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Hello! If you're interested in roleplaying with any of my characters, please send me a message. I don't bite!

Some notes:

My timezone is GMT. It's never stopped me before but please be understanding of that.

I'm LGBTQ+ friendly. (I'm agender myself and I use they/them pronouns. Thanks!)

I'm fine with a few spelling/grammar errors, and I won't jump up your arse about it - especially if English isn't your first language. Just please be mindful and read your posts back to make sure they're readable, I'm really not that fussy.

Public PSA: If you're the type to try and demean others about their "Mary Sue" characters or make fun of sparkledogs or whatever, don't bother interacting with me. We all have our preferences and that's fine - but roleplay is a hobby we do with others for fun and we should try to support each other. If you don't like someone's character, don't roleplay with them. Staying in your lane is a free action.

I also roleplay canon characters from various fandoms. I might end up making pages for those at some point but we'll see. Right now I'm focusing on originals but feel free to ask.

You can also whisper me on Furcadia as Xandr if you play there.

Inquiring minds want to know why we too should befriend goodmode!

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