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Forums » Smalltalk » Assassin's Creed for the Wii-U?

Hey guys!

So in a brief Tailwind of luck, my Wii-U's online features appear to be working. *crosses fingers* I'm hoping this isn't a fluke, so I'd like to make an inquiry while I can still manage to do anything with other folks:

If you own Assassin's Creed 3 or 4, would you like to play with me in multiplayer? I'm lacking in online co-op or multiplayer games, but these are what I have to offer until Super Smash Brothers 4 comes out! I can't make guarantees that my net will hold out either--for some reason it went through a stint of Wii-U failure for almost half a year until recently--but I can certainly give things a shot while I have this boon in my lap! :D

Remember this only goes for the Wii-U. I don't believe you can cross-console game, which is a darn shame, but the Wii-U's all I've got.

And no, you are not welcome to argue about console vs console or console vs PC gaming in this thread. I'm making a request to play with others, not to debate such a hot-button issue of the gaming community. <3

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