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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Corvos Consolari *CLOSED*

There is nothing around but shrubbery in the surrounding area. It's dusk, the sun is hanging lower and lower in the sky, and the air is becoming thick with chill. From where she's sitting at the base of a large tree, Harlan is not phased. Her eyes are focused on a camp ten yards away where a figure is sitting, their back facing her as they poke at a fire. Daggers gripped tight in her hands, she inches forward stealthily until she's in throwing distance. She's close enough and just about to throw.
"There really is no need for that," I say with a throaty chuckle. "Come, sit and relax." I finally turn my head slightly as I pat the log next to me. I can't see the figure well in the consuming darkness, other than it being a younger female. What comes across most strongly is the sense of tension and desperation. I don't want a fight, not tonight.
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

I don't do anything. I just grip the handle of the dagger tighter.

"And why should I do that," I grumbled through gritted teeth.

I let out a grunt as I sent the dagger flying past the girl as a warning. It whisked past her and stuck in the tree behind her. I walk over to the camp with my second dagger raised. Getting a better look at the girl, she was fair, she was an elf.

That didn't change anything, I just pointed my dagger at her and grabbed a bag that sat next to her log.

"Don't," I began, swinging the bag over my shoulder and yanking my dagger out of the tree. "you dare try anything. This blade will just end up in your chest." And I sauntered off.
I sighed heavily. I really didn't want a fight, but I'm not going to let some young upstart with a chip on her shoulder steal my things. I drew back my bowstring, aiming very carefully, then let it loose. The arrow caught the bag and ripped it out of her hand and onto the ground in front of her.

"I get it. I do," I say as I approach her, keeping one hand on the dagger in my belt. "But I'm not someone you steal from, and I'm definitely not someone you threaten." I pick up my bag and swing it back over my shoulder. "Now, I'll ask again, care to share my fire for a bit?"
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

I look at the girl in shock, my hood having fallen due to the quick whip around I did. I looked from her and the bag, to the bow on the ground next to me.

I hummed. "You're a good shot."

I wasn't one to give in, but at this point it was too dark to continue walking safely, no matter how careful I was. The roar of the fire seemed to comforting. Against my best interest, and with severe reluctance, I sat on the log across from her's and folded my arms over my chest.
Tension radiated off the young woman, and as I glanced at her features, I realized she was half-elven. I rummaged around my pack for spare rations and handed it to the girl. It was easy to see her face by the light of the fire; young and beautiful, yet hard and scarred.

"Now that we got that out of the way, how about some introductions? I'm Moira." I handed her a waterskin. "I'd recommend staying here until sun-up, it'll be safer that way."
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

I hummed. She handed me a few things and I took a bite of a loaf of bread.

"I'm leaving at sun-up," I said. "I've got things to do, and staying here isn't going to help me in any way."

I needed to file my contract with the Council of Farncombe before tomorrow evening if I wanted a full payment. My daggers needed sharpening and I wasn't going to risk that myself.
"No worries. I'll be gone at sun-up as well. Business in the city..." I eyed the girl warily, unsure about how much I should tell her. The Council didn't like word getting around.

"Sleep here tonight; you're in no danger from me...uh, I'm sorry, I didn't get your name..."
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

The city, then. I didn't inquire further. And then she asked for my name.

"It's not necessary," I muttered. "considering we won't be working together. However, it's Harlan."

I looked to the right of me, at the thick forest. I'd leave before this girl woke up, but this contract was supposedly heavy, as the constable at informed me earlier in the week.

I needed the money, I couldn't go back to Herentem. It's been over ten years, my father's family wouldn't care anyway. They probably thought I was dead.

Better off that way.
Moira picked a hell of a day to let me do the hunting while she made camp. I'm the expert fire starter, I can literally make flames appear from the palms of my hands but noooo I have to "practice my shot" because Moira "won't be here forever". Psst. She's the elf, she'll live to be hundreds of years old. I only got half the genes she has. I'll croak way before she does. 'Won't be here forever' my ass. But I did it. I killed the poor little rabbit so we could have fresh meat for dinner. Hopefully she's proud of my aim.

I'm almost back at camp, it's in my line of sight and I notice the fire and two shadowed figures. Wait. Two? One of them I recognize to be Moira but the other, Elven for sure and female. Moira doesn't seem to be on guard so is the girl a threat? I don't trust the face she's making...

I make my way closer and let my approach be known, not silent as I crush the grass and twigs beneath my feet. The mysterious girl's head snaps to the side at the sound and we lock eyes for a moment - she's sizing me up just as I am her. I turn my attention to Moira slowly.

"Hiya cuz, you make a new friend while I was gone?" I hold out the rabbit proudly to show off my fresh kill. "I think this little guy could feed all three of us." I pause for a moment and turn back to the new girl, and give a warning look. "That is, if the new kids a friendly of course..."
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

There was a noise to my left and my guard immediately went up, as did Moira's for a moment. I reached for my dagger instinctively, but as I did another girl approached the camp with a mangled rabbit. She greeted Moira.

Alright, then. They knew each other....

No. I wasn't about to deal with more people. This wasn't what I do.

"Friendly is not a term I use to describe myself, necessarily." That's a lie. Most people wouldn't describe me as such. "Unless anyone else is showing up to this grand party, I'm going to leave."

And with that, I began gathering my things.
"No, please stay," I say softly. "These woods are dangerous, and you look, pardon me for saying, like shit. You need a good meal and some rest."

I held out a hand to grab Manon's fresh catch and began to skin it. If the girl wanted to leave, so be it.
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

I stayed put and watched her skin the rabbit, setting it over the fire and cooking it.

I nodded to the new girl. "She have you out hunting most of the day, then? Pretty late to be out." I flipped my dagger in my hands.
She's skittish, eager to go, it's obvious she doesn't trust us. But she has half a mind to accept food when she's offered. She speaks to me as I finish taking off my gear and make to sit across from her.

"Out all day and only brought back the one kill? Oh no, Moira would have my ass if I did. She taught me better than that." I regard my cousin as she takes care of our dinner, shifting my attention back to the stranger.

I stand and walk around the fire towards the girl, who visibly stiffens at my approach. I hold out my hand in front of her and speak. "I'm Manon. What's your name?"
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

"Harlan," I said. "My name is Harlan."

I fiddled with sharpening a stick until the food was cooked, then disregarded it into the fire. The rabbit was gamey, but it was food and from the past few days of travel, this was a good enough meal.

"Why are you two out here alone? Camping trip? Just traveling and becoming one with nature?" My leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "Can't be out here much longer, it's getting colder."
Harlan? Harlan. Cute.

I stand from my spot across from Harlan and raise both of my arms above my head, leaning back a little to work out the tension I can feel in my muscles. The day had been, well, long. And sleep sounded like the best desert to a well hunted meal.

I finish my small series of stretches before answering Harlan's questions. "You could say it's a camping trip...of a sort." I can feel Moira's glare at me without having to check for it - she disapproves of my tactics, well some of them at least. She can't deny that they've gotten us out of trouble more than a handful of times. I was raised to deceive and lie, it's what I'm good at. Prying for information? Also good at. And this...Harlan? I need information.

"What about you? Moira and I at least have each other. You're wandering around all alone. That's risky."
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

I huffed. "I've been alone for a while. I'm comfortable alone, I like it. Solitude. And right now I'm in a temporary spot and I'll be on my way early in the morning."

I cracked my knuckles. She was prying, and she could have at it if that made her feel better, but she wasn't getting anything out of me.

The sky was pretty clear tonight, save for the smoke rising up from the fire. That was a good thing-on nights I couldn't sleep, being able to count the stars usually helped. Something about this situation wasn't going to allow much sleep to come.

"Thanks for the food," I say grabbing my charmed rucksack. I start rummaging through it for the woolen blanket and mat. "Time I get some sleep."
"Wait just a moment, if you please," I said softly. I shot a glance at Manon. "And you, resse, behave yourself."

I pulled my legs up to my chest and took a deep breath before I spoke. "Harlan, have you heard of the Council of Farncombe...?"
Harlan Devalur (played by maxbegone) Topic Starter

My stomach dropped. Of course I have. It's where I was headed.

"Yes. Who hasn't?"

Truth be told the council was pretty big in this region. I looked at her tentively.
I let out a quiet bark of laughter at the surprised expression on her face, then quieted as to not offend her. "Here's what I'm thinking, Harlan, we've got a job to do, but could use some help. And you...well, you've got fight in you. We could definitely use that."

"If you're interested, I'll fill you in on the details. If not, we'll all get some sleep and part in the morning." I shrugged. "Your choice."

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