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Kudos for Ashley

From the Greek word meaning "glory," a kudos is acclaim for exceptional achievement or qualities.

On the RP repository, receiving a kudos means that another community member recommends you as someone other people might like to get to know. Perhaps because you are exceptionally fun to RP with, exceptionally fun to know, or are just plain exceptional!

  • Not only is Ashley an amazing artist, she also has amazing characters that are easy to love. They are all original and have such vibrant personalities, even if not all of them are kind. I've enjoyed seeing the characters interact with others and enjoyed interacting with them on multiple occasions. Overall, Ashley is someone I really recommend roleplaying with. While I never got the chance to do a 1 on 1 with her, I've been a part of her discord server for a long time and it was always fun! Creative ideas Wonderful writer - SylOfficial

  • Ashley is a super cool writer. I honestly can't pick which one of her characters is my favorite. I absolutely love learning about all of them, from her badass shapeshifters to her flirty yarn snakes, there's a wealth of stories here, and I'm always excited to turn the next page. Creative ideas Wonderful writer - Jabberwookie

  • I have never interacted with this character, but I loved reading her profile! It was entertaining and made me chuckle, and I'm glad this wacky, kick-butt shifter has blessed this humble site. - Folklore

  • Ashley has a cast of unique characters with incredible development in both history and personality. They're fun to play alongside, and it's fun to watch the intertwined relationships between her characters unfold when they're in the same roleplay. Jacky is an energetic mischief maker and Gale is the Alpha Dad with the patience of a saint. I love throwing my characters in with hers, as I'm sure many others do. - PantheraCorax

  • Wonderful, out-going, and incredibly inclusive of everyone! It's thanks to her reaching out that has introduced me to several other wonderful people and gotten back into RPing after a very long dry spell. The work that she does to bring people together is impressive and has to take the patience of a saint. AND her characters are A+ awesome quality and a delight to play with. Thank you for being you! - EvionFox