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Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*tilts head*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

"I'm a werewolf"
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"makes sense"
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*Shadow smiles and looks down at Riku, who's still in his arms*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*boops his nose*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*giggles and nuzzles him*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*sits down and cuddles him, purring softly*
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"better realtionship then I do"
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

((I'm just gonna opt out of responding altogether))
*Shadow rocks Riku back and forth in his arms*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

*giggles nuzzling up to him*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*smiles and nuzzling back purring loudly*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

"y-your warm" *he purred*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*he giggles and holds Riku closer* "thank you"
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

"y-yea" *he rubbed his head on his shoulder*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

"You're adorable" *he plays with Riku's hair as he rocks him back and forth*
Riku Doyle (played by starwolf)

"t-thank you" *he closed his eyes blushing*
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

*he nuzzles him* "Of course"
Rin youkai (played by starwolf)

"really cute"
Shadow (played by dabomb217op) Topic Starter

"thank you Rin"

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