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Forums » Smalltalk » so, who remembers my troublesome cat?


i told the story of my cat, kratos, who kept getting outside thru our broken window and hurting herself. We found her another home about 20 miles away. similarly, calypso was given another home. Both escaped through the front doors of their homes, and vanished. I was distraught, especially when i saw a haggard cat that looked like kratos at walmart, but it wouldnt notice me. Today, derek found kratos. She ventured all the way back to a few miles from our house to a friends house. Shes doing great, healthy, and had just caught a huge mouse. she reacted to her name and came up, but ran from him when he tried to get her in the van (she always hated it and im sure being relocated in it didnt help). I considered trying to get her back but she seems happy, even has a nest there. I'll always be able to check in on her there, and she's livinghow she always wanted to. always had a fighter spirit. I know her life expectancy will be lower, but whats the point of her having a long one if she's miserable in domestication?
Minerva Topic Starter

Continued, cal returned, fat as a cow and pregnant. We dont want to move her cuz of how pregnant she is from the wild, and will take care of her again for a while. This marks three pets taking a fantastic voyage back to us. One traveled 80 miles from the ranch she was moved to. she wasnt ours, perse, but was the neighborhood stray everyone loved so moved to a good home. she showed back up on our doorstep. That was who was my dog, charlie's, mom

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