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Forums » Art & Creativity » Streaming VR painting on YouTube

Sanne Moderator

Hello gang!

I love streaming and painting in VR, and some folks expressed interest in watching me paint while chatting, so I'm going to give this a whirl on YouTube today! I scheduled the stream on my personal, non-streaming YT account (so there's not much there to ogle at, sorry!), but it should tell you when I'm going live your time. :)

Be advised: there may be some swearing of the f-bomb nature! Adults and kids 13 and over are all welcome. :D Keep in mind this is an open chat on YouTube and people from the Vermillion community may also pop in, so be cautious with interacting in chat.

Hope to see you there!

(I'm still recovering from an upper respiratory infection, so I apologize in advance for hoarseness, coughing and sneezing!)

Watch VOD here

NOOOO!!! I missed it!

Edit: Oh, wait it's happening right now lol
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

XIII wrote:
NOOOO!!! I missed it!

I'm live right now!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

WEW that took quite a bit out of me, but it was fun!

I made a dedicated channel from which I'll be streaming VR painting more regularly, so if you want more be sure to hit me up there!

This is what I managed to paint in about an hour. :)

A dark VR painting with blue hues to depict dark ocean water, it's unfinished with the first splotches of sea foam visible.

It's a WIP still but I'll be finishing it on stream before the end of the weekend!
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Watch VOD here

I'm streaming tomorrow at 5PM my time (11AM EST)! I'll be continuing the ocean waves/foam from the previous stream. :)

I've also been working on a mermaid painting on the side!

Angry mermaid is angry
A dark and gloomy virtual reality oil painting; light filters through the murky water from the top. In the middle of the canvas is a mermaid, a displeased expression on her face, floating with one arm above her head and the other next to her body.
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

I have another stream scheduled for Friday 6PM Central European Time (12pm EST/9am PST)! Bring your favorite comfort drink and settle back in cause we'll be lo-fi-ing it up will super chill vibes. :D

Watch VOD here
Sanne Topic Starter Moderator

Finished my painting! :) Stream lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes, actual painting time was 10 minutes less give or take?

VR oil painting of a misty mountain range, covered in a dense forest. The dominant colors are deep hues of blue, moving towards green in the front.

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