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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Assassin of the Caribbean

I've fallen in a river during the winter and it froze over. I've been trapped for who knows how long hoping to be found and recovered. I lost track of time ages ago. I'm surprised I haven't died yet. I feel movement. (I type longer When it comes to combat )
Clove (played by PANGAEA)

Ice plagued over the water this winter and it was a shame that my crew had to chip through the ice in order to reach the docks that stood a good mile away. Of course it wouldn't be like this the entire way. Eventually when close enough we'd have to settle with walking over the ice despite the dangers of doing so. There were always risks to take, no?

My fingers plunged into the thick crimson scarf that was secured around my neck as a pulled it up and over my lips as I discretely loathed the sting of the cold, the dryness of the air, and the clad white of the winter. It was now that I regretted not taking my voyage to the Barbados instead, but the area here was dead as far as my eyes could manage to pick out. Below I knew my crew with their clenched jaws and hardened hearts had thought the same yet here we were in one of the worst of storms. For the time being we'd have to rely on our thoughts of the sun to provide us with warmth since the clouds refused to let a single ray through.

A shout broke me from my thoughts and my eyes begrudgingly found whose shout it was. In seeing that it was directed towards me, I left my position beside the helm and began down to the deck, having to peel down my scarf in order for my voice not to be muffled or subdued by the howling wind. "Que es eso?" I asked in my primary language, my voice making it evident that I was becoming as cold as the environment.

The ones who stood before didn't utter a word and looked as though they struggled to get a word out though I did notice a body on behind their feet. It was displeasing to know that, yet again, another member of my crew had gone to waste, but my assumption was false when I pushed passed them. This was no member of my crew. As my eyes scanned over the body in which I assumed was very much dead, a few explained to me that he was found in the ice. I never doubted them for a second judging my the current weather. With a singular nod I made my way around the body that must've had a past full of combat due to all the gear he had frozen to his hips, and who knew what rested under his cloak. "Take him under and find out where he's from," the Panamanian accent was hard on my tongue, "The least we can do is return his body."

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