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Kudos for Sunspot

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • This human is one of my favorites! She is one of the most compassionate, sincere people I've had the pleasure of getting to know. She checks in with me all the time, even when her own spoons are low. The mutual support we share is something I really treasure. As a writer, she's simply out of this world! I love her characters and creativity, and I love that we're weaving a found family plot that is building over time. I'm just so happy and lucky to have her in my life. <3 Kind and understanding Great sense of humor - Auberon

  • I have known Topaz for a LONG time. Her characters are always adorable or stunning whether by design or plot. She's an amazing and creative writer. With a great sense of humor and playful muse -- it's hard to pass this girl up. Kind and understanding Wonderful writer - Nekomanics

  • Lord, I could say sooo many things about this lady here. But, I will sum it up the best I can! This girl my polar opposite, like the moon to my sun! She is a true gem and a diamond amongst rocks. She is an amazing gifted role player and a friend till the end! Role play with her now, do it!!!! - Beastie

  • To this day I cannot believe that I met such a wonderful friend. Everyone has their issues, but together we seem to overcome it. She's a top-notch gal and very organic in everything she does. No one has it easy, and this chick definitely hasn't. A little nervous, a little shy, but very, very kind. One of the more casual roleplay partners that I know, she doesn't need or want to rush posts and I appreciate that immensely. Topaz is a forever friend. - barkeyst