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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Holy Horn

Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

Drake yawned and warily shuffled along. The trek had been long and treacherous, but his hopeful moment of freedom was almost at hand. Drake just wished it would only come sooner. The ravine seemed to be getting closer, yet it still felt like it would take forever to reach it.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

As Von ran he realizes seeing a bridge that goes over the ravine. He may have taken this route plenty of times but it has been while so it isn't so surprising if the Kindgom decided to build a bridge to go over it instead of taking the route to go through it. Plus going over the ravine will count some valuable time off there arrive time to the Capitol. First he runs swinging left for a bit and then swings back right with bridge directly ahead of them now. "I do hope nothing bad happens.." he says to himself as he continues to jog and glance back at everyone else.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha looked at the bridge suspiciously. She ran forward got as high up as she could by standing on Von's shoulders. "Excuse me." She said, she was actually pretty light though, he barely felt her. She looked around surveying the surroundings. She frowned and jumped down. "Thank you." She said as she made the prisoners move faster and stayed close behind them. She made sure she had weapons at the ready.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

He kicked a pebble, listlessly counting the clouds in the sky. It was an awfully cloudy day actually, and it was only getting worse. The entrance of the ravine was just in sight. Drake continued along, the backs of his captors facing him.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

Von smiles as he feels Sasha standing on his shoulders, amazed on how light she is. Once she got up he looks behind and saw she was tensing up for a fight, in which for him seeing her tense up, made him tense up a bit, preparing for a possible attack. Soon he gets to the bridge and starts to cross it.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha was always aware of her surroundings, years of training had taught her to be so. She didn't trust Drake, he seemed to happy to be headed this way. She made a mental note of how many people were ahead of her so she was ready if she sensed anyone else. She hissed at her prisoners to move faster.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

in the middle of the bridge a creaking sound suddenly alerted Drake.

"H-hey, what was that?"

A sense of dread filled Drake, as he realized these dolts had put way more stress on this bridge than it could handle. Under the combined stress of everybody's weight, even the seemingly lightweight woman, the bridge had formed a dangerous arc curving downwards.

Drake realized why he felt so horrible. It was because this ravine hadn't had any activity other than the group's movement, yet it was supposed to be a thriving underworld. They should have seen a thug or two by now, so what was the deal?

"Hey folks...I think we are in a situation here. We need to get off this bridge, or we may be ambushed-"

The darkness below lit up like tinsel, blasting the front and back of the bridge with the intent to destroy it. The weakened plank below Drake and some of the bandits finally gave, sending them hurtling down into the ravine.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

Von initial ignores Drake's plead but when seeing the bridge starting to break, he looks back, drops his cart and yells "Let's go! We need to get off!" but before he could dart off, his foot broke one of the planks started to make him fall.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha groans. She manages to grab the prisoners rope and tie them to an intact part of the bridge, she grabs Von's hand and makes him hold on to the rope. She glared at Drake before looking down into the ravine. "This is no way to welcome a woman. Since you're obviously not gentlemen, I'll have to come down to you. Just don't hurt these people." She looks at Von and the others. "Don't look down, let go, or say anything." She salutes before dropping down through a broken part of the bridge.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

The rope pulled taut and knocked the wind out of his lungs. This woman certainly didn't hold back at all. Some of the less unfortunate bandits had their rope snapped, and they simply fell to their doom. Drake's rope himself almost broke, but he held onto the cliff with the spikes in his boots. She had saved their lives, then again she was partly responsible for bringing them through this route.

However what she said next had a profound effect on him. Drake wasn't an idiot to let her go down by herself. She may be powerful, but there's only so much any person can handle until they are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemies.

"Lady, I'll be damned if you dont bring anyone to help ya. In fact I woulda helped if I wasn't bounded and treated like a criminal. Hell, I may not be in the place ta say it, but your cocky attitude needs to be kept in check by an outsider. Take the man with the gauntlets with ya. He's bound to be able to help ya. You can just tie us onto the cliff and do your work. I promise I'll keep an eye out for ya."

Drake was sincere in his words. He did not have any wish to meet the same fate as the more unfortunate thieves nor did he want to see more unnecessary violence.
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

As he daggled on the rope, Von made frown as he sees his cart full of cargo fall into the darkness of the ravine. "Dammit, I'm never gonna get that wagon now" he said to himself even though his life being on the line. He looks at the face of the ravine and notices that it has jagged surface and not being so comfortable on a rope that could break, he starts to swing the rope and flings himself upon the side of the ravine, able to get a grip on it. He looks at Sasha and says "I'm going to climb back up and try if I can pull these guys up!" In reality, even though he's strong enough to pull a cart full of stuff, there is no way in telling he'll be successful in pulling Drake and what's left of the bandits up, but for him it's the least he could try to do in repayment for protecting his cart.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha landed safely on the ground. As she landed a flash of light happened, when it disappeared Sasha was standing in a small crater looking around. "Well." She demanded. "Reveal yourselves cowards." She quickly glanced up to make sure Von and Drake were okay.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

Around Sasha was an eerie quiet. It was like nothing was ever there, save for the fresh footprints and the equally as fresh mangled bodies of the deceased bandits. There were many tunnels in front and behind her, obviously a sign of an intricate network of foul players. Each one was equally as dark, and none seemed to give away a sense of right or wrong direction.

Up above Drake felt his rope snap a little more as the boy tried to pull them up. It was really shaving away at his sanity. The moment another string of the rope popped Drake cried out loud.

"Stop! Stop pulling! The damn rope is going to snap! I have a life to live...Or so I would like to say."
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

"Fine then! Then just hang around! I'm going down"Von yelled out as gently placed the rope were it was and started to climb down the ravine. As he climbed down he thought to himself "If I can help this guy I might as well help her" and slowly made his down.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Sasha studied the tunnels curiously. "How do you feel about heat cowards!" She yelled before shooting balls of fire into all nearby tunnels she detected life forces in. She looked up at Von. "Stay up there idiot!" She then looked at Drake. "Stop your whining. I'll catch you if you fall. Maybe."
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

The life forms within the tunnel scurried out, revealing themselves to be rats, mice, and other pesky rodents of sorts. Other than that, it seemed like the caverns were deserted. Drake watched Von descend, and looked to the bandits.

"So what's your names?"





"Wilfred? What kind of god awful name is that?"

"Shut up before I knock your teeth out."
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

Hearing the talking between Drake and Whilfred as he climb down he said to himself "He thinks Wilfred is weird, I'm surprised he doesn't think my name is wierd...oh wait a never told him" he chuckles to himself as he sits in place as Sasha ordered him not to go down. "I guess I'll hang around here then" he said as he looks up and then looks down. He smiles at Drake and asks "So enjoying the mile high club?" Trying to elevate to tense atmosphere of life and death.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Well, since you're too cowardly to come out, I guess I'll just leave." She walked over to the cliff shaking her head at their cowardice. She looked up at Von and Drake and rolled her eyes before starting to climb the cliff, all the while muttering something about men.
Drake Brygida (played by Quantipede)

The reason why it seemed like there was nobody within the maze of the caverns was because there in fact wasn't anybody in the caverns.

"Hey Wilfred, Wilfred, Wilfred, Wilfred, Wilfred-"

"Stop that, I'm surprised your mother was willing to fornicate, considering what a monster she created!"

"You know Wilfred, you're smarter than your friends here."

One of the other bandits stirred.

"Hey, watch yer mouth, if my hands were untied, I would strangle ya and skin yer hide!"

"They're not even my friends, I'm only in it to feed my family..."

"Your family? Jeez, you have it rough. I needed to have some cash as well, but that was to support myself..."

"Yeah, I really miss em...I even have a photo of them in the lapel of my jacket- Look out behind you!"

A concussive hit to the back of Drake's head knocked his senses loose. A hail of boulders and rocks were let loose into the ravine, rolling down menacingly. One of the boulders smashed into Wilfred's face, dislocating his neck back and causing the rope to snap. Wilfred had been the one tied next to Drake, and all the bandits were behind the poor chap, so all of the bandits ended up plummeting to their doom. Airships above the ravine then let loose grappling hooks, and menacing figures began their descent down by the hundreds. The situation at hand was spiraling out of control. Drake groaned, his head lolled to one side in a half conscious attempt.

"What the heck...This wasn't supposed to happen...Could it be they want to claim the bounty on my head for themselves? God damn it! I hate this underhanded life. I never wanted any of this fer crying out loud...Hey kid, are ya still there? I don't think it's worth the hassle to try to keep me around with ya. Cut me loose, it's what they've always done to the weak anyways."
Voncolonel and Kurom (played by maxd234) Topic Starter

Von looks at Drake after looking at the airship and says "Well you are a hassle, but you're not my responsibility but..." he pulls out one of his pistols and takes aim at the rope. "Sasha! Make sure you catch this guy!" He yells out and then fires, snapping the rope that held Drake up. "Have a nice fall" he said as he watches him fall. "Now for me" he utters as he makes his way down.

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