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Pirates on Parade

Posted by Kim on September 19, 2015, 9:59am

Arrr, 'tis Talk Like a Pirate Day! As ye know, in honor o' the occasion I'll be conducting me office hours in pirate lingo. Ye can join me today (Just Talkin' chat topic 1pm-2pm PST) to air yer concerns, share yer ideas, or just talk like a pirate.

But wait! Be ye in possession of a fine sea farin' character? A character who be full of cunning and guile, whose trusty musket is always at his side and who sleeps with a dirk beneath her pillow? Who lives for the glint o' gold? Perhaps ye have a space pirate or an air ship pirate?

'tis a fine tradition on the RP Repository to update our PARADE o' PIRATES thread each year, where people can show off their original bandits 'n ne'er-do-wells.

Stand and present yerselves or I shall be keel-haulin' yer land lubbin hides! Introduce yer piratical character and let us all parlay.