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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Cliche ~ (Open Group RP)

Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko)

A 'Mature Fantasy' setting. (Similar to the Dark Ages with a fantasy twist. Think Game of Thrones; Dragon Age; etc.) Magic is common, though only humans, elves, and dwarves are accepted to be common. Mixed breeds and demons are a very rare sight and are often feared.

The area was quiet, for the most part; other than the animals the chatted amongst each other. The trees were thick in the area, and those who knew it well, would know that it was home to the sacred forest creature known as Anell. He was a mixture between what looked to be an elk, and a flightless bird. Many found it hard to describe past that. It was said it would heal a man's injury, if he deemed the human worthy. But only a few had seen it with their own eyes.

It was often that the creature was hunted by poachers, trying to claim prize on its antlers, said to give great power to any weapon they might be made into. But the beast was always elusive.

And now, a new creature had made the forest its home, though it was less friendly toward man and animal alike. Named The Shadow, no one knows anything about it other than the stories of a large, dark figure that seemed to resemble a man. No one has actually seen it up close... or a least lived to tell anyone of it.

But the female that entered the forest now, had no idea of the entities that dwelled within. She was only passing through, hoping to find something that she had lost.

Her long braided hair swayed behind her, as her golden eyes searching around her. At first glance, one might think the girl had nine bushy tails, but those were only extentions of her fur dress. She would stop every now and then, listening intently, as if trying to understand the animals around her. But she would shake her head and sigh each time, and continue on.

Eventually, she came to a very large tree. She was quite impressed as she stood in front of it, in awe of its almost impossible width, and towering height. She placed her hand against it lightly, before she turned and sat down, leaning against it. She closed her eyes, and appeared to be ready to fall asleep.";
Guinne (played by f0x1nth3b0x)

The serenity of the forest had attracted the elf, who slipped from her companion's grasp. She did not want to hunt in this place; it felt sacred and close to her. She walked it's woods with respect, careful to not disturb as much of the underbrush and foliage as she could. It was not hard for the elf; she was a practiced warrior and could distribute her small weight as she pleased. Her silver hair stood out against the lush greens and deep browns of this forest, but her eyes reflected the life all around her as she took it in.

She walked with a measured step, now stepped through a small rivulet which traced through the trunk and roots of trees, unperturbed by getting her boots wet. The short woman showed mo emotions on her face, betrayed none of her thoughts through expressions.
Liethell Adam Rotolo (played by Glacontour)

The forest had everything that towns and cities in places far away did not. The air was pure and people sparse, the only real sound he could focus on was the whispering of a light breeze in the treetops. The man made his way slowly deeper into the forest, looking for herbs here and medicinal plants there, fully aware of the dangers lurking in the forest. However, he did not have the natural grace that some people had, he stumbled and tripped here and there.
Azgard (played by LittleLuckyRed1)

Even though the sky above looked clear and peaceful, a beast was traveling through the clouds. A big black mass from bellow. Its eyes were stealy blue, and its black scales gleamed under the warm sun. The monsters claws werw sharper than daggers and its fangs more pointed than a spear. The sky seemed to tremble as it soared over the forest. Atop the beast, was a man by the name of Xanis. "Azgard, set us down in that area of trees, should provide some cover." Azgard, was a close friend, if you can consider a dragon being a friend. Most anyone who knew a dragon, were usually taken as users of black magic. Also they were thought to be evil, and bring destruction to wherever they roam. Azgard landed near a small stream outcoved by a rocky ledge. At a staggering twentyfour feet tall, Azgard had to kneel to allow Xanis to slide down his side.

Xanis was a rebel knight, unworthy to his king. His short black hair and stealy blue eyes like that of his dragon, made him all the more suspicious looking. He always was equip with a sword and bow, hiding himself within a dark cloak. "Couldn't you have chosen a more concealed area to land?" Xanis threw his bow to the ground. "We could have been spotted from miles!" He blared. Azgard layed down,You worry too much Xanis. Azgard spoke through telepathy, his mouth only moved when he growled and roared.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko) Topic Starter

Though it was very weak, because of her form and not being native, her connection with the forest around her brought her eyes open not long after she had settled. She moved forward, listening quietly, trying to read what was being said among the life around her.

There was the sound of something treading through water... and then another sound a little farther off of something stumbling. Odd... she had never thought this area might have so much activity. Now, the questions were 'Was it animal, human, or something else? And was it hostile?'

She pushed herself quickly from the tree, leaning her back against it with her arms stretched along the sides of her, as if she were going to scale the sides of it to try and disappear before someone noticed her.

But after only a few steps, she gave a great shiver and her eyes looked to the sky as the sun's light was blocked out momentarily. A huge creature, unlike any she had seen before, flew across the sky, and out of sight. But only moments later, she heard what sounded like the beast landing. She clenched her teeth tightly, and looked around her. Surely something that big, would not be so friendly.

So she slinked past the tree and continued as quietly as possible, trying to make her way around the area that the 'giant bird' had landed.

But Kitsu wasn't the only one to have noticed the beast... And a dark figure stirred in a cave just off the ledge, barely noticeable unless you were looking for it.
Azgard (played by LittleLuckyRed1)

Xanis removed his cloak and crouched by the stream, cupping his hands together to drink the cool water. After a few swallows he got up and retrieved his bow and quiver. " I suggest-" Azgard laughed Oh you suggest? he chided. Xanis rolled his eyes " I suggest you stay here. I wouldn't want you stepping on anyone important." Azgard scoffed,Like your very important. Xanis sighed, irritated with the dragon. He started his hunt heading east into the mountains.

Azgard breathed in deeply, feeling the slight breeze. He lowered his head, eyes closed as he rested. But his senses were still alert.
Liethell Adam Rotolo (played by Glacontour)

Liethell hardly heard the first beating of wings before he pinned the sound down as a dragon, perhaps wild. He hoped today would not cause him too much trouble, as he was unarmed, like always. He stashed the plants, roots, and bottles of sap he had collected in a pocket within his coat. He moved for a river he had noticed was nearby. Perhaps, because Liet was unsure of the way, it would make a good landmark to follow.
Kitsu (played by kuroi_neko) Topic Starter

The only thing on Kitsu's mind now, was to just leave this area, and as quickly as possible. Then she would feel safe, and away from whatever was lurking in this forest, and then continue searching. She followed the riverside up and eastward, as it lead to its source in the mountains. Soon, she came to a rocky path, and she stopped, looking up at the formation before her. She bit her lip, but pressed on. She hadn't traveled like this before, and she wondered how long she could hold out trekking a path, that would surely grow steep.

As she walked, the bushy tails of her dress swayed behind her. And had she of thought to look back, she might have noticed the quiet male just a ways behind her. And had she her animalistic traits, she might have heard the dragon-rider making his way nearby.

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