldn't even be a PARENT! You're a DISGRACE! So... listen as Passion Kiss relays something to you. From Passion Kiss to you: SASHAY AWAY!

Lisa: *Groans*...

Saphiroth: *Running to get their mother* ...

A Minute later...


Macie: *On the Phone* Hello... Mr. Gillerson. Mrs. Lightfoot. Listen... I am on the phone right now with the D.A Nick Harrison and from what marks i saw on Kimberly... i know that they were done by another person and Kimberly didn't have to say who gave her those marks. I am fairly aware that it was you and her mother. I took pictures of the marks and turned them over to the D.A. He's gonna just love kissing you with legal prosecution in the highest order for Child Abuse. And oh yeah... Just in case you want to know who i am... They call me the Rising Star. And i represent Love and Light. You... You're trash and a POOR EXCUSE OF A PARENT!


Nick: *On the Phone* Excuse me, Sir... I'm gonna be over there with the legal papers in just a moment. You are being served with prosecution for abusing a Minor. inflicting mental and emotion scars and trauma. That's a high felony chargeable with a high sentence if convicted... lasts up to 15 years in Prison. You want to play at posing warden on a minor... You're gonna find that you sir... have made a HUGE MISTAKE! Till further notice... I'm awarding sole custody of Kimberly to Mrs. Lightfoot where she will stay till after the trial where she will be awarded to your oldest daughter Linda Gillerson. You as of now are stripped of your custody of Kimberly... Pending the trial.

After the call...

Jeremy: See? Told you that we would have your back. We don't fool around.

Lisa: *In the shadows; Smoking*...
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: Thanks for that but. . . actually never mind it's not important. Do you mind if I step out for a minute I need to think about some things and well just yeah I need time to think. *Getting up a worried and pained expression on my face* Look the help is amazing and well a positive note in my life but I still need time to think it's just a lot but the help is amazing and I won't have to worry about my parents. So thank you for the help but can I please step out to think?

Kimberly: *voice-over* I did need to think but it wasn't that I was feeling well bad I had got my family in trouble but yet I still felt bad. I knew why I was treated the way I was but weren't all kids treated that way, at least that's what I was told. I was hoping they would let me step out then I could escape and go get a drink and have a smoke in peace to clear my thoughts. After my thoughts were clear I would be able to think more and appreciate everything the lightwoods have done for me.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: Thanks for that but. . . actually never mind it's not important. Do you mind if I step out for a minute I need to think about some things and well just yeah I need time to think. *Getting up a worried and pained expression on my face* Look the help is amazing and well a positive note in my life but I still need time to think it's just a lot but the help is amazing and I won't have to worry about my parents. So thank you for the help but can I please step out to think?

Kimberly: *voice-over* I did need to think but it wasn't that I was feeling well bad I had got my family in trouble but yet I still felt bad. I knew why I was treated the way I was but weren't all kids treated that way, at least that's what I was told. I was hoping they would let me step out then I could escape and go get a drink and have a smoke in peace to clear my thoughts. After my thoughts were clear I would be able to think more and appreciate everything the lightwoods have done for me.

Jeremy: You and I can both go to clear our minds. Kimberly, It's gonna be okay.

Macie: Kimberly... You didn't get anyone in trouble that didn't deserve it. Your parents... were nailed and you did right. Loving them does not open the entitlement of them getting the free reign to abuse you. That is not unconditional love. That's a means to many years of a fractured mind not knowing what's right. It's not right.

Nick: Precisely.

Macie: Kimberly... it will be okay. Don't cry... or stress. Don't worry. You're gonna be okay. We make that promise to you...

As soon as they were by the other side where there was a patch of shrubbery...

Jeremy: *Holding Kimberly close and consoling her* You must be rather... rattled. Are you okay? You gonna be alright. Right?

Jeremy: *Voice-over* From the way things were going... i knew that Kimberly was undergoing a mad rush of emotion... sadness and happiness and Joy which were most likely... Without a doubt. flooding her and stressing her as she was with so many questions and with so much relief. Her demeanor was saying as much... It was clear that what i was seeing was a new Kimberly. One who was with clarity that there wouldn't be fear... no fear. I wanted to always assure her that everything would be okay. My love for her was never gonna fade. I knew she was aware... but never did i want for her to forget that. Her parents were gonna be turned in... She was gonna get justice. Love too. All of this was playing like a film production before her... us. Me. For me to speak to her father using my Passion Kiss persona... That was very surprising to me. I was surprised... however i do suspect that Kimberly was deeply moved. I am very sure of it. Question was... would she reflect on that as well as other things?
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I'll be fine I guess it's just a lot to handle. Emotions are running high right now and tensions could never be worse between me and my ex's. Hey, also thanks for using your passion kiss persona to shut up my dad. I feel so different it's like something has changed in me or with how I'm thinking but I don't know what. I'm trying not to stress out or cry but it's just all too much for me to handle.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I was hoping for some time alone so I could get a drink or have a smoke alone but being with Jeremy was about as helpful as drinking or smoking. My exes have been blowing up my phone for days I of course left them on read but was it time to tell Jeremy what the texts said and about the phone calls? Or was it better to lie and play it off as nothing.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I'll be fine I guess it's just a lot to handle. Emotions are running high right now and tensions could never be worse between me and my ex's. Hey, also thanks for using your passion kiss persona to shut up my dad. I feel so different it's like something has changed in me or with how I'm thinking but I don't know what. I'm trying not to stress out or cry but it's just all too much for me to handle.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I was hoping for some time alone so I could get a drink or have a smoke alone but being with Jeremy was about as helpful as drinking or smoking. My exes have been blowing up my phone for days I of course left them on read but was it time to tell Jeremy what the texts said and about the phone calls? Or was it better to lie and play it off as nothing.

Jeremy: What about your Ex's? You can tell me. I will be here for you to use the arms to cry into. You don't need to ever hide anything. I am here for you. Always. Always. Never forget that.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* Now... the full reveal. I wanted to hear what she had to tell. This was to be most important for her to do. IT was now... her time.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: *Voice-over* Oh no the love of my life had asked the question I did not know how to answer I knew lying was wrong but I hated having people worrying about me. It was time for me to stand up for myself, yes but I wasn't ready I would be when I felt safe but I wasn't yet. I knew the info was on my phone what would happen if the phone went off when I wasn't around it? That was the least of my worries I had to lie and lie fast.

Kimberly: *after a slight pause* I'm sorry Jeremy it's nothing to worry about just well tensions aren't the greatest and to be honest it's stressing me a bit that's all it is. All it ever will be. I will never forget your there for me but I can handle this its nothing to worry about really.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I couldn't believe I just lied to my boyfriend it didn't feel right but it was for his own good that's all right? or did I do the wrong thing? I couldn't tell if I was doing the right thing I just had to hope it was and wouldn't backfire.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: *Voice-over* Oh no the love of my life had asked the question I did not know how to answer I knew lying was wrong but I hated having people worrying about me. It was time for me to stand up for myself, yes but I wasn't ready I would be when I felt safe but I wasn't yet. I knew the info was on my phone what woould happen if the phone went off when I wasn't around it? That was the least of my worries I had to lie and lie fast.

Kimberly: *after a slight pause* I'm sorry Jeremy it's nothing to worry about just well tensions aren't the greatest and to be honest it's stressing me a bit that's all it is. All it ever will be. I will never forget youdr there for me but I can handle this its nothing to worry about really.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I couldn't believe I just lied to my boyfriend it didn't feel right but it was for his own good that's all right? or did I do the wrong thing? I couldn't tell if I was doing the right thing I just had to hope it was and wouldn't backfire.

Jeremy: I don't know if you're lying... but i can tell that it's not the truth. that it's a tall tale. Just tell me the truth. Kimberly... you don't need to hide it from me. I am here... for you. My family is here for you.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* I could sense that she was giving me the opposite of the truth to protect me and how i would react. But how could she know in what way i would react? I would have possibly blown up a little. Sure. It's a common outburst for some people. It's just how they are. Some would yell and scream. Some would just walk. Some would just take it all in and feel like someone tried to do an attempt of gutting them. Slowly with a dull weapon. However... there were also.... those who would try to change subject so they wouldn't have to deal with the full impact as if was gonna be too much. But then... Then there were those who would take it and let it all hit them... thereby it going in one of two ways... one... as it all hits them... they totally shut down and become completely dead inside. Or two... they let it hit them and it surprises all those around them that they accept it and do any and all to support and be the best shoulder of consul for the other to let go and express their hurt and pain. Letting them know... that no matter what... through it all... they would be there for them. Kimberly was no dunce. surely she had to know that... i did and i was still a teen. Wise beyond my very tender years. I was sure that all would be just fine. I believed... had to and strongly.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: It's nothing! It's just I ran into them the other day they were all hanging out and well ugh it's nothing babe nothing! *My voice tense clearly angry* You all have taken me in and I appreciate it but there is some stuff I need to face on my own without help this well this is one of them!

Kimberly: *voice-over* Ugh things were just getting worse and worse I would now have to try and take my phone with me everywhere because there was no way in hell I was gonna drag Jeremy into this it would just make things worse for him. I knew he would get mad that was a given but my exes would try to use him against me. I knew they would stoop that low and would use him to make me listen to them they weren't afraid of that, but I was not about to put more people at risk than I needed to for if I did I would not forgive myself. I knew that each person had there own way of dealing with things mine was to let all the trouble and issues hit me and no one else.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: It's nothing! It's just I ran into them the other day they were all hanging out and well ugh it's nothing babe nothing! *My voice tense clearly angry* You all have taken me in and I appreciate it but there is some stuff I need to face on my own without help this well this is one of them!

Kimberly: *voice-over* Ugh things were just getting worse and worse I would now have to try and take my phone with me everywhere because there was no way in hell I was gonna drag Jeremy into this it would just make things worse for him. I knew he would get mad that was a given but my exes would try to use him against me. I knew they would stoop that low and would use him to make me listen to them they weren't afraid of that, but I was not about to put more people at risk than I needed to for if I did I would not forgive myself. I knew that each person had there own way of dealing with things mine was to let all the trouble and issues hit me and no one else.

Jeremy: *Groans* Kimberly... Please... Let me help. I can't bare to just go on letting you secretly suffer through a personal hell like this. It's only gonna get worse if you go through something like this alone. It may be your personal battle against your ex's and you might think that they'll use me against you. But here's the thing... i can't be used like that as i don't roll in that manner. So... whatever they try to... sell me... it won't matter as it won't sway me to believe them. Seeing you and how you are... emotionally, Mentally and physically. Seeing the abuse and the crap you have had to go through and put up with. It's enough to know... you don't have anything to really hide as your tale is there and visible for all to see. I see it and i feel so bad for you that just knowing that you were put through that so many times and had no one to help you or come to your aid... No support for sooo long... It makes me both mad... and so upset. Mad because people were just finding kicks in beating you and leaving you to rot... not even caring what the hell happened to even though they saw and picked up on the signs of what was happening to you... and didn't even bother to care. Upset because you had to go through it... and saw that no matter where you looked... found no one who would step and do something to let you know... that you weren't alone and that someone actually cared... Gave a damn about you. It's so damn sad.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* I just let it out... i knew that she may have heard such things like that before... but i was sure it was not from anyone who'd actually cared about her or loved her... till i spoke out and said it. Truth was... I was sincere and i meant it. I was not gonna back off from her. I could not forgive myself if i were to just let her go it alone and not try to at least do something to be of help to her. She was in need. That was just as simple as that.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it its nothing that's all you need to know. Also Jeremy that line about caring and getting mad at the people who did this well it's not original. I've heard it before and got heartbroken.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: I'm sorry but I can't tell you about it its nothing that's all you need to know. Also Jeremy that line about caring and getting mad at the people who did this well it's not original. I've heard it before and got heartbroken.

Jeremy was at a loss. He was trying to convince her to let him help... but he soon figured and realized that she was not about to budge. He was feeling a little frustrated suddenly as he was wanting to help and she wasn't letting him help with the Ex's. What was she so afraid of... That was something which began to cloud in to Jeremy's mind. It wasn't as if he was to aim it at her. He wasn't about to. It wasn't him. He just didn't know what to suggest. He was at a total loss at what he could possibly do. He wanted to help her... But what could he really do?

Jeremy: *Fainting from frustration and worry*...

Lisa: *Walking over from the side* What's going on? Is everything okay?

Lisa then saw Jeremy on the ground and not knowing he only fainted...

Lisa: Kimberly... What happened? Did you... *Gasps* you two were only talking... right? Did he faint? *Shaking her head* I need another smoke. I'm in a frantic.
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

*passes her a smoke* Kimberly: Yes we were only talking it just happened. Now if you don't mind I should get going just well I have to meet up with my sister for some stuff im just dealing with a lot. *turning to leave* Sorry for everything. I am just dealing with a lot of stuff it happens when i lose anger with who tries to help me.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I left before being given permission i just had to see my sister but i had forgot my phone and that was well bad should it have been found. Jeremy would flip if he read what was on the phone it would make him mad and well i did not want to deal with that.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
*passes her a smoke* Kimberly: Yes we were only talking it just happened. Now if you don't mind I should get going just well I have to meet up with my sister for some stuff im just dealing with a lot. *turning to leave* Sorry for everything. I am just dealing with a lot of stuff it happens when i lose anger with who tries to help me.

Kimberly: *voice-over* I left before being given permission i just had to see my sister but i had forgot my phone and that was well bad should it have been found. Jeremy would flip if he read what was on the phone it would make him mad and well i did not want to deal with that.

Jeremy: *Voice-over* It was then where i had felt myself wanting to just give up on trying to get through to Kimberly. But i couldn't see myself doing as much only because if i had... it would just destroy Kimberly and that is the one thing that i refused to do. She's been through enough and i was not about to add more to it. I wanted to help her. I loved her and all the things in the world that could steer me away from that... it would not be part of me as i would not do it. I loved Kimberly and to see her destroyed... it would just kill me. It would truly kill me as i'd be dead inside and with out a soul. I wouldn't be one to feel a thing... Ever. If anything were to happen to her.

Lisa: *Groans* Kimberly... please... don't go. Don't do this... You going to your sister... that's exactly what your parents are gonna possibly bank on. With the two calls that you got from them... what makes you think... *Smoking* What makes you truly think that they won't attempt to try and use your sister to corner you and possibly nail you? I don't trust them and... Neither does Jeremy. Nobody here trusts them. You were abused by them.... The fact that they've abused you and hurt you... treated you bad and made you feel like a bastard born in sin and a mistake... I would gather that as rather very sound Foresight.



Rikki: *Closeby the area and watching Kimberly from the shadows* Where is she going? Hmm... I better follow her. *Going undetected*
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: *turning to leave* what makes me think they won't simple my sis dose not like them. She wouldn't do a favor for them in a million years just I need to talk to her big time I'll be back though.

Kimberly:*voice-over* I would leave my phone I couldn't go and grab it now it would raise some eyebrows. I knew where to go I just had to hope I was not be followed.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly: *turning to leave* what makes me think they won't simple my sis dose not like them. She wouldn't do a favor for them in a million years just I need to talk to her big time I'll be back though.

Kimberly:*voice-over* I would leave my phone I couldn't go and grab it now it would raise some eyebrows. I knew where to go I just had to hope I was not be followed.

Lisa stood there with a very shook disposition. She didn't know as to what she could do. She wanted to stop her. She wanted to keep her from going anywhere that her parents could possibly use to get at her and subdue her to do their very will. Lisa was trying to find a way to plead with her... but there was no convincing. Nothing could get through to her as it was no denying that Kimberly's mind was made up. Lisa knew it and that also went for Jeremy too. Even he knew.

Jeremy: *Looking over to see Kimberly's phone closeby* W-what's her phone still doing here? Did she forget that she left her phone?

Lisa: I don't know. But she's gone to see her sister.

Jeremy: Her parents are gonna nail her.... I can only worry of what will happen. Oh god...

However that was when he went for the phone and he only just looked at it...

Only to see...

Jeremy: *Gasps*

But on the outside and just a couple blocks down from the mansion...


Rikki: *Spotting Kimberly* Hmm... There's that troubled girl. I wonder where she's off to in such a rush. *Following her and keeping a close eye on her*

Was there something going on?
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly:*voiceover* truth be told I knew that Jeremy would pick up the phone but did I think he could guess the code no. I knew if someone saw me I was in trouble so I had to be careful.
Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot (played by MacieLightfoot) Topic Starter

Kimberly Gillerson wrote:
Kimberly:*voiceover* truth be told I knew that Jeremy would pick up the phone but did I think he could guess the code no. I knew if someone saw me I was in trouble so I had to be careful.

Saphiroth was able to crack the code and bypass it. Even though he was indeed very musically inclined and able to play real REAL Damn good for as such a newbie musician whom of which had been with a band of his own for the last year... He was able to bypass the code and that was what Jeremy banked on. He took it to Saphiroth and he got in. Reading the texts...

Jeremy finished reading them all a moment later and took a moment to calm down enough to make a move. However he was so distraught that he took off and went his way to the top of the once was Luthorcorp plaza and just walked to the edge and sat down. Sat down and just cried.

As for what was going on...

Rikki was following Kimberly and was trying to be quiet. But without knowing... dropped her hammer that she always had with her. Kinda like a security blanket. It fell and made a thud... Was she gonna be spotted? Uh-oh!
Kimberly Gillerson (played by FrostWolf)

Kimberly: who's there? It's ok to come out I'm not gonna hurt you I'm just going someplace I can't be followed to.

Kimberly:*voice over* uh oh I was being followed and I just called the person out not a good move.

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