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Kudos for LostWanderer

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I like roleplaying with LostWanderer. It was lovely with our characters. I never normally do a roleplay where it seemed like a parent/sibling like relationship, but is my first try at it. It liked how their character, Drans and Willow have such parent/sibling chemistry going on that touches my heart. If that's what you like then I recommend LostWanderer. Wonderful writer Drives the plot forward - Anonymous

  • Haven't been roleplaying with them for long, but they're absolutely amazing!! Fast replies and decent lengths!! Not to mention their grammar makes me actually happy and not wanna scream. Wonderful writer Fast responses - Anonymous

  • Lost takes a complex RP and makes it seem easy, with fast replies that drive the plot forward I can't help but love roleplaying with Lost. Creative ideas Drives the plot forward - FrostWolf

  • Lost Wander is amazing with their characters Dark and void
    It’s been a few days..? I think since we started -not sure-
    But they are amazing! I wish I could add more then two best quality’s Long posts Fast responses - Osris

  • So I’ve been roleplaying with them for so long and my goodness they are an awesome roleplay partner they always have patients when I can’t reply or something and they keep our plot moving everyday and they give me new ideas as well! Kind and understanding Drives the plot forward - starwolf