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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Beginning of the Blue Flame(Open to Public)

Ena (played anonymously)

A small girl with electric blue hair and eyes sat on her knees, sobbing her heart out.Only a few minuets before she witnessed the destruction of her village, which was now nothing but ash covered houses and a ground covered in blood and bodies.She crawled over to her parents broken forms and cried harder.She was the only one that wasn't killed, for her mother had protected the young girl with her own body. Both her parents died for the girl and everyone else who lived in the village.The small girl cried harder and louder because the pain was to great for the child to bear.
Volvoreta had been wandering the earth as she usually did when off in the distance she saw the smoke of a burning village. With out second though she turned and made her way to the village to see what had happened and if there was any worry of the land being set ablaze. As she moved closer her ears perked up hearing the crying in the distance. The ash under her puffed out as it was disturbed by her heavy footstep. After a time she came upon the little girl crying over the bodies of her parents. moving slowly so she wouldn't alarm her she approached and leaned down. "Hush girl it was their time to go. their spirits have joined the countless in this world. They are now part of the tree's the earth, the rock, the river, and even the wind Do not cry for even now they watch over and protect you. Thank them for their gift to not mourn them for leaving.
Ena (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"B-but it's my fault they have died." the girl sobbed loudly. The child's hair started to glow electric blue as a dragon made of blue fire circled her.
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

(I will be joining you all XD)

Morganna floated down a dusty road in the forest. She saw smoke and smiled a little. *maybe someone lives there!* she thought. Her one cat ear twitched in happiness. Being a ghost meant she couldn't smell that it was actually smoke from a fire. She started to float over towards the smoke when she saw that the town was actually on fire just recently. She saw other ghost recovering from their deaths and sighed. "I was hopping for people who were ALIVE..." she muttered to herself. She looked up, her tail drooping when she saw to people. She hid behind a rock and watched them.
Volvoreta stepped back out of the way of the little circle of blue flame and sighed. "Well then there is nothing to be sad about at all. You enacted the law of nature. Things die Things live. You blaming yourself will only transform you into a Morgrid. I will offer you my help but you must chose to take it" she said and took a long bone piped that loked tobe carved from somthing femur out of her bag. Packing it with tobacco She lit it on a still msmouldering part of the village. "Come not little one let us pray. This smoke will carry your prayars to the spirits" she said taking a deep in hale before holding out he pipe to the little girl. She exhaled, and as she di her thought s flooded the area around her following hte trail of the smoke from 'Rest well Spirits. Join the others in the trees, the sky, and the stone. We thank you for all you have given.'
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

Morganna floated a little higher and listened to the womans prayer. She watched all the other ghost smile and move on with what they were doing. She grabbed a big blue and white flower that survived the fire and floated over to the sobbing girl, setting it by her.
Ena (played anonymously) Topic Starter

The child jumped at seeing the ghost.What are you doing here?I d-don't recognize you."The child said in the ghost's mind as the child prayed apologies to her village,yet the girl did not sense her parents.
Morganna Rae DeMaria (played by ChibiBlanca)

Morganna backed up a bit and exposed her ghostly tail. "I'm Morganna Rae. Mistress of the felines they call me. I was made only to harm myself as you can probably see. I came here for i thought that i would some creatures who were alive but i encountered many ghost along my path." She turned to Volvoreta. "This womans prayers are wonderful and full of hope for all the dead that i had to come closer when i found you two."
Ena (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Can you see her?"the girl asked the woman who had prayed.The girl's electric blue eyes looked sad and were clouded with pain.

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