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Kudos for Coddiwomple

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Poet, bard and keeper of knowledge and lore. I am blessed to read all and every of your beautiful words. I hope to write with you again and that many others also have this chance! :) Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Falyn

  • Coddi is an absolute joy to write with! She's patient, considerate, and constructive. She contributes to the plot's development and having a conversation with her is a pleasure. Kind and understanding Drives the plot forward - ThimbleWitch

  • There is no doubt that Esther is a wonderful and talented writer. She creates characters that are full of life and includes moments of realism in the story as she allows you to feel some form of familiarity with the scene.
    Bless you, Esther. Thank you for joining my group. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - WinterBlackDraoi

  • Coddiwomple is a wonderful story teller. She is one of the nicest people I've ever had the fortune of knowing and role playing with. Besides being an eloquent writer, she has great story ideas. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Darkfeatures

  • I consider myself very lucky to have met Coddiwomple. She's inspiring and fun to write with. She has some wonderful plots and I love discussing them with her. She is a treasure and is one of the few kind people I know and thoroughly enjoy talking to. :) Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - BayLeafBard

  • A wonderful, passionate and gifted writer and role-player who I have had the pleasure to read and hope to RP with. She is a sweet and knowledgeable person who more people should get a chance to interact with. <3 Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - Falyn