Dusha was currently a few miles from his house in Bradford, England. He often came to this specific spot to calm himself and reflect on life. There was a large field of nothing but grass and sunflowers, and maybe the occasional curious bug.
He stared at the bright, tall yellow sunflowers through his one eye, the other wearing an eyepatch from a war injury.
Dusha occasionally would touch the sunflowers petals gently, as if it soothed him to do so.
He felt safe and comfortable here.
He stared at the bright, tall yellow sunflowers through his one eye, the other wearing an eyepatch from a war injury.
Dusha occasionally would touch the sunflowers petals gently, as if it soothed him to do so.
He felt safe and comfortable here.
Meanwhile, there was someone nearby. A strange young lady with the ears of a fox. It would seem that she lacked human ones. However it would seem as if nobody had noticed this, given she went someplace secluded. She twirled along wherever the direction of the grass-scented winds would go on a whim, not a care in the world.
Then she saw someone. A human. Hurriedly, she morphed her fox ears into that of a human's. Rats!, she thought to herself. She would've never guessed that a random human would unexpectedly appear in this field of all places. Nevertheless, this would be the case for all the trips she and her son would take yearly. She had a sense of wanderlust that could not be controlled and, being a well-known sociologist and scientist, meant that she could always secure the funds needed to have such vacations. What was also ironic is her human guise. Taking the form of a woman in her early twenties would seem rather strange when one finds out she has a son. So, she and her son agreed upon one thing, their relationship must be under the pretense of a sibling relationship rather than one akin to a mother and son when people ask them about it.
Cautiously and slowly, she approached Dusha and smiled.
"Hello, friend!" She said "What brings you here on these grasslands?"
She was always so friendly, even with strangers she had just met. But, she was ready to evade and escape any threats to her at a moment's notice should Dusha discovered what she truly was beforehand. After all, she was rather clumsy in maintaining her human form despite being a wise old fox.
((I know that her profile pic shows her as a anthro fox, but since she is a shapeshifter, it's best to assume that she is in her human form for now
. Might change it later to reflect this RP's situation. Don't worry, I do that often lol))
Then she saw someone. A human. Hurriedly, she morphed her fox ears into that of a human's. Rats!, she thought to herself. She would've never guessed that a random human would unexpectedly appear in this field of all places. Nevertheless, this would be the case for all the trips she and her son would take yearly. She had a sense of wanderlust that could not be controlled and, being a well-known sociologist and scientist, meant that she could always secure the funds needed to have such vacations. What was also ironic is her human guise. Taking the form of a woman in her early twenties would seem rather strange when one finds out she has a son. So, she and her son agreed upon one thing, their relationship must be under the pretense of a sibling relationship rather than one akin to a mother and son when people ask them about it.
Cautiously and slowly, she approached Dusha and smiled.
"Hello, friend!" She said "What brings you here on these grasslands?"
She was always so friendly, even with strangers she had just met. But, she was ready to evade and escape any threats to her at a moment's notice should Dusha discovered what she truly was beforehand. After all, she was rather clumsy in maintaining her human form despite being a wise old fox.
((I know that her profile pic shows her as a anthro fox, but since she is a shapeshifter, it's best to assume that she is in her human form for now

Dusha turned his head quickly, as if startled by Azumi and her son, or rather in this case, her brother.
He slowly put his hand down, no longer feeling at the sunflower petals and he crossed his arms. He didn't seem annoyed that this woman was here, but more worried about how him playing in sunflowers would look, as he was a warrior after all. It didn't seem very tough and warrior-like.
"Oh, hello." Dusha cleared his throat and spoke, "I was just scanning the area for any stray monsters that might have made it past the troops." He said, "The H.W. Warriors." He added, in-case Azumi was a traveler and not from around there originally. "Um." He looked at a sunflower he picked in his belt, and proceeded to pull it out and slide it behind his back and put it back in his belt.
"What brings y' hear?" His voice cracked towards the end, it wasn't out of being nervous or anything, it was just something he was currently dealing with. He furrowed his brow at the noise he had made, but he continued trying to keep a somewhat serious face.
He slowly put his hand down, no longer feeling at the sunflower petals and he crossed his arms. He didn't seem annoyed that this woman was here, but more worried about how him playing in sunflowers would look, as he was a warrior after all. It didn't seem very tough and warrior-like.
"Oh, hello." Dusha cleared his throat and spoke, "I was just scanning the area for any stray monsters that might have made it past the troops." He said, "The H.W. Warriors." He added, in-case Azumi was a traveler and not from around there originally. "Um." He looked at a sunflower he picked in his belt, and proceeded to pull it out and slide it behind his back and put it back in his belt.
"What brings y' hear?" His voice cracked towards the end, it wasn't out of being nervous or anything, it was just something he was currently dealing with. He furrowed his brow at the noise he had made, but he continued trying to keep a somewhat serious face.
M-monsters?! Azumi thought to herself. At the moment she was doing quite well in concealing her discomfort at the mention of such a word. She was concerned if Dusha would become hostile if he found out what she was. Thankfully, he did not know. Yet.
Azumi then snapped back to reality, the man in front of her was asking a question. It would do well to converse with him to ease her worries.
"Oh, I am on a business trip!" Azumi smiled "I had just finished with my research paper about a new species of orchid on England! Apparently I have been given the right to name the species! Granted it is lacking in visually remarkable foliage as all orchids do but its biological capabilities of surviving in nature are quite the sight to behold! Also, it has pretry flowers! It seems that I have failed to mention I am from Japan!"
Azumi then thought of Ren, her "brother". Strangely, the thought of him coincidentally resulted in the disgruntled and anxious mutterings of a young man. Azumi heard it from a mile away, in fact. She already knew who this was, but did not bother to acknowledge it. Said mutterings came closer and closer until a hooded figure came in sight.
"Azumi!" Ren angrily said "Didn't I tell you to not go to random places without my permission?"
"Oh, hush dear brother!" Azumi hugged Ren "You worry too much for my safety!"
"Yeah, yeah. But I've always got a good reason to, y'know?"
"I dunno, anything happening to you- who's that?"
Ren pointed at Dusha. Doing this only got Azumi to scold him.
"Did I not tell you to avoid pointing at strangers? 'tis a rather rude gesture!" Azumi said "This man is a soldier who defends the lives of others, slaying monsters and the likes! He is from the H.W warriors, I'll have you know!"
"M-monsters?" Ren stammered. In response to this, Ren looked Azumi in the eyes for a few seconds. She returned the gesture in a friendly manner. They looked to be communicating wordlessly. It was a mystery to those who knew nothing of magic, specifically telepathy. Though, the pair were not sure if Dusha didn't know any magic. Azumi merely smiled back and turned to Dusha.
"I apologize for my brother's behavior. He can be rather... protective. Anyway, having not fully introduced myself, I am Azumi and This is my brother, Ren! We are both Zoologists and my brother is my current apprentice!"
"You forgot to mention we're diplomats..." Ren groaned
"Yes, and I fear for you dear. I keep telling you how pursuing two careers at the same time can be taxing on the mind!" Azumi pouted
Ren simply rolled his eyes. And decided to change the topic. It was clear this banter did not entertain in the slightest.
"Monsters you say?" Ren said "Like cryptids? I forgot to ask, but what kind of monsters?"
Azumi then added, "Japan has it's own version of 'monsters' or 'ghosts' called yokai. Some are benevolent and wish to coexist with humans, some don't. I wonder if England has friendly monsters?"
Azumi then snapped back to reality, the man in front of her was asking a question. It would do well to converse with him to ease her worries.
"Oh, I am on a business trip!" Azumi smiled "I had just finished with my research paper about a new species of orchid on England! Apparently I have been given the right to name the species! Granted it is lacking in visually remarkable foliage as all orchids do but its biological capabilities of surviving in nature are quite the sight to behold! Also, it has pretry flowers! It seems that I have failed to mention I am from Japan!"
Azumi then thought of Ren, her "brother". Strangely, the thought of him coincidentally resulted in the disgruntled and anxious mutterings of a young man. Azumi heard it from a mile away, in fact. She already knew who this was, but did not bother to acknowledge it. Said mutterings came closer and closer until a hooded figure came in sight.
"Azumi!" Ren angrily said "Didn't I tell you to not go to random places without my permission?"
"Oh, hush dear brother!" Azumi hugged Ren "You worry too much for my safety!"
"Yeah, yeah. But I've always got a good reason to, y'know?"
"I dunno, anything happening to you- who's that?"
Ren pointed at Dusha. Doing this only got Azumi to scold him.
"Did I not tell you to avoid pointing at strangers? 'tis a rather rude gesture!" Azumi said "This man is a soldier who defends the lives of others, slaying monsters and the likes! He is from the H.W warriors, I'll have you know!"
"M-monsters?" Ren stammered. In response to this, Ren looked Azumi in the eyes for a few seconds. She returned the gesture in a friendly manner. They looked to be communicating wordlessly. It was a mystery to those who knew nothing of magic, specifically telepathy. Though, the pair were not sure if Dusha didn't know any magic. Azumi merely smiled back and turned to Dusha.
"I apologize for my brother's behavior. He can be rather... protective. Anyway, having not fully introduced myself, I am Azumi and This is my brother, Ren! We are both Zoologists and my brother is my current apprentice!"
"You forgot to mention we're diplomats..." Ren groaned
"Yes, and I fear for you dear. I keep telling you how pursuing two careers at the same time can be taxing on the mind!" Azumi pouted
Ren simply rolled his eyes. And decided to change the topic. It was clear this banter did not entertain in the slightest.
"Monsters you say?" Ren said "Like cryptids? I forgot to ask, but what kind of monsters?"
Azumi then added, "Japan has it's own version of 'monsters' or 'ghosts' called yokai. Some are benevolent and wish to coexist with humans, some don't. I wonder if England has friendly monsters?"
(( Sorry, I'll reply soon. ))
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