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Private Message system completely revamped

Posted by Kim on February 2, 2014, 11:53am

rprserver_getwell_small.pngGood morning fellow RPers! It is with great pride that I get to announce our old private message system has been completely replaced by a fancy new version.

Many of the old bugs are squashed, the layout is cleaner and easier to use, replies are grouped into threads so you don't have to sift through dozens of random PMs to follow the thread of a conversation or a RP.

Three years ago, when we added private messaging to the site, I started keeping tabs on whether or not a message was sent in response to another message. This meant that today, I was able to retro-actively combine messages that were sent as replies into conversations (providing that the recipient list did not change). Some of you will open your inbox today to find conversations consisting of hundreds or even thousands of messages, explosions of old RP posts suddenly made sense of again.

Although this alone has been a major leap forward in terms of modern conveniences and things not looking such a mess, this update is also very important because it lays groundwork for other important features like searching, dice rolling in private messages, and yes, even private chat.

I'll be puttering around fine-tuning things for the rest of the day. Please don't hesitate to send a bug report if you find something that seems off to you!

Things to keep in mind as you get used to the new system

Some stuff got moved around or resurrected
You might notice some things in your inbox that you could have sworn were deleted or placed in a different folder. Since we've gone from individual messages to conversations, if some of the messages in a conversation were deleted and others weren't, or half of them were put into one folder and the other half were in your inbox, things could have been bounced around like crazy during the conversion process. In most cases, conversations will end up in whatever folder the last message in the conversation was placed into.

What happened to sent messages?
You'll also notice that the "Sent messages" section is gone completely, as we now no longer distinguish between sent and received messages. There are only messages. However, in an attempt to prevent your inbox from exploding with every message you ever sent, anything you sent that did not receive a reply has been moved into your "archived" messages folder.

If you put a conversation into a folder, it will stay there
Meaning that if a new message is added to a filed conversation, it won't bounce the conversation into the inbox -- it will just be added to the conversation that is still in your folder.



February 2, 2014