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Forums » General Roleplay » A meeting of hunters (Meet cute)

For Felix, it started with a broken down bus. He was heading to a sleepy little town tucked between a mountain and a thick tree line. It was just a pit stop before his next destination, but one he had hoped to spend a few days in before catching a train around the mountain. In a flash of daring and questionable decision making, and after consulting a map on his phone, Felix decided to cut through the woods on foot to keep from losing any more time.

He slipped away from the gaggle of stranded bus patrons, heavy pack back on his shoulders and guitar case in his hands. The prospect of a small adventure to himself put a thin smile on his lips. He was confidant he could cut north-east through the woods with minimal complications. The encroachment of night and several bruises from half as many falls would prove his confidence unfounded, left in the dark surrounded by trees, hills and whatever stalked between them.
Nova Carstairs (played by xblackxhoodx)

Nova has been on the run for about 4 years, completely alone. True, her situation had its perks. She developed many new skills from living within nature, like combat, first aid, hunting, identifying plants, but most importantly – she learned to control her werewolf form.

Through her travels, she realised that humans weren’t so welcoming towards a hostile looking creature, that was clearly larger and stronger than them. Which meant, she traveled during the night and slept during daylight. However, there were those occasions she came across a village, and she felt like investigating. That's when she noticed how humans looked down on her, judged her, underestimated her, – which was obviously understandable, Nova looked scruffy and smelt a little odd from living the lifestyle of an animal.

Nova was a good person, who simply grew away from the lifestyle of her own species – well, more like what used to be her species. At times, she missed interacting with others, the type of interactions that weren’t full of hate and disgust. It’s not like Nova spent the past years of her life without any communication, it’s just that.. they weren’t... friendly. In all honesty, with every new skill she gained, her communication skills weakened.

Nova has been longing for a companion for so long, it seemed like a lost cause. She’s been travelling from forest to forest, never staying any longer than a couple of hours – settling down seemed pointless alone. Currently, it was nightime, and the darkness was Nova’s favourite. There was no threat to her being a werewolf, no idiot would venture out in the forest at such late hours. The perfect time for her to roam around like a wild hostile animal, hunting down the smaller ones in the shadows.
Felix Guerrero (played by Chromatte) Topic Starter

His phone was short on signal and the tree line was thick enough to block view of the stars. For all intents and purposes, the young necromancer was lost. There is a certain form of recklessness carried by those who mire themselves in death and what comes after it. Be it through idiocy or bravado, Felix was one such specimen. As such, his scuffs and scrapes only spurred him to stay.

In a moment of prescience, he decided to hunker down and set up a fire for the night. Felix dropped his things to the ground, keeping them close to a nearby tree. He began to whisper a chant in some edlritch tongue, tracing a circle around the tree with his hand. The color seemed to drain around the pale the pale youngman man as the foliage his hand ran over withered. Felix hoped the unnatural death would drive most animals away and shuddered at the thought of finding some large quadruped in his bag, again. Next on mental check list was to find stones for a fire pit.

He made his way deeper in, using his phone's flashlight to illuminate the way. It's bright beam drove off much of the smaller creatures skulking about, though it didn't put a stop to the sporadic chittering and skittering of the forest's night life.
Nova Carstairs (played by xblackxhoodx)

Fire, in the distance. Nova could see the rising smoke and the dim light illuminating the close surrounding trees, smell the burning wood, hear the crackling noise of the fibres of the wood pulling apart, breaking.. burning.

Fire, Nova has escaped many forest fires before to know that this wasn’t one. It was one in control, one for light, heat and shelter. Animals, don’t light fires... that’s a very human thing to do.

This was it, this was Nova’s chance. Perhaps, if she moved closer, she may be able to catch the scent of the human. It couldn’t be a werewolf, no, she would be able to smell one from miles. Perhaps it was a cat, a vampire... or any other kind of transforming.. animal thing. What would be the best way to approach someone so obviously vulnerable and terrified they must light a fire in nature?

Nova lunged forward full speed, as if going in for a kill. Just before she reached the nearest tree to the newcomer of the forest, she transformed into her human form, hoping that the loud noise she made before caught the strangers attention. Then, she stepped into the light as a simple human.

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