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fig, 24, she
halfpoet, heathen mooncalf

active RPs: 0

rp info
☆ 21+ only
☆ PMs or discord preferred
☆ nearly any setting, time period, or genre; try me.
☆ most of my time is occupied. if you need a rigid regular posting schedule, im not the partner for you.
☆ i do not rp with men or minors.
☆ no e-rp. i am not here to craft erotica for you.
☆ heathenpoetry @ discord. inquire there or here.

Rave Reviews

Fig!! Figgy!! What a stellar individual. They're kind and gentle and an absolute joy to interact with. Aside from having a wide roster of intriguing characters with unique aesthetics, they're also fun and easy to plot with. There's more to a good roleplayer in my book than just being able to write well (which they absolutely do), and Fig ticks off many of the boxes. - Banshee
easily one of the sweetest creatives i've ever had the pleasure of befriending and writing with!! maybe i am biased because i really enjoy rodent shaped fig creatures of the woodland baths, but fig is an absolute treat to not only chat with (because she is very empathetic and a lovely listener) but to roleplay with, of course. the scenes and settings she can paint with yummy vocab and whimsical oddity descriptions is my bread and butter!! i could read and gush for hours Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - garden

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