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Kudos for -Rosebud-

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Miss Fortune (played by -Rosebud-)
    This Red Riot mortal is the craziest, unhinged, depraved human I've ever seen in all my years of undeath. 10/10 would talk to at your own risk. I can shrug off bullets Great sense of humor Creative ideas - Anonymous

  • The Bear (played by -Rosebud-)
    Super fun, and funny. Some of the best writing I've ever read and keeps the story moving at a great pace Great sense of humor Wonderful writer - CallMeCrazy

  • I haven't known Rosebud for very long, but I love the beautiful and compelling details she puts into every post she writes. She is a lovely artist, a sweet and kind person I enjoy chatting with OOC.

    Trinity :) Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Anonymous

  • I have not been role-playing very long with Rosebud, but so far I am having the time of my life. Even if her posts are short, she still gives more than enough to be entertaining that I just can't get enough. She's also a very talented artist that can turn a real actor's face into gorgeous line art. Kind and understanding Concise posts - -Knight-

  • I have not RPed or spoke to her long but just from this little time I've spent talking to her, she's a wonderful woman. With her characters, she executes them well and at the same time, pull off wonderful ideas for stories. OOC, I've witnessed how sincere and considerate she can be. Incredible inner beauty. She is worth every second of your time you put in with her. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - KingTai