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Kudos for DarkenedSoul333

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • I've been RPing with this woman for 2 years now and she is both a wonderful person and very patient! She is creative with her storytelling and I adore her characters! She keeps me wanting to push forward and do the best I can to better our RP and I can't recommend enough that you have a RP with this person. Kind and understanding Drives the plot forward - Aggy1231

  • When I think of DarkenedSoul, I think of a person who's always trying her best. She's very driven to be a kind person who dislikes conflict, but is always working on being the best version of herself that she can be. I really admire that in her, because it's hard to admit that there are areas where you can improve in. She deserves so much respect for this, and endless amounts of kindness as she's always so kind herself! - Sanne

  • DarkenedSoul is an amazing rper, one I hope to have more rps with in the future! I love how thought out the character is that she is currently rping with me, how thought through their background, personality, and culture is. Through OOC she is completely understanding and kind <3 I love planning through the adorable and cruel parts of the plot with her to find ways to make it bring our characters together and grow. - OpenToThings

  • DarkenedSoul is just as wonderful outside of RP as she is inside! Kind, considerate, and incredibly creative, she's an amazing RP partner who's always willing to discuss the plot openly. - SolonaAmell