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Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Delete messages in your threads

I've seen a lot of replies to threads doing stuff like roleplaying on our of character threads, talking about unrelated things, going against the rules of a forum game, I've even seen a user make intros on my threads.

Basically, a whole lotta stuff unrelated to the actual thread you made. I feel like we should be able to delete them and maybe even give a reason why they were deleted to be sent to the user. Like for example "This thread is OOC", "Please reread the rules of the game", etc, although that latter part would be hard to add I imagine.
Claine Moderator

You can do that in groups - where the owner their selected moderators can make moderation decisions. But as for public forums - users can't delete other's posts because it could be used to silence opinions the OP doesn't agree with, or used on posts that took a lot of emotional effort to write. If you think a post is not in the correct place, feel free to press the "Request a Moderator" button and we can take a look at it.

You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Delete messages in your threads

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