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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Hidden bending. (Open)

Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14)

Noko grabbed a hat and stuffed her firey red hair, it was a good thing her eyes were green, she was wearing earth benders clothes and stunck out of the fire nation a few days ago and stowawaied on a ship heading for the Earth Kingdom, as soon as they got there she got off the boat and walked around the, looking at the different earth benders and people. She walked off to the woods and staied in there till the Fire nation ship left. She sat there on the ground on a hill where she could see everything.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

Sean Parks followed her gasping for air. "You-Youre sure they wont be following you here?"
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

(This is a different RP forum, it is not conneceted too Helping other benders)
Noko looked at where the voice came form, she had no clue anyone else was following her. "U-um, who are you talking about?" She actted as if she was part of the Earth Kingdom.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

(oh lol alright) "You...Girl... youre an earth bender?" Sean asked.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

(Sent app!! cool emperor drawing on DA!)
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Noko shook her head. "I'm not a bender." Noko was lying, but poorly, she wasn't use to it.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

"Okay..." Sean felt the tension in her voice, "May i ask what youre doing up here without an adult, why r u by yourself?"
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Noko tried to think of something else. "Uh, I came out her for a walk, to get some fresh air and I'm 18 so I count as an adult." Noko tried to make her voice sound casucal, but it just made her sound more like she was lying.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

"One last question, who gave you that red hair?" Sean saw she was lying and that a lock of red hair was stuffed under her earth nation hat. "If in fact your hiding something," Sean noticed he was being creepy, but he noticed she wasnt a earth nation girl. Sean suddenly bended to ice throwing knives in his hands and he sloly walked down the hill.
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

(so CRCT tests arethe state test for Georgia.... that explains it. Mines a CST for California State Test)
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

(Yeah, CRCT is short for criterion refrence compatency test lol
Noko saw that a lock of her hair had fallen out of the Earth Kingdom hat. She put her hair back in the hat she chased after the guy when she caught him and grabbed his arm. "Please....... don't tell anyone." She said catching her breath. "I can't go back...."
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

Sean dropped the knives. "Girl...Someone aughtta teach you how to lie... So why'd you leave... We should probably talk up here so noone hears. Sean saw her eyes look at the two knives. Sean said quickly, "So you didnt attack me..."
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Noko look up at the guy. "I just can't stay there...... it's hard to explain." Noko paused when she realized that he thought she might attack him. "I wouldn't attack anyone here unless they attack me first."
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

"I see...The burns on your hands did u attack a firebender...?" Sean asked strangely patiently
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Noko looked at the burn scars on her hands and sighed. "My brother changelled me to a duel when I was younger, as soon as it begon he aimed for my face but I blocked it with my hands, I didn't know how to bend yet during that time."
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

"Does it still burn? Is that why you left the fire nation?" Sean asked patiently seeing the pained expression on her face.
Nokoribi (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Noko shook her head. "No to both questions, I left the fire nation because I'm the............" Noko shook her head. "Nevermind that last part, I left because my father is abusive and I can't stand being there."
Sean Parks (played by jyoshi)

"Have i told you that you cant lie. I'm not turning you in.... so go on..." Sean said urging her to continue.

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