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Hi there! >.>
Replies might be very slow for a few weeks. managed to get a radial injury

Active RPs: 2
RP Status:Looking.

Things i'm willing to do:
    Time-period based rps
    Human and non- Human characters of various types and species
    rp's with magic, magical creatures, and the like
    Dark/violant/disturbing rp's
    Rp's involving Sexual encounters of various types

Things i'm not going to do:
The best example of what I'm not looking for an rp is everything in this video:
(Enjoy ;) )

I don't do Furries. I'll rp as an animal but i'm not having some animal human hybrid covered in hair thing going on. Sorry, it just wont happen. I will do humans with animal attributes ( so guess that kinda violates that hybrid thing I just said but...) So ears and a tail, and shifters are good, but this is just not going to happen.

I don't do strictly romance's. I need a story, not just smut.

I wont 'adjust' my character to suit your anticipated response. What I mmean by this is that if we're in an rp and my character is an over all self centered jerk, and your character is walking by him and trips or is mugged or something, He's not going to help. And you
shouldn't expect him to nor should you get mad at me for rping my character as they are.

The biggest thing though, is that I do not do one'line responses. I'm sorry ( No i'm not o.o ) You have to give me something to work with

ANYWAYS- other then that i'm pretty flexible and am generally up for a wide variety of things.

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Rave Reviews

Psycho is a wonderful RPer who leaves me wondering just what is going to happen next. Our Rp has taken some twists and turns and I've loved every moment of it. Psycho does well with giving good replies that make it easy to reply back. - Ohermichi
Where do I start with this lovely writer? Her characters are well thought out and each reply is detailed and interesting. There is always something to reply to and it leaves me wanting more and excited for the next time she is able to reply. Right now, I am in love with our story and can not get enough of it. Kudos, friend! - RazleDazle

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