Posted by Kim on June 3, 2010, 6:48am
So, the patch that fixed the terrible image parsing problem a few days ago seems to have caused some new problems for bbcode, especially having to do with links. If you've added links to other sites in your character profiles and they've stopped linking, no need to adjust your tv set. It's our bad. The problem is being worked right now, and things should resume working shortly as soon as we've patched our patch. Silly hiccups like this is why we're still in beta.Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks to tenzle for pointing this out!
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I had a weird error where I added a gallery then didnt put anything in it and came back and it transformed into an enemy module >> it was weird.
yay tenzle 
Just noticed this too, hope it gets cleared up

Just noticed this too, hope it gets cleared up
June 3, 2010