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Kudos for JayBird

  • Jay is someone that I'd want in my corner in a fight. He's quick to defend what's right and quick to question what is wrong. He's mean as hell, though, so beware. He comes off as a jerk, but somewhere in there is a heart, I swear. - Cacophony

  • Jay is a marvellous writer. I was initially surprised because of how brash he comes off, but I have loved reading everything he has ever written. Posting to him is hard because I worry about what he might think of my post compared to his. - Cacophony

  • Jay took a picture and helped me thread together an entire world to help encourage me to keep a character I was thinking of tossing. He is probably the most intelligent person you will RP on this whole site and he's super humble too. - TheLily

  • I've said it before but I'll say it again. I love rping with Jay, I find that I'm challenged more, and posts require more thought and tact. Thanks for being awesome Jay. - Pineapple

  • Jay intimidates me with his RP prowess! I'm sometimes afraid to reply and seem lame. - TheLily

  • Arinbjorn (played by JayBird)
    Ah, Arthur. That rare specimen of character who you can't just summarize in a few short lines; that sort of character that one would call "deep", but not really do justice to the amount of work that's been put into his backstory. I'd give a limb or two to be in a long-term RP with this fella, and that includes my PenDingo. Until then, I'll have to think of a word that best describes how awesome he is. ;) - Witness

  • Jay is awesome lol the first thing he ever said to me was "Have you ever drunk baileys from a shoe?" Incredibly fun to roleplay with. And an all around great guy, and a blast to rp with, even if the baileys shoes question led to my soul being scarred. - Nuclear_Dingoz

  • Jay is amazingly creative and fun to chat with; I'd jump at the chance to RP with him! - Witness

  • GrumpBurd is awesome and sweet - no matter what he says. - TheLily

  • I haven't really talked to Jay a lot, but when I did, he brightened up my day! I can't wait to rp with this guy! - Krissy

  • My birthday buddy is the only dude on here that I can talk about beer with... It's good to know I'm not the only one in the world RPR that enjoy a cold one. :D - Jetticus

  • JayBird is the creator of what is now officially the longest sci-fi rp on RPR, which is quite a feat. I'm enjoying the RP immensely, so kudos to you, Jay, for taking the initiative and creating an excellent setting on board the Viator! Onward! To the stars and beyond! - Pyrroglaux

  • Arinbjorn (played by JayBird)
    I love playing with this character, and with Jay. Arthur is interesting, well developed, and well played. I love getting replies from this guy!! - Pineapple