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Forums » Smalltalk » Silverware drawer cleanout giveaway (closed)

Auberon Moderator

The rules are very easy:
  • Users only, no characters
  • Two winners for one spoon each will be determined by off site dice roll (winning roll screenshots will be posted!)
  • Tell me which of the new BONUS Lemonade Stand Items is your favorite
  • Post a (respectful and SFW) coffee meme or joke
  • Ends Saturday 8/26/23 at noon EST
  • One entry per person


1. Aardbei
2. Auron
3. CaptainCool
I like the, well, let's call it the deep mocha latte.

The double-fudge latte.

(We all know what it really is.)
Auberon Topic Starter Moderator

Fabl wrote:

That video is great. xD

Don't forget to tell us your favorite new bonus drink from the Lemonade Stand to have your entry counted! :)
Why WHY do you have to ask the hard question?! I can' just one! And I'm sad I can't afford to get them all!

IF I had to choose my FAVORITES, because there is not just ONE lol

Purple and Gradient Boba
Tentacle Cappucino
Blueberry and Unicorn Milkshakes
and you dang well bet that Zebra Hippocampi!

Sadly, the meme I want to really post isn't the most SFW, simply because of vulgarity I will post this one instead. Though I am drinking coffee atm, I don't NEED coffee and have just been on a kick drinking it lately for taste. It doesn't do anything else for me as far as like..waking me up or such.

My favorite flavor is the blue boba and I drink so much coffee before school, I consider it to be part of my daily grind 😉
Auberon Topic Starter Moderator

Since there were only three qualifying entries, I gave everyone who successfully entered a spoon. :)
Thank you Auberon!

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