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Forums » Looking for RP » Assassin's Creed RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I'm looking for someone to do an Assassin's creed in the Victorian era.
Are you still looking for players? I wouldn't mind trying an Assassin's Creed rp again!

Fair warning though, my only real experience with gameplay & story is from III & IV/Black Flag, and I'm lacking in OCs for it as a whole. I do however have a working knowledge of the overarching story, enough familiarity with 1800's Victorian England to get by, and am willing to adapt one of my characters for the story if that's okay with you!

And I'll be away/busy most of next week and the beginning of the following week(6/6 - 6/15). >< If that's a problem too, please let me know, and hopefully you can find a player a bit less bogged down in ignorance and work than I!
Batgeek Topic Starter

I guess that'll be okay, wanna do a thread or PM?
Thread, if that's alright? My PM box is usually pretty busy thanks to moderation stuff, so I'd hate for it to get lost amongst all the other things I handle. Also did you happen to have any ideas for a plot beyond just an A'sC RP set in the 1800's?

Also are you certain you're okay with my playing with you? By all means, if you've got a reservation or two please do let me know! It will not offend me in the slightest. :3 I like happy RP partners as much as I like good RP!
Audric Von Tambrin the black Assassin at your survase

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Assassin's Creed RP (closed)

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