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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » The Phoenix State - Vauc Berheemius

Kenelm (played by hannibal32)

The 'diplomatic' force looked nothing like it. It consisted of ten huge metal airships which had the shape of a huge metal cuboid which was around 50m long and around 20m wide. surrounding them were twenty smaller metal plated cubes these around 30m long and still 20m wide. In the very centre of the fleet was a far larger ship which was gigantic however this metal cubeoid was open on one end with lots of decks protruding out of the back of the ship. On these decks were lots of tiny single seat ships, all of which with a funnel at the back which for the small ships that were moving was belching out smoke from the steam engine inside. These small ships flew about the fleet and scouted ahead in case of trouble, however all of them made sure to keep away from the massive clouds of smoke that were belching from the huge chimneys at the back of the main airships.

All pf the main ships at the top flew the flags of the Visrain Empire, its gold star on an azure background surrounded by two crescent moons proudly on display. The ships once near the city would slow down and stop, waiting to be told where they could dock.
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter

"Of course it sounds good. I must explain my presence in this realm first... As I am a new power here, I must explain myself first so that there is no secret. Whether we leave on good or bad terms, it is only fair you know my true intentions.

I come from a realm referred to as the Overworld by it's people. In this Phoenix Imperium territory, I lead a world power by itself. It consists of five states itself and controls half the known world. As we speak here, my nation is expanding there. Under my rule, I have created peace, prosperity, top tier science programs for that time period, and a military force that is unmatched in capabilities. To make it simple, I have formed a truly free and peaceful land. All from middle of a desert that was encircled by a cursed desert.

My hopes are to fully establish this state, as we have multiple cities that will be coming to light very soon. Once fully established, I will follow the same path as I have before. When the leaders put the people's best interest first, prosperity and happiness follow. This is something I hope you do, because the people are our power, without them, we perish."

Half way through the explanation a meal was brought to the table. By time he finished, the meal was fully out. It consisted of Duck as the meat and a variety of sides and breads.

"With those words, I hope we are still on a good path. Tell me, what does this world consist of? Has it grown to support combustion engines or steam power? What kind of technology is here?"
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter

A few of the soldiers on the dragons backs would talk into their hands, giving directions to land in the hangars on the side of the walls. The smaller ships would be capable of setting inside the hangar bays. As for the larger ones, they'd have to land on the top of the walls. Once all the ships landed, their people would be welcomed and shown where to go.

These ships were unique to The Phoenix State. They had seen everything from chariots to interstellar space ships with 3xFTL drives. It was definitely something they wanted to know about. The people within the walls wouldn't know the ship had even arrived. They'd know nothing till the visitors made it out of the walls and into the city.
Emperor Raphael V (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Raphael nods throughout the explanation, taking in all the information he was providing. He was somewhat surprised of him being inter-dimensional, but he accepts it none the less. He assumes magic had a part to play in him being here, which he is perfectly okay with, as magic is a potent source within the Empire. If it isn't magic, he wouldn't have a clue on how he got here. Whatever the explanation, he believes it likely to be magic.

Luckily for him, Zaltos seems to have good intentions. His explanation of his state seems to make it out to be a form of democracy. What bad could come from a democracy? The serpent knights remain completely still, unmoving, and not saying a word.

"Aye, it has..." He pauses. "Although my empire greatly values magic, I'm sure other kingdoms or empires may have the potential for such technology but for us.... we surprisingly neglect it." His eyes dart to the meal in front of him. He removes his mental gauntlets, and pulls up his padded sleeves. If there were some cutlery where he sits, he'd dine on it straight away. If no such cutlery exists, then he'd leave it and continue to look at the pharaoh.
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter

The utensils and plates were placed in front of everyone. They were very nice, the plates made of a transparent blue glass and the utensils of platinum. Before Zaltos reached for his utensils, he'd remove his armored gloves and place them in his lap. He'd pick up his utensils and instantly claim one duck for himself.

"So you do not find the idea of nations joining together to form one nation and forming a true empire a bad idea? With proper magic and enough funding, one could even push inter-realm boundaries. The Black Pyramids make this possible. They act as a bridge, having no solid foundation in any one realm. My mages and scientists theorized about how to control their magic, but for years it has failed. Eventually something worked and the boundaries have been broken. I believe it's the gate to the Heaven's, but i'll settle for what we can do.

Each leader controls elects someone to represent their state while we, the leaders, form a united government that oversees these lands as whole. It makes our lands a super power and opens up doors for our people that many nations would kill for. While ensuring our people as a whole are safe, they will praise us and we will be the Light of this world...

This is the future I see for my land. It may not happen at this very moment, but I want brothers, not allies.
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter
If anyone is interested in looking at it and such.
Emperor Raphael V (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

Raphael smirks. He likes this pharaoh, and his ideas for such a future seem fairly ideal, if not a bit unrealistic. As there was cutlery where he sits, he begins dining upon the duck, making sure to not touch the food itself. He always found that using hands for utensils seems a bit barbaric and unhygienic.

"Black Pyramids?" He never heard of such a thing, but due to his inter-dimensional nature, he wouldn't be surprised if such a thing exists. "Well... I am here on a diplomatic mission, and since your people seem all-powerful, I wouldn't mind forming an alliance with you." He pauses. "Also: if you so claim to actually possess such power, then I have an idea. We form an alliance, and me and my people will act as a conduit for your goals. Of course, we keep our sovereignty, but we act as the super power of this world, whilst conveying your message to the ones we control."
The Crimson Cross (played by sirdoom151)

Before they manoeuvred to dock another airship moved across the sky behind them. This one silver in its colour and like a floating horizontal cross in design. Its shape more sleeker and overall far more advanced. The several tiny machines that flew around it manoeuvred far better through the skies and also carried that silver colour and had a cross shaped design. A large silver cross was painted on its side. The tiny fighters around it relaying a message into the other airships around.

(just so you know me and my friend Hannibal32 are rping the same side here.)
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter

"This is a cooperative ideal. I would appreciate this. As every land is explained, you will remain sovereign, your lands and affairs will remain as they are. Instead of standing alone, you, I, and any others who are with the Phoenix Imperium, are brothers. If one goes to war, we all go to war."

Zaltos took a few more bites before speaking, "No matter what power any single man or nation has, by themself they will fall. I have learned this first hand over the years. This is why I do this. Alone, yes, The Phoenix State is capable, but it also capable of being destoryed... The gods try to control our fates, but by joining together, no god can do anything.

So tell me more about your kingdom. How it works, your miltary, and all the stuff that makes your nation it is."

OOC: Once I finish the Phoenix Imperium forum, you'll understand a little more why I say Inter-Realm.
Kenelm (played by hannibal32)

The message was received then after a short period of time a flag unfurled from the large carrier into a huge star surrounded by ten smaller suns. From the carrier one large ship which landed on top of the walls and from it stepped ten people. All apart from one where dressed in heavy steel armour which occasionally belched smoke. The other was dressed in a grey commanders uniform. All ten stood there expectantly as if waiting for something. Occasionally glancing at the silver ship.
Emperor Raphael V (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

The serpent knights glare at the pharaoh as he mentioned gods, despite their faces being covered by a helmet, the glare was very much real. Raphael noticing the glare waves his hand to stop them. The serpent knights were just as much monks as they were warriors, so the idea of another imposing spiritual belief being present is unbearable to them. "At ease." Raphael commanded the knights before they straighten up and look forward.

Raphael takes another swig of the water before speaking. "Well... we're not a kingdom, but more an empire. Power is determined by rank and social status. That means; yes, peasants shall be peasants, and lords shall be lords." He pauses and sighs. "That's the way things are for the time being. As for our military, we're mostly reliant on a feudal hierarchy to determine the fate of our soldiers. Most weapons are privately bought by levis, although we do host tournaments for peasants to earn money. It may seem a little heartless to rely on this feudal system, but... that's what keeps our empire alive."
Arch General Promiethius (played anonymously)

Promiethius would be on the top of the wall, waiting with his men for the guests. They hoped that all would be calm, but with the oddity of their ships and numbers, they were a little on edge. Promiethius would give a few orders and the men fell into three man groups.

The Arch General stood in full armor, reflecting the sunlight like a mirror. All they could do was watch and wait. They did have numbers and such, but the last thing they wanted was someone trying to breech. He didn't expect such a number, but he also understood being protected in unknown lands.
Zaltos Kiraxo (played by kiraxo) Topic Starter

"Yes, but by the way you say it, you act like that's the only way. I've learned over the years, the the happier my people are, the better off I am. The government flourishes with money, no longer having to leave the task to the people. You will end up with a better nation that will praise you.

It's not something I expect you to diverge in right away. You know how to run your empire the best, and I know how to run mine. Let us join together to ensure our futures. We have much to offer each other, and we will both grow here. You are an empire here, while mine is still massing here." Zaltos responded.

He ignored the glares and the 'At Ease'. He didn't know what struck them, but he wasn't about to fill them with lies or secrets. It was also in his nature to not worry much.

"So, your empire is stable and successful. How have you went about expanding and securing the well being of your people?"
Emperor Raphael V (played by TheTwilightWarrior)

"Through Naval power." Raphael answers before pausing promptly. "Our ancestors' use of ships had saved them their lives. Ever since they sailed from the East into Vevaria, they conquered and prospered as a people. We believe it is in our best interests to use our navy and the ocean for the betterment of our homeland. Let's not forget our use of aqua magic and worship to the sea god Akrasius. Oh! A tip for you and your people: I wouldn't mention 'gods' in front of any Vevarian, as that would cost them their tolerance. We as a people believe in one god: Akrasius, and would rather have it no other way." He shrugs and smiles. "Just a tip. If you didn't notice my knights' less then pleasant gesture."
The Crimson Cross (played by sirdoom151)

From the skies beyond another twenty seven airships moved into sight. All of them in pairs of three, with a larger ship in the middle flanked by two smaller ones on either side. Most bore a similar design to the large group of ships that already flew through the airspace, however none of which looked as advanced as the silver one that was currently hovering above the fleet as if it was just observing them all. All the other ships flew both the flag of the sun surrounded by then ten stars as well as each trio flew a flag of their own.

Each of the larger ships sent a similar ten man detachment down to join their fellows waiting on the walls for them. All of them had the same line up: One high ranking person as well as nine guards. Once the ten had assembled they waited for someone from the city to direct them where to go.
Kenelm (played by hannibal32)

However while the emissaries waited below on the ships in the sky the airships and smaller fighters waited. All of their main cannons and smaller weapons armed and ready to fire in care of treachery. They never directly pointed their weapons at the other people but their defensive stance was there in case it was needed. A sign of little trust in others.

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