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Forums » Forum Games » Three Truths and a Lie!

I saw this on some other forums, and thought it would fit in greatly here!

To Play: One person posts Three Truths and a Lie! Everyone else has to try and guess which is the lie, and the person to get it right first has to post their 3 Truths and a Lie!


Player A:
1. I have 7 siblings.
2. I have 7 characters.
3. I've never kissed anyone.
4. I once fell off of my bed and landed on my cat, Sir Fluffkins.

Player B:
1 and 4 are too weird not to be true, and I can clearly see 2 is true, so 3 must be the lie!

Player C:
I think 2 is the lie.

Player A:
2 is the lie, because I have anonymous characters.

Thus, with the structure laid out, I guess I'll start.

1. My girlfriend thought I was gay before we started dating.
2. I have kissed a guy.
3. I have four cats, named Hobbes, Kitten, Tater, and Snowball.
4. I'm an avid Star Wars fan.
Fun Fact: NateWantsToBattle's girlfriend, MorganWant, thought he was gay before they started dating.
Anyway, 1 and 2 kinda go hand in hand so I'm gonna doubt those are the lie. I know you're a big Sci-Fi fan so 4 is probably true, so I'm going with 3.
DrWinner Topic Starter

Amazingly, you are correct. I only have 3 cats, and none of them are named Snowball.

Okie..I would think that #2 is a lie....or maybe three....ovo I'm thinking two is a lie

(Update: *cri* XD I was going to answer on time but had to do something so....yep)
Kewl! So, do I go next with the three truths and one lie? owo
DrWinner Topic Starter

Yes, you do, Fryes.

And that's what I was hoping someone would pick first, Parker!
Okay so! Here we gooo! :P
1. I have a dog named Micah.
2. My username on Pokemon Showdown is Eriselle.
3. I am a HUGE Rick Riordan fan.
4. I am also a HUGE Naruto fan.
DrWinner Topic Starter

I feel like either 3 or 4 is the lie, because they seem so simple, but I'm gonna say 1 is the lie.
Nope, try again! =w=

Pokemon Showdown?! ovo I was just playing Omega Ruby...but I would say 2
Incorrect! One more try!

Just read your profile =w= It is #4
Correct! Good job! =w=

XD I don't think I did a great job. My turn now?
Mhm, go go go! :)
DrWinner Topic Starter

Yep, your turn!

And perhaps I should add a rule to prevent people from guessing twice within like an hour, to give other people a chance to join. Hmm.


1. I am a HUGE fan of anime

2. I have 4 parakeets named Tweety, Kirby, Angel, and Blue

3. All are girls

4.I love the Pokemon series
DrWinner Topic Starter

I'm guessing that number 2 is not the lie, as number 3 hinges on it. Thus, I think 4 is the lie!
I'm going with 3, since he mentioned he was playing Pokemon OR earlier, he's evidentally a fan of anime, and it wouldn't make sense to name of his parrots for a lie, so yeah, 3.

Sorry DW (You're new nickname! :D) She is right. Only one is a girl!

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