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Kudos for Asher

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Konstantyn (played by Asher)
    This character is am amazing. The surprises that comes with him keep me on my seat. Nothing is ever the same. The perfect twists and turns come with every stroke this man gives. An Angel in a Devil's suit. - CherryPepsi

  • Verbrechen is a kind, patient, mutually supportive individual whom I've been lucky to count amongst my friends. Although her time zone (and my weird hours) makes RP tricky to accomplish, it's a worthy achievement when we're able. Her characters are detailed and possessed of a depth which lends itself to realism. I've yet to be disappointed! - Auberon

  • A wonderful roleplayer! We have not been playing long, but every rp has been a wonderful time. Plot just seems to come naturally and oocly an incredibly friendly person! - Paich

  • A good friend that I enjoy our time every chance I get. Enjoyable rp and enjoyable talks. Can't get enough of them. That is why I will forever Luff them - CherryPepsi

  • Verbrechen's been a delight to RP with. My only complaint is that I've not been able to RP with them more! They have an excellent way with words, and their characters (or, at least, the one I've interacted with) feel very real and tangible as a result. I'm looking forward to more roleplay in the near future. Verbrechen's in the stable now. I'm keeping them. >:) - Auberon

  • You know what I love about Verbrechen? EVERYTHING. In fact I love Verbrechen so much that I just had to make their HAPPY BIRTHDAY into a Kudos! That's how bloody amazing they are! SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY V! You're an amazing person and you should never stop the awesome which is you! Remember hunny, you're Fieerrrrcce. ;D - Isnelx

  • Have I forgotten to tell you how fabulous you are?! My, we must do something about this! I adore you my friend, absolutely and totally 'in like' with you. ;D You're one of the most giving people I've met on Furcadia to this day, and all are fools if they do not cherish your awesomeness. But seriously, you are fantastic and I demand you allow me to stalk you forever. :) <3 (That doesn't make me sound creepy at all...) - Isnelx