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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Dungeon and Dragons: The Nether Lord’s Plea Open

A poster is Sanctioned throughout the kingdom even reaching the smallest crevice. Lord Netherbrand offering a reward for the safe return of his heir. A boy matching the description had walked into the small village’s tavern.

There are whispers from the underworld that speak of the Netherbrand family. A family soaked in crime, prestige, dark magic, and the occult. A few claim the Lord has no intention of paying, that instead you might be used in a ritual.
Lior Dracian Netherbrand (played by Sinceritymornings) Topic Starter

A musty liquor smell permeated in the air. Lior wrinkled his nose as he stepped through the swinging doors.

His boots tapped lightly against the sandy gain style wood.

A boy thin in nature wearing a dark hood entered and claimed a seat by the tavern doors. He lowered his hood revealing his mismatched eyes and his thick short curly black hair. One wolf slinked in and wondered to the other side of the table.

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