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Kudos for Serverus

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • What can I say about Serverus? XD He's a sweet, kind, and dedicated soul who has managed to not only create his own beautiful world, but is a wonderful person to bounce ideas off of. he has a wonderful imagination and I am honored to be at his side as Obelus' co-admin. He's a busy bee, but consider yourself quite lucky to work with him if you get a chance!

    *Tigerbun stamp of approval* - 8TigerBunnyTora

  • Oh my goodness, this gentleman right here! I am so glad we ran into each other in the course of human events! Serverus is just a master of world building and character building. It really is incredible how he can weave multiple stories and characters and plot threads seamlessly together like some sort of magical storytelling tailor. He's also open to critiques and suggestions and just generally easy to get along with and talk to. You, yes you, need to get in on something with him. Trust me. - Dndmama

  • Serverus is the kind of roleplayer that knows exactly how to get you hooked. He's a roleplayer who is gifted with the art of narration. He doesn't just simply reply, but he adds to the rp with his own ideas and NPC's which adds depth to the story. There are no flat, plot-less stories and characters with Serv. - furandfeatherscales