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As the Epicness fades, greatness remains

Posted by Kim on May 4, 2014, 9:38am

As the shared Epicness earned by our intrepid adventurers fades, the citizens of the Repository turn their attention to sweeping up the confetti that clogs the streets. What an Epic fourth anniversary indeed!

grabbag.pngAlthough not everyone is Epic any longer, the traveling merchants who offer the once-a-year party grab bags are lingering within the city walls for one more day just for those who want to keep their Epicness.

Inside these mystery grab bags, you might find Epic membership of a random length, permanent extra character slots, or even the ability to add extra pages to your character profiles. If you've been thinking of grabbing one and seeing what lady luck has in store for you, don't delay, as they'll be gone for another year by tomorrow.

Still in the party mood?

There are still THREE contests available to enter, all with super fabulous prizes!

Give special attention to the Caption Contest -- it's closing in a week, and all you need to enter is have a sense of humor. And I know you're all funny people!

The Genre Mascot Art Contest and the Cooking/Baking Contest are also still going on, and well worth your attention!



May 11, 2014

I find this intriguing